Teaching Vocabulary to Non-English Majors: A General Perspective


Taking vocabulary problem as a colossal one for Non-English Majors into consideration, this article analyses the main factors for the problem. Enriching vocabulary is one of the major ways of acquiring better skills in any second or foreign language. It is assumed that a person with a stronger vocabulary stock finds it easier to carry on communication. The principal focus of language teaching has been on the grammar of the language for much of the last century across many non-English countries. Despite the introduction of the communicative language teaching, vocabulary is still taught as an integrated skill. For, vocabulary knowledge is important for all the four skill areas. There are several effective explicit (intentional, planned instruction) and implicit (spontaneous instruction as a child comes to new words in a text) strategies that teachers can employ for learners of any age. The article proposes a set of strategy like the use of context, the use of morphological clues, the ...