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The decay dynamical path is determined within the macroscopic-microscopic model for the emission of 24Ne from 232U. The nuclear shape parametrization is characterized five degrees of freedom. The single particle energies and the nucleon wave functions are obtained within the superasymmetric Woods-Saxon two center shell model. It turns out that the cluster decay follows a potential magic valley, starting from the ground state of the parent and reaching a configuration of two touching nuclei at scission. A small pocket in the potential barrier is evidenced, as a result of large shell effects in the nascent fragments. The half-life is computed by using several approaches for the effective mass. It is shown that the inertia within by the gaussian overlap approach gives the closest values to the experimental ones. Half-lives for different cluster decays are predicted. The theoretical values are compared to various phenomenological estimates.
Physical Review C, 2003
The stability and/or instability of the deformed and superdeformed nuclei, 133−137 60 Nd, 144−158 64 Gd, [177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][192][193][194][195][196][197][198] Pb parents, coming from three regions of different superdeformations, are studied with respect to the α and heavy cluster decays. The α-decay studies also include the heavier 199−210 Pb nuclei, for reasons of spherical magic shells at Z=82 and N=126. The calculations are made by using the preformed cluster-decay model, and the obtained α-decay half-lives are compared with the available experimental data. Having met with a very good success for the comparisons of α-decay half-lives and in giving the associated known magic or sub-magic closed shell structures of both the parent nuclei and daughter products, the interplay of closed shell effects in the cluster-decay calculations is investigated. The clusterdecay calculations also give the closed shell effects of known spherical magicities, both for the parent and daughter nuclei, and further predict new (deformed) closed shells at Z=72-74 and N=96-104 due to both the stability and instability of Hg and Pb parents against cluster decays. Specifically, a new deformed daughter radioactivity is predicted for various cluster decays of [186][187][188][189][190]195 Pb parents with the best possible measurable cases identified as the 8 Be and 12 C decays of 176,177 Hg and/or 192 Pb parents. The predicted decay half-lives are within the measurable limits of the present experimental methods. The interesting point to note is that the parents with measurable cluster decay rates are normal deformed nuclei at the transition between normal and superdeformation.
Physical Review C, 2022
Background: The cluster radioactivity from the neutron-deficient trans-tin region of the nuclear landscape has given immediate attention in the nuclear structure studies. Recent prediction of the emitting clusters from the ground and intrinsic excited states of proton-rich Ba isotopes opens the direction to explore the corresponding decay characteristics. A theoretical probe is necessary for understanding the cluster decays of Ba isotopes. Purpose: In the present study, cluster-decay half-lives are calculated and their decay characteristics are investigated for even-even 112-122 Ba isotopes in both ground and intrinsic excited states along the proton drip line. Method: The preformed-cluster-decay model (PCM) is employed for estimating the decay half-lives. The preformation probability (P 0) of the cluster decay from the parent nuclei is calculated by using the well-known phenomenological formula of Blendowske and Walliser [Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 1930 (1988)], supplemented with the newly proposed Q-value-based preformation factor for the cluster with mass A c > 28. The penetration probability is calculated from the interaction potential using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential and individual binding energy (BE) of the cluster and daughter nuclei are estimated from the microscopic relativistic mean-field formalism (RMF) and compared with those from experiments and the finite-range-droplet model for the estimation of the Q values of the cluster decays. The nonlinear RMF Lagrangian from which the effective relativistic R3Y NN potential is derived using the NL3 * parameter set is employed for the calculation of the nuclear matter densities. The R3Y and well-known M3Y potential are employed to obtain the cluster-daughter interaction potential using the double-folding procedure along with their corresponding RMF densities. The total potential along with their respective cluster decay Q values are used as input in the PCM to obtain the half-lives (T 1/2) of 112-122 Ba isotopes in their ground and intrinsic excited states. Results: The calculated half-lives (T 1/2) for relativistic R3Y NN potential and Q values are found to deviate slightly compared to the ones from the M3Y due to the difference in their barrier characteristics. We notice that at elongated neck configuration a minimum neck-length parameter R = 1.0 fm is required for R3Y potential due to its repulsive nature, whereas the value is 0.5 fm is suitable for the M3Y case. However, the estimated decay half-lives for both the potentials are in reasonably good agreement with the experimental lower limit of 114 Ba. In contrast with the ground-state decays, the inclusion of intrinsic excitation reduces the corresponding half-life values considerably but does not rule out the role of magicity. Conclusions: The sensitivity of the decay half-lives to Q values and neck-length parameter has also been demonstrated. The decay half-lives are predicted for various cluster decays from neutron-deficient Ba isotopes. Since none of the experimental half-lives for the examined clusters is precisely known yet, further studies with available observed half-lives will be needed to substantiate our findings.
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2008
The effects of shell closure in nuclei via the cluster decay is studied. In this context, we have made use of the Preformed Cluster Model (P CM) of Gupta and collaborators based on the Quantum Mechanical Fragmentation Theory. The key point in the cluster radioactivity is that it involves the interplay of close shell effects of parent and daughter. Small half life for a parent indicates shell stabilized daughter and long half life indicates the stability of the parent against the decay. In the cluster decay of trans lead nuclei observed so far, the end product is doubly magic lead or its neighbors. With this in our mind we have extended the idea of cluster radioactivity. We investigated decay of different nuclei where Zirconium is always taken as a daughter nucleus, which is very well known deformed nucleus. The branching ratio of cluster decay and α-decay is also studied for various nuclei, leading to magic or almost doubly magic daughter nuclei. The calculated cluster decay half-life are in well agreement with the observed data. First time a possibility of cluster decay in 218 U nucleus is predicted.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics, 2006
The entrance-channel effects in the decay of hot and rotating compound nucleus 48Cr*, formed in symmetric 24Mg+24Mg and asymmetric 36Ar+12C reactions, are studied as collective clusterization process, for emissions of both the light particles (LPs) as well as the intermediate mass fragments (IMFs), with in the dynamical cluster-decay model (DCM). We find that the little differences observed in the decay of equilibrated compound nucleus 48Cr*, formed in the two entrance channels with about the same excitation energy, are not in variance with the Bohr's independence hypothesis. In other words, the present study confirms the entrance-channel independence of the decay of compound nucleus 48Cr* formed due to different target-projectile combinations with similar excitation energies. The collective clusterization process is shown to contain the complete structure of the measured fragment cross sections as well as average total kinetic energies.
A clusterization theory is presented to describe the clusterization probability (preformation factor). The clusterization states are described as a quantum-mechanical cluster-formation state in a proposed cluster-formation model to determine the preformation factor of alpha-decay process in radioactive nuclei. The formation of alpha particle inside the parent nuclei is considered within two postulates; the compound nucleus of Bohr's assumption and the surface effect. The total and formation energy are obtained from the from the binding energies differences. This model is tested for 212 Po for the alpha-cluster decay. The calculated preformation factor 0.54 has shown good agreements with that of some others as reported. As such, this model could give more insight to the understanding of the nuclear structure in the radioactive nuclei.
International Journal of Modern Physics E, 2006
The entrance-channel effects in the decay of hot and rotating compound nucleus 48 Cr * , formed in symmetric 24 Mg + 24 Mg and asymmetric 36 Ar+ 12 C reactions, are studied as collective clusterization process, for emissions of both the light particles (LPs) as well as the intermediate mass fragments (IMFs), with in the dynamical cluster-decay model (DCM). We find that the little differences observed in the decay of equilibrated compound nucleus 48 Cr * , formed in the two entrance channels with about the same excitation energy, are not in variance with the Bohr's independence hypothesis. In other words, the present study confirms the entrance-channel independence of the decay of compound nucleus 48 Cr * formed due to different target-projectile combinations with similar excitation energies. The collective clusterization process is shown to contain the complete structure of the measured fragment cross sections as well as average total kinetic energies.
Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications
Based on the Coulomb and Proximity Potential Model, we have studied the decay probabilities of various exotic nuclei from even-even nuclei in the super heavy region. The half-lives and barrier penetrability for the decay of exotic nuclei such as 7-9B, 16-19 Ne, 8-11 C, 23-30 P and 26-32 S from the isotopes 274-332116,274-334 118 and 288-334120 are determined by considering them as spherical as well as deformed nuclei. The effect of ground state quadrupole (β2), Octupole (β3) and hexadecapole (β4) deformation of parent, daughter and cluster nuclei on half- lives and barrier penetrability were studied. Calculations have done for the spherical nuclei and deformed nuclei in order to present the effects of the deformations on half-lives. It is found that height and shape of the barrier reduces by the inclusion of deformation and hence half-life for the emission of different clusters decreases and barrierpenetrability increases. Changes in the half-lives with and without the inclusion of ...
Physical Review C, 2008
arXiv (Cornell University), 2024
A detailed study of α-clusters decay is exhibited by incorporating crucial microscopic nuclear structure information into the estimations of half-life and preformation factor. For the first time, using the k-cross validation approach, two semi-empirical formulas for (i) α-decay half-life and (ii) α-particle preformation factor, are picked out and subsequently modified by including shell, odd-nucleon blocking, and asymmetry effects along with the usual dependence on α-decay energy (Q α) and angular momentum of α-particle. Both the formulas are fitted for the two different regions separated by neutron number N=126, as from the experimental systematics the role of N=126 shell closure is found decisive in determining the trends of Q α , α-decay half-life, and α-particle preformation factor. It is found that the inclusion of the above-mentioned degrees of freedom significantly reduces the errors in the estimations when compared with several other similar modified/refitted semi-empirical relations indicating the robustness of the proposed formulas. The predictions of α-decay half-life throughout the periodic chart have been made including the unknown territory, future probable decay chain of self-conjugate nucleus 112 Ba terminated on 100 Sn, decay chain of 208 Pa through new isotope 204 Ac as well as decay chains of awaiting superheavy nuclei 298 Og and 299 120. This article is expected to provide a systematic approach to selecting the formula by which reliable predictions can be made.
Physical Review C, 2009
Based on the preformed cluster model (PCM) of Gupta and collaborators, we have extended our recent study on ground-state cluster decays to parent nuclei resulting in daughters other than spherical 208 Pb, i.e., to deformed daughters, and the very new cases of 14 C and 15 N decays of 223 Ac, and 34 Si decay of 238 U, taking nuclei as spherical, quadrupole deformed (β 2 ) alone, and with higher multipole deformations up to hexadecapole (β 2 , β 3 , β 4 ) together with the "optimum" orientations of cold decay process. Except for 14 C decays of 221 Fr, 221−224,226 Ra, and 225 Ac where higher multipole deformations up to β 4 are found essential, the quadrupole deformation β 2 alone is found good enough to fit the experimental data. Because the PCM treats the cluster-decay process as the tunneling of a preformed cluster, the deformations and orientations of nuclei modify both the preformation probability P 0 and tunneling probability P , and hence the decay half-life, considerably.
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Physics Letters B, 2004
Physical Review C, 2005
Nuclear Physics A, 1986
Physical Review C, 2012
The European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nuclei, 1999
arXiv: Nuclear Theory, 2015