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Codrul Cosminului
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Once with the occupation of Bucovina in 1774, the spreading of German culture was one of the many consequences. This was made through different ways, one of them, with a great impact, was the Theater. If at the beginning the theatre was promoted by various companies from the whole Empire, with the passing of the time, the theatrical institution becomes a reality when a special location was builded. From the most important companies which had performed at Chernovtsy (in most of the cases on improvised stages), we mention those leaded by Iosef Neuberg,
Cercetări Arheologice, 2020
Cercetările arheologice sistematice efectuate în situl pluristratificat de la Săveni-La Movile (județul Ialomița) au permis evidențierea, printre altele, a două niveluri de locuire eneolitice aparținând culturii Cernavodă I. În cuprinsul acestora, pe lângă inventarul obișnuit, au fost descoperite și șase fragmente ceramice cucuteniene, databile în etapa Cucuteni B 2 , ce reprezintă importuri în mediul cultural Cernavodă Ib. De asemenea, din cuprinsul a trei complexe arheologice (complexul nr. 4, complexul nr. 5 și locuința nr. 1), aparținând celui deal doilea nivel de locuire Cernavodă Ib (mai recent), au fost prelevate eșantioane de oase de animale ierbivore, care au fost analizate ulterior prin metoda radiocarbonului (14 C) la laboratorul din Poznan (Polonia), datele fiind apoi calibrate cu programul OxCal 4.2, dezvoltat de Universitatea din Oxford (Marea Britanie). Cele trei date plasează locuirea Cernavodă Ib de la Săveni în intervalul 3700-3500 B.C. Astfel, informațiile de cronologie relativă și absolută confirmă sincronismul existent între etapa Cucuteni B 2 și faza Cernavodă Ib. De altfel, la finalul eneoliticului din spațiul carpato-danubiano-pontic, cultura Cernavodă I a evoluat mai ales în prima jumătate a mileniului IV î.H., fiind sincronă pentru o lungă perioadă de timp cu faza Cucuteni B. Menționăm faptul că în prezentul studiu au fost incluse toate datele radiocarbon (14 C) certe existente în prezent pentru faza Cucuteni B și cultura Cernavodă I, cele credibile fiind avute în vedere în analiza noastră cronologică. Résumé: Nouvelles dates chronologiques pour les cultures cernavodă i et cucuteni, suite aux recherches archéologiques de săveni (département de ialomiȚa) Les recherches archéologiques programmées effectuées sur le site pluristratifié de Săveni-La Movile (département de Ialomiţa) ont mis en évidence, entre autres, deux niveaux d'habitats énéolithique appartenant à la culture Cernavodă I. Mis à part l'inventaire habituel, nous avons découvert six fragments de céramiques attribués à l'étape Cucuteni B 2 , représentant des importations dans un contexte culturel Cernavodă Ib. De même, à l'intérieur de trois complexes archéologiques (complexe no. 4, complexe no. 5 et l'habitation no. 1), tous situés au deuxième niveau d'habitation Cernavodă Ib (plus récent), des échantillons d'ossements animaux herbivores ont été prélevés et analysés ultérieurement par la méthode du radiocarbone (14 C) au laboratoire de Poznan (Pologne). Les dates ainsi obtenues ont été calibrées à l'aide du programme OxCal 4.2, développé par l'Université de Oxford (Grande Bretagne). Ces trois dates permettent de situer l'occupation Cernavodă Ib de Săveni dans l'intervalle chronologique 3700-3500 av. J.-C. Ainsi, les informations de chronologie relative et absolue confirme le synchronisme existant entre l'étape Cucuteni B 2 et la phase Cernavodă Ib. Au sein de l'espace carpato-danubiano-pontique, la culture Cernavodă I a évoluée vers la fin de l'énéolithique, notamment durant la première moitié du IV ème millénaire av. J.-C., en synchronie avec la phase Cucuteni B, et ce durant une longue période. Dans cette étude nous avons repris toutes les dates radiocarbone (14 C) disponibles pour la phase Cucuteni B et la culture Cernavodă I, les plus crédibles étant incluses dans notre analyse chronologique.
Tyragetia, 2015
Bells used in Christian churches are documentary sources due to the inscriptions, decorations and coats of arms available on them. Depending on the language in which the inscriptions were made, old bells had different names. The bells used to be donated to the churches by private persons, by the right of the founder, or by communities; the oldest bells of the medieval Moldavian state date back to the reign of Stephen the Great. The alloy used for bell casting contained copper, brass and a minor amount of silver or other elements. Bellfounders were itinerant, traveling from church to church to cast bells, the furnaces were built on sites, and the casting of large bells was carried out only during the warmer months. The most lasting operation was building the furnace and constructing the mold, and the most dangerous process was pouring the melt metal in a mold. This was followed by controlled cooling the bell, removing the mold material after the metal has solidifi ed, and finishing t...
Crisia LII, Supliment nr. 1, 2022
When we started the archaeological research in the Bronze Age tell settlement and Middle Ages Monastery at Sântion, back in 2015, we paid special attention to landscape research near the site. During the documentary stage we encountered some remarks that indicated that the landscape around the site had changed radically over a few decades, which would underline the idea that the archaeological landscape from the Bronze Age it was quite different from what we see today. Subsequently we searched for the maps that allow to determine the extent of the changes in the Crișul Repede river course and to analyze the relation between the tell-settlement and Crișul Repede river. In 2022, after a period marked by financial shortages and the break forced by the COVID-19 epidemic, we managed to resume work on this site.
Argonaut eBooks, 2022
Revista istorică, 2023
The city of Timişoara was one of the most important urban settlements in the southern parts of the Hungarian medieval kingdom. In 1552, following a brutal military campaign, Timişoara and its surroundings were occupied by Ottomans and integrated in the Empire. Although in the beginning was a real shock for the Christian communities inside the city (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox), the religious life continued under Turkish rule. A lot of documents from the second half of the 16th century offer information about the cohabitation between different Christian denominations and, of course, the Christian-Muslim relations. The Ottoman authorities had established the best relations with Serbian Orthodox church, recognizing many of its privileges, even allowing the foundation of a Serbian Orthodox bishopric inside the city. The Catholic and Protestant communities felt much stronger Ottoman pressure, because the two Christian denominations tried to get support from Turkish authorities in their dispute over faith. In the early 1580, the Holy See sent the first missionaries to the city in order to help Catholic inhabitants and to stop Reformation to spread among them. The Protestant believers had their own dispute with the Catholics, but were not united at all: a few Lutherans, some Calvinists and even a curious Antitrinitarian bishopric under influence of Judaic theology can be found inside the city in the second half of the 16th century
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2019
Rezumat Rădăcinile prezentului. Teatrul Liric din Chişinău La 6 august 1918, în capitala Basarabiei a avut loc primul spectacol de operă, "Faust" de Ch. Gounod. Prin cântăreții, dirijorii din acea perioadă s-au transmis "secrete" ale teatrului muzical, valabile şi pentru artiştii de azi. Ne-am referit, în special, la interpreții autohtoni, încercând să demonstrăm existența unei verigi între artiştii de ieri şi de azi. Spre exemplu tenorul G. Borelli, interpret al rolului titular din opera "Faust", a fost şi pedagog de canto al unor cunoscuți solişti ai Teatrului de Operă şi Balet din anii '60, iar reputatul tenor de azi, M. Muntean, a fost elevul unui alt mare tenor, N. Diducencu, care şi-a făcut studiile în clasa de canto a legendarei L. Lipcovscaia. Am urmărit şi alte exemple din domeniul vocalului. Ne-am propus şi o trecere în revistă a activității regizorilor cu începere de la I. Gorschi, de la Opera Basarabeană, şi terminând cu directorii de scenă din zilele noastre. Am încercat să-i amintim şi pe dirijorii de operă, constatând că primul a fost M. Bârcă, iar pe A. Samoilă considerându-l unul dintre cei mai profesionişti conducători de orchestră pe care i-a avut vreodată Teatrul Liric din Chişinău. Am remarcat, totodată, şi aportul pe care l-au adus la dezvoltarea teatrului din Chişinău şi artiştii invitați special pentru anumite spectacole.
Cercetări Arheologice, 2012
A major real estate development required a rescue archaeology intervention in the very downtown Bucharest, mainly between February and June 1996. A large section, 75 long and about 3 m large was made in the street, mostly mechanically, just in the front of the National History Museum. The archaeological rescue digging documented 12 rooms belonging to a large inn, built by a famous Ruler of the Romanian Country (Ţara Românească), Constantin Brâncoveanu, in the last decade of the XVIIlh century. This kind of inn, of Oriental inspiration, is typical for the passage from Late Middle Age to Modem times, and is, in fact, a complex project including hosting areas, enclosure for animals, large storehouses, but usually churches also. Flourishing in towns with a certain demographic growth, but with a very poor communication means, like Bucharest, the inns were supposed to gather all goods needed by community in five months of cold and wet weather, when the road network was impracticable. The inn functioned about 160 years, until around 1860, the internai spaces being frequently restored, up to 7 times. Despite the fact that the landlord was unique, for its entire existence, a comparison between the type of internai rehabilitation operations proved that the initiative was lefi on tenants, the sequence type offloors (wood, bricks or vegetal cover) being unrepeatable. The use ofthe spaces-when proved by micromorphological study-is also distinctive, either cooking area, workshops connected with open fire, or even stables for sheep, for some relatively short episodes. Those 12 rooms are placed on the western wing of the building, on the main facade, facing a major street-Podul Mogoşoaiei-studied in the southem end of the archaeological section. The public road was made of wooden boards supported by wooden pillars buried under the walking levei, similarly with a bridge, from which the street took its name ("pod" meaning bridge). This type of public street, made entirely of wood, is documented in wet lowlands, where stone is not available, like Timişoara (western Romania). The history of the place begins during the late XV 1 h century, for which deep buried huts were discovered. For the mid XVIlh century a new type ofhouse was in use, made ofwood, relatively large and with cellars, typical for aristocracy. In the XVIIlh century this strip of land was no more a constructive area, a little cemetery being discovered in the southem part of the trench. The layers dated between the cellar-houses and the inn are first in which fragments of bricks and mortar were recorded, probably from buildings in proximity. Regarding the political history of the Romanian countries, it might be surprising that from our discoveries Ottoman co ins are missing. W e found instead some Turkish pipes, a good witness of adopting an oriental lifestyle. This paper also presents the main results of the sedimentological and micromorphological study performed on Constantin Vodă Inn archaeological site. The field study firstly considered in the analysis of the sedimentary successions observed on the main stratigraphic profiles and the identification of the different types of units. The main diagnostic criteria observed in the field at the macroscopic leveitexture, structure, color, nature of constituents, homogeneity and degree of compaction-allowed establishing a typology of sedimentary facies necessary for the interpretation in terms of mechanisms of formation, in order to identify human activities and post-abandon transformations of the accurnulated deposits. Thus, different types of construction and arrangement units, occupation units and natural accumulations were recognized. Micromorphological analysis, at the microscopic scale, brings detailed information on the sedimentary units and thus contributes to a better interpretation of the archaeological levels. Extraordinary information provided by this study is the identification of sferulites, structures indicating the presence of the domestic animals (Ovis/Capra) in spaces fitted out with a wooden floor. The palinological expertise-the first ever done in an archaeological site from Bucharest-revealed a predominance of a ruderal vegetation, followed by hydrophilic vegetation and lowlands trees, but not cereals, explained by the position is in the middle of the medieval town.
Diplomaţia. Importanţa şi "jocul" diplomatului în secolele XVII-XVIII (Mircea BRIE) .
Sergiu Moraru: 75 de ani de la naștere, 2021
Spiritual patron of the gymnasium from Obreja Veche, the folklorist Sergiu Moraru honors his mission ‒ in relation to the young generation ‒ through the model of his becoming and through the opera. The vocation folklorist needs vocation pedagogues, who can adjust the potential of the biography and the work in attractive projects for the pupils of the gymnasium that bears his name, but also for those from the Gymnasium no. 1 from Olacu commune, Giurgiu district (Romania). To motivating them to know more about the museums and libraries in the locality ‒ the patrimonial dimension of their existence, in which Sergiu Moraru’s destiny is a kind of guide. The attractive reason for becoming a folklorist is the reason for vocation, calling, crucial categories, generating controversy and lessons according to the age of the two institutions united in a project. The beneficial nuance, offered from Italy by the poet and pedagogue Iurie Bojoncă, refers to the importance of the family and the nati...
Peisajele culturale istorice ale României şi posibilităţile lor de valorificare. În România cercetarea sistematică a peisajelor se află abia la început. Peisajele culturale istorice şi elementele lor se găsesc peste tot, dar în prezent ele sunt supuse unor modificări rapide şi necontrolate. Cu toate că România a aderat în 2002 la Convenţia Europeană a Peisajelor, rezultatele unei valorificări în cadrul planurilor de dezvoltare durabilă se lasă aşteptate. România se află la intersecţia unor mari regiuni ale Europei (Centrale, de Sud est şi de Est), ceea ce îi conferă un amestec caracteristic de peisaje culturale, create de majoritatea română, dar şi de numeroasele minorităţi. Aceste peisaje culturale istorice în prezent sunt periclitate, din cauza depopulării, a emigrării unor minorităţi şi din cauza reînnoirilor accelerate şi necontrolate, mai cu seamă după 1990. Se impune o strategie prin care să se asigure o colaborare a factorilor de decizie locale şi regionale cu organizaţiile l...
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Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Umanistice, 2015
Revista de istorie şi teorie literară, 2023
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, 2009
Analele Banatului XXVI 2018, 2018
Proceedings of the International Conference on Onomastics ”Name and Naming”.
Cercetări Arheologice, 2020
Argumentation, 2009
Revista Romana de Sociologie, 2011
Cercetări Arheologice, 2012
Cercetări Arheologice, 2000
Revista Română de Sociologie, 2011
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Cercetări Arheologice, 2021
Saeculum Christianum
Cercetări arheologice, 2022