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2002, rapa
226 pages
1 file
Knowledge of the properties of materials is essential for several purposes: design, specification, quality control, failure analysis and for understanding the structure and behaviour of new materials. Specific test procedures evolve for each class of materials. These procedures are generally those found best suited to the generic characteristics of the material class and their use helps to provide the most meaningful results and to allow comparison of data from different sources. Plastics are no exception.
In the case of plastics these needs are particularly great because of the rapid change within the industry. The plastics in use today are very often not precisely the same as those available 10 years ago, even if the polymer is basically the same, and there are continuing refinements in processing. Also, plastics are being used in more and more new applications, and frequently more critical applications, than before. Thus, in many circumstances there is not much experience upon which to rely and this makes it very difficult to promote the use of plastics in, for instance, structural applications where a guaranteed 50-year performance may be wanted.
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Technical Series
The research aims to test polymer materials as the plastic materials: UHMWPE and POM, to observe there characteristics, to determing how they can be used and what we can obtain from them. We wanted to see the strong and the weak values that characterize them, what kind of parts we can produce from them and in what case we can use it. By applying this tests is necessary in order to see real datas that can help you compare them, and lead you to conclusions. Using these methods of testing materials leads to the establishment of real properties of the material and to the establishment of new configurations necessary to be made to the manufactured parts.
Characterization describes those features of the composition and structure (including defects) of a material that are significant for a particular preparation, study of properties, or use, and suffice for reproduction of the material. The characterization of polymers may be said in a sense to have begun with the recognition and demonstration of the high molecular weight and long-chain nature of these substances. As a result of the development of many special characterization techniques for polymers and of the application to these materials of a large number of standard analytical methods, there is a wide selection of characterization methods from which to select those suitable for a particular system. The polymer characterization technique categories are: chemical, electrical, mechanical, molecular, physical, rheological, spectroscopic, thermal property, thermal transition and viscoelasticity. But unfortunately, many available techniques are not applicable to all polymer systems. The practical problem, however, is not so much the availability of characterization techniques but their application in an economically feasible, scientifically sound manner to the situation at hand.
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D638; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Presented article deals with realization and evaluation of the tensile tests. The tensile tests are used for determining of material properties of thin polymers (plastic) films that are used for manufacturing windows. These plastic films are placed between plates glasses and reflects thermal energy back (insulation). From measurements, Youngs moduli, fracture limits, force-displacement relationships and engineering and logarithmic stress-strain relationships were evaluated. The results were approximated by two straight lines and by suitable chosen functions. The obtained data can be used for analytical, numerical and stochastic modelling of problems connected with manufacturing.
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