2023, Albergo dei Poveri, Genova, 14-15-16 settembre
"It is with great pleasure that I present the 36th congress of the Italian Political Science Association. Our annual event has tremendously grown after the pandemic break. In numbers as well as in qualitative terms. The adoption of international and selective standards for the preparation of our programme has yielded a positive outcome: the SISP conference is now among the five top political science events in Europe. A number of international scholars are expected in Genoa. We have super-interesting plenary sessions and round tables, touching very sensible problems and aiming to respond to the most crucial challenges for our discipline. After all, in order to keep playing its pivotal role in shaping our contemporary society, political science has to continuously redefine its ever-evolving boundaries and search for innovative approaches in methodology and communication. To fully understand political phenomena, we need to keep changing: this is our “fate”. I believe the Italian community of scholars is responding adequately to such a challenge, and our conference has become an essential venue to understand where we are, share our findings, exchange ideas, and engage in new and provoking discussions. The diversity of the topics covered by our conference sections serves as a testament to our commitment to the quest for change and improvement. In our effort to envisage our future work, we also have to pay a tribute to our founding fathers. Italian political science has a short but significant history. In Genoa we celebrate 50 years from the foundation of our first organisational project (the political science section of the Italian Association of Social Sciences) and, above all, we have a timely opportunity for some reflection on the long-term transformations of our mission. This is a big responsibility. Of course. But also a privilege. Contributing to the development of an inclusive, open-minded political analysis certainly responds to the compelling questions of our time, but also to the expectations of our founding fathers. Let us use this congress as a catalyst for our progress. Let us nurture critical thinking and disciplinary pluralism. Let us promote mutual exchange among our communities, here represented by sections and standing groups. And let us have fun in the gorgeous Genoa, where a group of enthusiastic colleagues have worked hard to make this great conference possible". The President Luca Verzichelli