Natura relacji epistemicznej (The nature of epistemic relation)

2012, Analiza i Egzystencja

The article begins with the question concerning the relation between the so called definition of knowledge (E. Gettier) and the epistemic relation but its main part aims at showing what are the most important constituents of this relation (constituents of the idea of knowledge in general). Fundamental for the possibility of epistemic relation is the presence of some kind of conscious subject. In this context critical remarks are considered concerning contemporary naturalistic approaches to the idea of knowledge where the possibility of wholly unconscious cognition (knowledge) has been seriously taken into account (e.g. robots capable of adaptive behavior in some environment). The second essential element of epistemic relation is the existence of some object (content), which conscious subject must be capable to grasp. The extent of the concept of object (content) cannot be limited to the realm of physical things because epistemic relation also allows for the presence of abstract obje...