Emotional syntax: from social construction to virtual function

2022, Society Register

For a very long time, contemporary western societies and cultures have operated a censorship of emotions (Cambi,1998, p. 37): indeed, they have been studied especially in the psychoanalytic discipline and as main topic in the investigation of human behaviour (Ivi.,1996, p. 9). More recently, sociology has re-appropriated this “emotional” reflection, focusing the discourse on Homo Sentiens or Homo Patiens, in a passage from the individual identity the to the social one through a circular and self-poietic process: feelings and emotions (both primary and secondary) represent, the fundamental relational connection thanks to which are activated mechanisms of socialization and cultural transmission. The article aims to reflect on the emotions as social construction and linked to technologies with a high emotional connotation (Marmion, 2015, pp. 28-33).