Género, Investigação e Ensino Superior

2021, Cadernos de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade


Matters related to time, academia and science are increasingly on the agenda. The current moment of pandemic crisis demonstrates the relevance and attention that needs to be paid to gender inequalities that present themselves in several dimensions of social life and that affect people's social trajectories. The preparation of this issue of BRAJETS journal was motivated by this attempt to give voice to studies carried out on the theme of gender and academia, which, along with the empirical demonstration, present ideas and policy recommendations that promote reflexivity on gender inequalities and alert for some specific intervention measures in the context of higher education and research institutions worldwide. The texts reunited in this issue have elucidate more concretely what is the reality in different political and social settings, including European and Latin American countries and allowing comparisons at an international and, somehow, global level.