2023, Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language,

The world's two largest democracies India and US year after year have proved that diversity is our strength. Although in the past their relationship has faced many ups and downs but looking towards the future they are convinced that it is time to embark on a new and purposeful direction in their relationship. Together they represent a fifth of world's people, more than quarter of the world's economy. They have built creative, entrepreneurial societies and have become leaders in the information age. The current of commerce and culture that link our societies run strong and deep. In many ways, the character of the 21 st century world will depend on the success of our cooperation for peace, prosperity, democracy and freedom. The world is increasingly coming together around the democratic ideals india and US have long championed and lived by. That presents us with an opportunity, but also a profound responsibility to work together on the shared ideals and to bring a natural partnership of shared endeavours. In the new century, India and the United States will be partners in peace, with a common interest in and complementary responsibility for ensuring regional and international security. We will engage in regular consultations on, and work together and with others for, strategic stability in Asia and beyond. We will bolster joint efflorts to counter terrorism and meet other challenges to regional peace. We will strengthen the international security system, including in the United Nations and support the United Nations in its peacekeeping efforts. We acknowledge that tensions in South Asia can only be resolved by the nations of South Asia. India is committed to enhancing cooperation, peace and stability in the region.