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The complexity of the construction work, the risk of workplace accidents become higher, so the Health and Safety Work Management System (SMK3) important to be implemented in the construction company. Therefore, it is necessary to know how far the extent of implementation SMK3 especially in construction services company in Kupang City. This study used the questionnaire. The result of questionnaires data collection is processed using the Normalization de Boer formula and analyzed with concept of Traffic Light System. The survey results revealed that the percentage of SMK3 implementation in construction services company in Kota Kupang is 62.38% (yellow category) and the accident rate is on the green category. This explained that SMK3 implementations are at level 2 (safe enough). Based on the type of company, BUMN enterprises have SMK3 implementation of 87.10% and domestic private firms by 56.06%. SMK3 implementation for 5-10 year-old company at 47.85%, 10-20 years-old company at 54.18%...
Abstrak Strategi e-Government dihasilkan dari harapan dari masyarakat untuk dapat menggunakan Internet teknologi sebagai sarana strategis komunikasi dan hubungan dengan publiknya sektor, virtualisasi pengiriman layanan publik. Untuk memenuhi harapan ini, hukum negara memaksa semua dewan kota Spanyol untuk dapat menyediakan layanan mereka secara elektronik. Studi kasus disajikan merinci bagaimana e-Benidorm's strategi pemerintah dibuat dan dilaksanakan. Ini dapat menghasilkan wawasan berharga ke dalam identifikasi dan manajemen masalah kritis selama berevolusi dan pencapaian proses bisnis kembali desain di e-government lokal terhadap seorang warga negara pendekatan sentris .
Promosi kesehatan adalah suatu kegiatan penyampaian ilmu dan informasi kesehatan kepada individu, kelompok, keluarga dan masyarakat dengan tujuan dari tidak mampu menjadi mampu merubah kebiasaan yang sesuai dengan prinsip kesehatan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupannya secara mandiri dan menerapkan sepanjang hidupnya. Kesehatan sesuai dengan pengertian dalam Undang-Undang Kesehatan mencakup lima aspek dalam kehidupan yaitu kondisi fisik, sosial, psikis, ekonomi dan rohani. Untuk mencapai mencapai tingkat perubahan perilaku yang signifikan maka harus ada program promosi kesehatan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik, masalah dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Untuk mencapai tingkat kesesuaian tersebut maka dapat digunakan model pendekatan PRECEDE PROCEED. Dalam model pendekatan PRECEDE dilakukan beberapa fase diagnosis untuk membantu masyarakat menemukan dan menentukan masalah yang ada. Berdasarkan fase diagnosis yang telah dilakukan di Kelurahan Kalijudan RT 5 RW 6 maka disimpulkan bahwa masalah kesehatan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat adalah masalah sosial. Masalah sosial yang dihadapi meliputi rendahnya minimnya interaksi antarwarga terutama kaum perempuan karena beberapa alasan tertentu. Setelah menemukan masalah kesehatan utama yang terjadi di masyarakat maka langkah selanjutnya akan memasuki model pendekatan PROCEED meliputi fase implementasi sampai evaluasi. Dalam makalah ini akan dibahas berbagai hal yang mencakup implementasi program yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah sosial yang terjadi pada warga Kelurahan Kalijudan RT 5 RW 6. Program promosi kesehatan yang kami tawarkan untuk mengatasi minimnya interaksi sosial antarwarga khususnya kaum perempuan diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi yang ideal dan tepat untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.
A current issue of ineffective extension programs has led to agreat number of novice farmers. Based on the issue, this present study is aimed at developing an appropriate model of participatory farming extension program for novice farmers in order to improve their welfare and group's dynamic develpoment, focusing on extension phases and instructional management. Theoretical foundations for the study are participatory learning, adult learning, community development and empowerment, and agriculture extensions theories. In the testing of hypothesis, the study adopts a research and development method with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Data were collected by questionnaire, interview and documentary study. An experimental pilot study was conducted in Cileunyi Sub-district and followed by the main study in the districts of Rancaekek and Cilengkrang, two sub-districts in Bandung District. The subjects were two groups of novice farmers of 11 members respectively and randomly selected for experimental and control groups. T-test and testing of effectiveness are two techniques adopted to identify the model effectiveness.The finding shows that the application of a participatory farming extension model can improve : (1) farmers' knowledge, attitudes, and skills, (2) their welfare, (3) group dynamics, and (4) possible program sustainability.The conclusions are as follows : (1) at exploratory stage, the adopted extension model was LAKU and it was not suitable to novice farmers, (2) the application of participatory farming extension model is guided by the curriculum and flexible when combined with adult learning concept, (3) the results of t-test show that there are significant correlations between learning principles, strategies, and phases, and the roles of learning resources, learners, group dynamics, and program continuity, and the improvement of farmers' knowledge, attitudes, skills, and welfare. The model is effective in developing novice farmer groups as indicated by the increased group status score of 277,5 which makes them advanced class of farmer groups.
PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Salah satu jenis pajak Daerah yang cukup potensial untuk membiayai penyelenggaraan pemerintahan Daerah adalah pajak parkir, selain lima jenis pajak lainnya yaitu pajak hotel, pajak reklame, Pajak Restoran, pajak hiburan, dan pajak penerangan jalan. Pajak parkir memungkinkan memberikan kontribusi besar bagi pendapatan Daerah apabila dikelola dengan baik dan berkesinambungan oleh aparat Pemerintah Daerah.
Departemen Pertanian masih menggunakan sistem informasi manual atas pembayaran.
The purpose of this research to knowing the evaluation of implementation policy in flood disaster management adopted by the local government in a residential area of Pondok Gede Permai (PGP), Bekasi City, period 2013-2014. Pondok Gede Permai (PGP) as the worst locations from the disaster effect with the water depth reached ± 5 meters in 2013 and ± 3.5-4 meters in 2014 caused by high rainfall, damaged embankments, and runoff water. This flood disaster not just happened when a disaster occurs that repeated five years namely in 2002, 2007, and 2013 but it has happened since 1993, 1997, and 2005. Policy such as embankments repairs has been doing since Bekasi District authority until their administrative transition into Bekasi City. This raises several issues that can be studied is how the implementation policy was to do? How is the evaluation from that implementation policy? And, what the factors encountered in flood disaster management in residential area of PGP? This research uses a mixed methodology approach to evaluation by William Dunn. The population in this research is a residential community in Pondok Gede Permai, Jatiasih, Kota Bekasi. Sampling technique used is non probability sampling with purposive sampling type and the total sample is 95 respondents. The technique of collecting data through observation, structured interviews, questionnaires, and literature study. Data were analyzed using a combination of approaches, namely quantitative questionnaires with the highest score of 5 (five) and the lowest value of 1 (one) as well as qualitative data with reduction, data presentation, and draw conclusions.
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Phronesis: Jurnal Teologi dan Misi
Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 2019
Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Bisnis (JRMB) Fakultas Ekonomi UNIAT, 2018
Reaktor-Buletin Pengelolaan Reaktor, 2010