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2023, i-WIN Library Perpustakaan Internasional Waqaf Illmu Nusantara
4 pages
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Pada bulan Januari tahun 2021 lalu, Pemkot Tangerang Selatan melakukan kerja sama dengan Pemkot Serang terkait pengelolaan sampah Kota Tangerang Selatan. Perjanjian kerja sama tersebut membahas tentang pengalokasian sampah Kota Tangerang Selatan menuju TPA Cilowong yang berada di daerah Kota Serang dengan total sampah diperkirakan mencapai 400 ton per har
sampah adalah material yang sudah tidak diinginkan banyak orang. Sampah juga memiliki banyak jenis mulai dari sampah rumah tangga, sampah komersial, sampah bangunan, dan sampah fasilitas umum. Sampah memiliki banyak dampak negatif bagi kehidupan. Misalnya saja bagi kesehatan, sampah dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam penyakit dan kematian. Bagi lingkungan, sampah juga dapat mencemari air bersih dan dapat menyebabkan banjir. Selain itu, sampah juga memberi dampak negatif terhadap keadaan social dan ekonomi masyarakat. Pemanfaatan sampah yang baik dan benar dapat mendatangkan banyak manfaat.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2016
Modernisation as a term refers to the development process which has a lot of limitation, and one of this problem is about garbage. Commonly, there are two big sources of garbage, industrializations and high mass consumtions. In fact, both of them are consequence of logical modernity. There are two reasons why garbage becomes a great problem in recent years. First, the quantity of garbage is overload, and second, its quality: most of the garbage is not biodegradable. This problem will be more complicated because people usually use logic "not in my back yard" with their garbage. To respond this problem, modernity tries to transform in a new kind of development, that is usually called sustainable development. Although there are several different interpretations of sustainable development but it refers to The Brundtland Commission which defines sustainable development as a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, direction of investments, orientation of technological development, and institutional change are made consistent with future as well as present needs. For instance emphasize constancy of natural capital stock as a necessary condition for sustainability. Growth or wealth must be created without resources depletion. Exactly how this is to be achieved remains a mystery, but majority of sustainable development literature said that this condition will be achieved with using model ecological modernisation. Thus, the challenge is to find new technologies and to expand the role of the market in allocating environment resources with the assumption that putting a price on the natural environment is only the way to protect it. In fact, this ways are used to solve the problem of garbage in recent years.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Jupemas), 2023
The global economy is experiencing a considerable shock; it is predicted that a recession will occur in 2023. Poverty is threatened to increase, and people's purchasing power has decreased. Based on Law No. 18 of 2012 concerning Food, fulfillment of food is the basic right of every Indonesian people. The state is obliged to guarantee the realization of food security. The waste in the downstream Cibiru village has not yet been managed. This organic waste will be used as a planting medium and as an ecoenzyme that will be used as a useful product. This activity aims to help the community or service partners: Help to inspire the public to understand the importance of handling waste upstream, namely households, Inviting the community to participate and play an active role in utilizing waste to reduce waste generation in waste banks, creating a clean, healthy, and comfortable environment invites people to turn it into useful products.
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 2005
Solid waste disposal activity is a continous activities. Therefore, solidwaste management system is needed. Management of urban solid waste has some difficulties in collecting the solid wastes and finding safe area to disposal them. Composting is needed to reduce its volume. Composting is a biological process.
Timor Express, 2019
Merubah paradigma sampah NTT akan mampu mengatasi persoalan sampah yang masih menjadi trending topik tingkat nasional maupun internasional.
Kelompok Kerja Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (POKJA AMPL) Nasional, 2007
Pengelolaan sampah bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah dan murah. Sampai saat ini belum ada kota dan kabupaten yang benar-benar mampu mengelola 100% sampahnya dengan baik. Jumlah sampah yang terus meningkat dan semakin beragam membuat beban pemerintah semakin bertambah. Oleh karena itu, pola pengelolaan sampah terpadu harus direalisasikan. Pola tersebut mengharuskan adanya peran seluruh pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) yang optimal, termasuk mereka yang selama ini berperan melakukan pemanfaatan sampah sebagai mata pencahariannya. Operasi pemulung, pengepul (lapak dan bandar), pihak pengkompos dan pabrikan bahan daur-ulang harus didukung agar mereka semakin mampu meningkatkan pengelolaan sampah. Di sisi lain, masyarakat perlu terus diingatkan untuk melakukan berbagai upaya pengurangan jumlah sampah. Tidak hanya di rumahnya tetapi juga di tempat kerjanya. Buku ini berisi informasi yang mendasar tentang sampah dan konsep pengelolaannya yang dirasakan tepat saat ini. Para pembaca dapat menjumpai informasi mengenai hirarki pengelolaan sampah, berbagai jenis sampah dan peluang-peluang pemanfaatannya. Buku ini tidak dimaksudkan sebagai buku referensi yang memuat informasi mendalam tentang persampahan. Informasi yang disampaikan rasanya cukup untuk menumbuhkan pemahaman dasar tentang perlunya kita mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sampah, sebagai bagian penting dari penerapan pola pengelolaan sampah terpadu. Lebih baik berkawan dengan sampah daripada terus menerus memeranginya. Selamat membaca. Jakarta
Dalam rangka mencari model pengelolaan sampah mandiri. Tim riset IRE mencoba melakukan proses pengalian data awal. Data awal ini merupakan bahan pendalaman riset untuk menemukan model pengelolaan sampah mandiri. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Kabupaten Sleman dengan spesifikasi kawasan sub-urban. Laporan ini merupakan ringkasan awal yang dibuat asisten peneliti untuk wilayah Perum Minomartani RW 04. Minomartani merupakan wilayah kelurahan yang berada di Kecamatan Ngaglik Kabupaten Sleman. Adapun Kelurahan Minormatani RW 04 adalah sebuah kawasan perumahan penduduk yang cukup padat. Letak wilayahnya tepat disisi utara Kota Yogyakarta, sekitar 5 kilometer dari reng road, jalan lintas provinsi yang melingkari Kota Yogyakarta. Kepadatan pemukiman tersebut tidak terlepas dari posisi daerahnya yang relatif dekat dengan Kota Yogyakarta. Perum Minomartani
Abstract: Human activities always produce trash. The amount of trash continues to grow in line with population growth and technological developments. Trash has become an environmental crisis due to a lack of awareness and in Indonesia little serious effort has been made to process trash properly. The importance of a serious effort of trash management and self-development as a real human being is nothing other than a struggle to restore harmony between Creator, human beings, and the whole of creation. This paper reflects on the reality of trash as well as taking up the views and habits of people who are little concerned about handling trash although they already feel the adverse impact of trash on the environment. This study analyses data and the information obtained through observation of the trash problem, supported by data from written sources . Keywords: Trash, environment, human development, ecological repentance Abstrak: Kegiatan manusia selalu menghasilkan sampah. Peningkatan ...
Household waste management changed drastically due to Covid-19 global pandemic. This Covid-19 adds the household consumption for health masks and it increases the solid waste number. People must wear the health mask that covers the nose and mouth if they do outside activities. This health mask becomes the most demanding item in the market but not enough supply. It increased the price badly and make people buying it irrationally. The used masks create another issue on the solid waste household. This waste is different from organic waste and inorganic waste. It has different solid waste management system too. We must separate the waste from the rest of the household solid waste by cutting the used health masks and put it in a plastic before we put it in the trash bin in front of our house. The special care for this infectious waste could help the safety workers and other people for not being sick from the Covid-19. It can help to reduce the number of household solid waste before it go...
Jurnal Pengabdian Pendidikan dan Teknologi (JP2T), 2022
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Permasalahan Gizi Solusinya Demi Tercapainya SDGs, 2018
Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pendidikan Kesehatan (JPPK)
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