3 Tests of Jesus

2023, 3 Tests of Christ

The subject of temptation and testing has intrigued the masses since antiquity. From Greek and Roman gods and demigods trying the hearts and minds of heroic and not-so-heroic humans to passing from one life to another, we see evidence throughout man’s history of grappling with trials and tribulations. The Biblical story is no different, including its own five-star performance of humanity and nations being taken to the end of themselves. Adam, Eve, Job, Moses, and the nation of Israel are all examples of those having been tried, but to what end? The world creates legendary scenarios with imaginary gods to make sense of the intensity of life. However, the Bible gives us a metanarrative that contextualizes the pain and suffering, bringing significance and purpose, a sense of grounding and hope. The specific testing of Christ is a story similar to those above, except in how Jesus responds. Therein, we find love, faithfulness, meaning, and hope, the very characteristics of the sons and daughters of God. Through this passage in Matthew 4:1-11, I will show that Jesus accomplished several things while being an example for his audience, including being entirely led by the Holy Spirit, acting securely from his identity, fighting the devil with the spoken word of God, and showing his audience that he is the fulfillment of the promised Messiah.