
The purpose of this paper is to describe the grammatical relations that exist in Akan. 1 Studies on Akan have always appealed to notions like subject, object, and indirect object, but no study, to my knowledge, has offered a systematic description of these relations. The approach adopted in this paper follows in the main Keenan (1975, 1976), Anderson (1976), Comrie (1982), Borg and Comrie (1984) and Hyman and Duranti (1982), contrast ing overt coding properties with behavior-and-control properties (see also Givón 1995, in this volume). The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents an overview of the cross-linguistic properties of subjects and ob jects. Sections 3 and 4 discuss properties relevant to Akan. Section 5 focuses on the problem of double objects in bi-transitive constructions. Section 6 is the conclusion. 2. Properties of grammatical subjects and objects Keenan (1975, 1976) groups the formal properties of grammatical subjects and objects into two clusters-overt coding properties and behavioral Grammatical Relations : A functionalist perspective, edited by T.