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2013, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
As a first step toward understanding a lanscape of vacua in a theory of non-linear massive gravity, we consider a landscape of a single scalar field and study tunneling between a pair of adjacent vacua. We study the Hawking-Moss (HM) instanton that sits at a local maximum of the potential, and evaluate the dependence of the tunneling rate on the parameters of the theory. It is found that provided with the same physical HM Hubble parameter HHM , depending on the values of parameters α3 and α4 in the action (2.2), the corresponding tunneling rate can be either enhanced or suppressed when compared to the one in the context of General Relativity (GR). Furthermore, we find the constraint on the ratio of the physical Hubble parameter to the fiducial one, which constrains the form of potential. This result is in sharp contrast to GR where there is no bound on the minimum value of the potential.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015
We study homogeneous gravitational instantons, conventionally called the Hawking-Moss (HM) instantons, in bigravity theory. The HM instantons describe the amplitude of quantum tunneling from a false vacuum to the true vacuum. Corrections to General Relativity (GR) are found in a closed form. Using the result, we discuss the following two issues: reduction to the de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley (dRGT) massive gravity and the possibility of preference for a large e-folding number in the context of the Hartle-Hawking (HH) no-boundary proposal. In particular, concerning the dRGT limit, it is found that the tunneling through the so-called self-accelerating branch is exponentially suppressed relative to the normal branch, and the probability becomes zero in the dRGT limit. As far as HM instantons are concerned, this could imply that the reduction from bigravity to the dRGT massive gravity is ill-defined.
The European Physical Journal C, 2019
There have been various interpretations of Hawking radiation proposed based on the perturbative approach, and all have confirmed Hawking's original finding. One major conceptual challenge of Hawking evaporation is the associated black hole information loss paradox, which remains unresolved. A key factor to the issue is the endstage of the black hole evaporation. Unfortunately by then the evaporation process becomes non-perturbative. Aspired to provide a tool for the eventual solution to this problem, here we introduce a new interpretation of Hawking radiation as the tunneling of instantons. We study instantons of a massless scalar field in Einstein gravity. We consider a complex-valued instanton that connects an initial pure black hole state to a black hole with a scalar field that represents the Hawking radiation at future null infinity, where its action depends only on the areal entropy difference. By comparing it with several independent approaches to Hawking radiation in the perturbative limit, we conclude that Hawking radiation may indeed be described by a family of instantons. Since the instanton approach can describe non-perturbative processes, we hope that our new interpretation and holistic method may shed lights on the information loss problem.
Physical Review D, 2010
We investigate the instanton solution between the degenerate vacua in curved space. We show that there exist O(4)-symmetric solutions not only in de Sitter but also in both flat and anti-de Sitter space. The geometry of the new type of solutions is finite and preserves the Z 2 symmetry. The nontrivial solution corresponding to the tunneling is possible only if gravity is taken into account. The numerical solutions as well as the analytic computations using the thin-wall approximation are presented. We expect that these solutions do not have any negative mode as in the instanton solution.
Physics Letters B, 2007
The instability against emission of massless particles by the trapping horizon of an evolving black hole is analyzed with the use of the Hamilton-Jacobi method. The method automatically selects one special expression for the surface gravity of a changing horizon. Indeed, the strength of the horizon singularity turns out to be governed by the surface gravity as was defined a decade ago by Hayward using Kodama's theory of spherically symmetric gravitational fields. The theory also applies to point masses embedded in an expanding universe, were the surface gravity is still related to Kodama-Hayward theory. As a bonus of the tunneling method, we gain the insight that the surface gravity still defines a temperature parameter as long as the evolution is sufficiently slow that the black hole pass through a sequence of quasi-equilibrium states.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014
We study the Coleman-de Luccia (CDL) instanton characterizing the tunneling from a false vacuum to the true vacuum in a semi-classical way in dRGT (deRham-Gabadadze-Tolley) massive gravity theory, and evaluate the dependence of the tunneling rate on the model parameters. It is found that provided with the same physical Hubble parameters for the true vacuum HT and the false vacuum HF as in General Relativity (GR), the thin-wall approximation method implies the same tunneling rate as GR. However, deviations of tunneling rate from GR arise when one goes beyond the thin-wall approximation and they change monotonically until the Hawking-Moss (HM) case. Moreover, under the thin-wall approximation, the HM process may dominate over the CDL one if the value for the graviton mass is larger than the inverse of the radius of the bubble.
International Journal of Modern Physics D
We discuss the two-dimensional dilaton gravity with a scalar field as the source matter where the coupling with gravity is given, besides the minimal one, trough an external field. This coupling generalizes the conformal anomaly in the same way as those found in recent literature, but with a different motivation. The modification to the Hawking radiation is calculated explicitly and show an additional term that introduces a dependence on the (effective) mass of the black-hole.
Physical Review D, 1994
Mariano Cadoni (a),(c) and Marco Cavaglià (b),(d)
Hawking radiation is a controversial quantum phenomenon of a black hole that is specially attributed to the existence of an event horizon of the black hole. In this paper, using Hamilton-Jacobi and Parikh-Wilczek methods based on the semiclassical and beyond semiclassical approximation, we proved that there is indeed thermal Hawking-like radiation for the apparent horizons of the cosmological black hole in the FLRW background in the framework of STVG. The explicit forms of the three apparent horizons of the cosmological black hole were obtained and plotted for more details. As de Sitter and FLRW cases, the corresponding Hawking-like temperature in our setup as a function of inverse powers of apparent horizon radius was found. Also, we compare the outcomes with Hawking-like radiation of the apparent horizon of the McVittie spacetime, which can be obtained by eliminating the STVG parameter of the enhanced gravitational constant in the setup. Also, beyond semiclassical approximation, e...
Physical Review D, 2002
We consider 2+1 gravity minimally coupled to a self-interacting scalar field. The case in which the fall-off of the fields at infinity is slower than that of a localized distribution of matter is analyzed. It is found that the asymptotic symmetry group remains the same as in pure gravity (i.e., the conformal group). The generators of the asymptotic symmetries, however, acquire a contribution from the scalar field, but the algebra of the canonical generators possesses the standard central extension. In this context, new massive black hole solutions with a regular scalar field are found for a one-parameter family of potentials. These black holes are continuously connected to the standard zero mass black hole. *
Particles, 2018
We review nonsingular static, spherically symmetric solutions of general relativity with minimally coupled scalar fields. Considered are wormholes and regular black holes (BHs) without a center, including black universes (BHs with expanding cosmology beyond the horizon). Such configurations require a "ghost" field with negative kinetic energy K. Ghosts can be invisible under usual conditions if K < 0 only in strong-field region ("trapped ghost"), or they rapidly decay at large radii. Before discussing particular examples, some general results are presented, such as the necessity of anisotropic matter for asymptotically flat or AdS wormholes, no-hair and global structure theorems for BHs with scalar fields. The stability properties of scalar wormholes and regular BHs under spherical perturbations are discussed. It is stressed that the effective potential V eff for perturbations has universal shapes near generic wormhole throats (a positive pole regularizable by a Darboux transformation) and near transition surfaces from canonical to ghost scalar field behavior (a negative pole at which the perturbation finiteness requirement plays a stabilizing role). Positive poles of V eff emerging at "long throats" (with the radius r ≈ r 0 + const • x 2n , n > 1, x = 0 is the throat) may be regularized by repeated Darboux transformations for some values of n.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2013
In this paper, we study Einstein gravity with a minimally coupled scalar field accompanied with a potential, assuming an O(4) symmetric metric ansatz. We call an Euclidean instanton is to be an oscillating instanton, if there exists a point where the derivative of the scale factor and the scalar field vanish at the same time. Then, we can prove that the oscillating instanton can be analytically continued, both as inhomogeneous and homogeneous tunneling channels. Here, we especially focus on the possibility of a homogeneous tunneling channel. For the existence of such an instanton, we have to assume three things: (1) there should be a local maximum and the curvature of the maximum should be sufficiently large, (2) there should be a local minimum and (3) the other side of the potential should have a sufficiently deeper vacuum. Then, we can show that there exists a number of oscillating instanton solutions and their probabilities are higher compared to the Hawking–Moss instantons. We a...
JCAP 1703 (2017) no.03, 044, 2017
In this work, we investigate O(4)-symmetric instantons within the Eddington-inspired-Born-Infeld gravity theory (EiBI) . We discuss the regular Hawking-Moss instanton and find that the tunneling rate reduces to the General Relativity (GR) value, even though the action value is different by a constant. We give a thorough analysis of the singular Vilenkin instanton and the Hawking-Turok instanton with a quadratic scalar field potential in the EiBI theory. In both cases, we find that the singularity can be avoided in the sense that the physical metric, its scalar curvature and the scalar field are regular under some parameter restrictions, but there is a curvature singularity of the auxiliary metric compatible with the connection. We find that the on-shell action is finite and the probability does not reduce to its GR value. We also find that the Vilenkin instanton in the EiBI theory would still cause the instability of the Minkowski space, similar to that in GR, and this is observationally inconsistent. This result suggests that the singularity of the auxiliary metric may be problematic at the quantum level and that these instantons should be excluded from the path integral.
This paper is devoted to investigate charged vector particles tunneling via horizons of a pair of accelerating rotating charged NUT black hole under the influence of quantum gravitational effects. For this purpose, we use the modified Proca equation incorporating generalized uncertainty principle. Using the WKB approximation to the field equation, we obtain a modified tunneling rate and the corresponding corrected Hawking temperature for this black hole. Moreover, we analyze the graphical behavior of corrected Hawking temperature T'H with respect to the event horizon for the given black hole. By considering quantum gravitational effects on Hawking temperatures, we discuss the stability analysis of this black hole. For a pair of black holes, the temperature T'H increases with the increase in rotation parameters α and w, correction parameter β, black hole acceleration α and arbitrary parameter k and decreases with the increase in electric e and magnetic charges g.
Physics Letters B, 1995
We investigate topology-changing processes in 4-dimensional quantum gravity with a negative cosmological constant. By playing the "gluing-polytope game" in hyperbolic geometry, we explicitly construct an instanton-like solution without singularity. Because of cusps, this solution is non-compact but has a finite volume. Then we evaluate a topology change amplitude in the WKB approximation in terms of the volume of this solution.
Chinese Physics C, 2020
This paper is devoted to investigate charged vector particles tunneling via horizons of a pair of accelerating rotating charged NUT black hole under the influence of quantum gravitational effects. For this purpose, we use the modified Proca equation incorporating generalized uncertainty principle. Using the WKB approximation to the field equation, we obtain a modified tunneling rate and the corresponding corrected Hawking temperature for this black hole. Moreover, we analyze the graphical behavior of corrected Hawking temperature T ′ H with respect to the event horizon for the given black hole. By considering quantum gravitational effects on Hawking temperatures, we discuss the stability analysis of this black hole. For a pair of black holes, the temperature T ′ H increases with the increase in rotation parameters a and ω, correction parameter β, black hole acceleration α and arbitrary parameter k and decreases with the increase in electric e and magnetic charges g.
Physical Review D, 2014
We study the process of quantum tunnelling in scalar-tensor theories in which the scalar field is non-minimally coupled to gravity. In these theories gravitational instantons can deviate substantially from sphericity and can in fact develop a necka feature prohibited in theories with minimal coupling. Such instantons with necks lead to the materialisation of bubble geometries containing a wormhole region. We clarify the relationship of neck geometries to violations of the null energy condition, and also derive a bound on the size of the neck relative to that of the instanton.
Arxiv preprint gr-qc/9702012, 1997
We present analytical perturbative, and numerical solutions of the Einstein equation which describe a black hole with a nontrivial dila-ton field and a purely topological gauge potential. The gauge potential has zero field strength and hence no stress-energy, but it does couple to virtual ...
Hawking radiation as a quantum phenomenon is generally attributed to the existence of the event horizon of a black hole. However, we demonstrate in this paper that there is indeed ingoing Hawking-like radiation associated with apparent horizons of the first cosmological black hole solution in the framework of Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity (STVG) theory living in the FriedmannLemâıtre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) background. Such radiation can be attributed also to the cosmological apparent horizon of the FLRW universe and even to the cosmological event horizon of de Sitter spacetime. We see how STVG theory as a good theory for explaining black holes both on local and global scales affect the Hawking effect. Based on semiclassical approximation, we follow Hamilton-Jacobi and Parikh-Wilczek tunneling methods, respectively with and without back-reaction effects. We find out that back-reaction effects make a correlation between the emission modes in Parikh-Wilczek tunneling formalism, which c...
Physical Review D, 2017
In this paper, we study the non-projectable 2d Hořava gravity coupled with a non-relativistic scalar field, where the coupling is in general non-minimal and of the form f (φ)R, where f (φ) is an arbitrary function of the scalar field φ, and R denotes the 2d Ricci scalar. In particular, we first investigate the Hamiltonian structure, and show that there are two-first and two-second class constraints, similar to the pure gravity case, but now the local degree of freedom is one, due to the presence of the scalar field. Then, we present various exact stationary solutions of this coupled system, and find that some of them represent black holes but now with universal horizons as their boundaries. At these horizons, the Hawking radiations are thermal with temperatures proportional to their surface gravities, which normally depend on the non-linear dispersion relations of the particles radiated, similar to the (3+1)-dimensional case.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017
We present an asymptotically flat, spherically symmetric, static, globally regular and horizonless solution of SU(2)-gauged N = 1, d = 5 supergravity. The SU(2) gauge field is that of the BPST instanton. We argue that this solution, analogous to the global monopoles found in d = 4 N = 2 and N = 4 gauged supergravities, describes the field of a single string-theory object which does not contribute to the entropy of black holes when we add it to them and show that it is, indeed, the dimensional reduction on T 5 of the gauge 5-brane. We investigate how the energy of the solution is concentrated as a function of the instanton's scale showing that it never violates the hoop conjecture although the curvature grows unboundedly in the zero scale limit.
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