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2023, The CCU Review
4 pages
1 file
My popular review of Michael Ward's helpful book "After Humanity," his commentary on C. S. Lewis' "The Abolition of Man."
The Lamp-Post of the Southern California C.S. Lewis Society, 2023
In-depth review of Michael Ward's book After Humanity, a guide to C.S. Lewis' The Abolition of Man.
This paper turns a critical eye to related ideologies such as secular humanism, atheism, moral relativism, progressivism, and the anti-procreational and anti-natalist agendas of some modern environmentalists. Reflecting upon C. S. Lewis's idea of the abolition of man, I argue that these ideologies harbor a sinister agenda that advances the abolition-of-man project in a more extreme way than even Lewis dreamed was possible. Far from being objective and neutral, I argue that secular humanism looks and acts very much like a religion. However, because it rejects theism and claims to be scientifically objective, it has been able to get away with exerting its authority in the public sphere in ways that are forbidden to traditional religion.
Inklings Forever: Published Colloquium Proceedings 1997-2016, 2008
Welcome to the "Ways In" section of this Macat analysis. This is an introductory section, summarising the most important points of this work in one 10-minute read. Macat's Analyses are definitive studies of the most important books and papers in the humanities and social sciences. Each analysis is written by an academic specialist in the field. Each one harnesses the latest research to investigate the influences that led to the work being written, the ideas that make it important, and the impact that it has had in the world. A powerful resource for students, teachers and lifelong learners everywhere, our analyses are proven by the University of Cambridge to improve critical thinking skills. Read the whole of this analysis and explore our library at
Journal of Inklings studies, 2017
EDITOR: Sandu Frunza, Babes-Bolyai University …
R Re em me em mb be er ri in ng g M Mi ir rc ce ea a E El li ia ad de e L La au ur ra a P Pa av ve el l Eliade and his generation -metaphysical fervour and tragic destiny • 5 M Mi ih ha ae el la a P Pa ar ra as sc ch hi iv ve es sc cu u Mircea Eliade -Exile and Diasporic Identity • 20 I Io on n C Co or rd do on ne ea an nu u Mircea Eliade şi semnificaţia antropologică a simbolismului religios (Mircea Eliade and the anthropological signification of religious symbolism) • 25 N Ni ic cu u G Ga av vr ri il lu uţ ţă ă Actualitatea paradigmei Eliade-Culianu în interpretarea mitologiilor contemporane (The actuality of the Eliade-Culianu paradigm within the contemporary mythological interpretations) • 31 R Re el li ig gi io on n, , C Cu ul lt tu ur re e, , I Id de eo ol lo og gy y S So or ri in n G Go og g The construction of the religious space in post-socialist Romania • 37 A An nt to on n C Ca ar rp pi in ns sc ch hi i The culture of acknowledgement and the horizons of truth • 54 M Mi ic ch ha ae el l S S. . J Jo on ne es s Culture as Religion and Religion as Culture in the Philosophy of Lucian Blaga • 66 M Mi is sc ce el ll la an ne ee ea a E El lv vi ir ra a G Gr ro oz za a Scrisorile către un provincial ale lui Mircea Eliade. Răspunsul unui provincial din viitor (Mircea Eliade's Letters for a Provincial. The Answer from a Provincial from the Future) • 88 D Da av vi id d P Pe en ns sg ga ar rd d Yogacara Buddhism: a sympathetic description and suggestion for use in Western theology and philosophy of religion • 94 B Bo oo ok k R Re ev vi ie ew ws s S Sa an nd du u F Fr ru un nz ză ă Ceea ce ne uneşte: istorii, biografii, idei. Sorin Antohi în dialog cu Moshe Idel (Those things that bind us: histories, biographies, ideas. Sorin Antohi in dialogue with Moshe Idel) • 104 A An nd dr re ei i--D Dr ra ag go oş ş G Gi iu ul le ea a Bradford F. Hinze şi Irfan A. Omar (eds.) Heirs of Abraham. The Future of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Relations • 107 R Ro od di ic ca a A Al lb bu u C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man • 110 M Mi ih ha ae el la a F Fr ru un nz ză ă Eniko Magyari-Vincze, Excluderea socială la intersecţia dintre gen, etnicitate şi clasă. O privire din perspectiva sănătăţii reproducerii la femeile Rome (Social Exclusion at the Crossroads of Gender, Ethnicity and Class. A View through Romani Women's Reproductive Health) • 117 L Lu uc ci ia an n--Z Ze ee ev v H He er rş şc co ov vi ic ci i Sandu Frunză Filosofie şi Iudaism (Philosophy and Judaism) • 119
International Journal of Christianity & Education, 2019
Spectra, 2020
Hannah Glasson's review of Cary Wolfe's What is Posthumanism? outlines the theoretical tensions in Wolfe's formulation of posthumanism. Glasson acknowledges the potential for Wolfe's systems theory approach to create more theoretically rigorous approaches to posthumanist ecological ethics. However, the reductive connection between animal studies and disability studies has the potential to marginalize voices of disabled humans in the aim to decenter the human. The human remains central to Wolfe's notion of posthumanism with the effect of lessening the rhetorical force of the argument. Wolfe provokes a theoretical conversation that could make way for rethinking the anthropocentric location of critical discourse by creating space for recognition of the nonhuman. This conversation can potentially open possibilities broader than simply using posthumanism as a theoretical tool to reimagine existing human undertakings, disciplines, and knowledges.
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Studies in Sociology of Science, 2014
Journal of Religious Ethics, 2023
MLA Annual Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, 3-6 January, 2013
Beyond Posthumanism: The German Humanist Tradition and the Future of the Humanities, 2020
Medical Enhancement and Posthumanity, 2009
The Chicago Center for Literature and Photography (CCLaP), 2013
History of the Human Sciences, 2019
Medical Enhancements and Posthumanity, 2007
Journal of Evolution and Technology (JET), 2015
Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry
Theory, Culture & Society, 2014
Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies
Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture, 2019