Tinnitus and the Triple Network Model: A Perspective

Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology

Tinnitus is defined as the conscious awareness of a sound without an identifiable external sound source, and tinnitus disorder as tinnitus with associated suffering. Chronic tinnitus has been anatomically and phenomenologically separated into three pathways: a lateral “sound” pathway, a medial “suffering” pathway, and a descending noise-canceling pathway. Here, the triple network model is proposed as a unifying framework common to neuropsychiatric disorders. It proposes that abnormal interactions among three cardinal networks—the self-representational default mode network, the behavioral relevance-encoding salience network and the goal-oriented central executive network—underlie brain disorders. Tinnitus commonly leads to negative cognitive, emotional, and autonomic responses, phenomenologically expressed as tinnitus-related suffering, processed by the medial pathway. This anatomically overlaps with the salience network, encoding the behavioral relevance of the sound stimulus. Chron...