Order and Disorder

Chevauchement des genres rédactionnels journalistiques Majdi Chaoiachi Why are Order and Chaos Part of Man's Inescapable Doom? Aya Somrani List of Contributors UNIVERSITY OF JENDOUBA xi article in La Presse Magazine, April 26 th 2015: "The political shows have thrived and multiplied since the revolution (…) but how can we explain that at the same time the cultural matter in all its forms has regressed everywhere and has dramatically shrunk to virtually nothing?" 3 Yet the arts in general have always been the locus of struggle between the conventional order of established conventions and the disorder or innovation. By challenging the accepted rules new trends have moved from figurative to abstract, tonal to atonal, bourgeois to urban and street art, and they are, in their turn, establishing the new rules of an alternative order. As articulated by the Columbian novelist Gabriel García Marquez, order can mirror disorder, and vice versa: "I discovered that my obsession for having each thing in the right place, each subject at the right time, each word in the right style, was not the well-deserved reward of an ordered mind, but just the opposite: a complete system of pretense invented by me to hide the disorder of my nature." 4 Culminating in 33 papers, the two-day symposium furthered the debate on order and disorder through international and interdisciplinary contributions, which bridged the domains of socio-psychoanalysis, linguistics, arts, literature, cultural studies, and gender. It brought together a group of scholars from the first International Conference on Indigenous Languages (2012) and the second one on Myth and Power (2014). This compilation is a selection of 15 contributions out of the 47 original papers being presented. It is the result of an intensive intercultural cooperation between the editors and a selection of contributors. The present volume covers a wide range of order and disorder dialectics across language, world politics, metaphysics, philosophy, media, poetry, drama and a wide range of fiction from classical to contemporary. The enclosed articles pose questions about the philosophical dimensions of order and disorder but, also explore