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The US constantly looks to the future of its strategic environment to understand where its military, security, economic, technological, and informational challenges might lie, and how "old" or present dangers are expected to change. Today the US military operates in a complex strategic environment in which both "old" persist and new dangers frequently emerge. This report addresses key features of the US military in what is referred to as the "new security environment" of the 21 st century. It considers formulations of the US military as a joint force and criteria that might set it apart from a non-integrated or non-joint force. Aspects of planning and implementation expected to meet some of the major security challenges of the contemporary period, as outlined by the US government, are examined. How operations can be conceived of as effective is no simple task; but can be undertaken by looking at cases in which the US and its various military services engaged in large scale combat operations. "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and "Operation Enduring Freedom" provide the bases for looking at joint planning and execution in practice, and the challenges of joint operations that take place in conjunction with civil-based organizations and agencies. While this report makes a preliminary assessment of the lessons learned from two major US operations, many different perspectives can be applied to these in order to outline key challenges of joint operations as well as the principles and structures, which the US and its allies might be able to employ in order to achieve success in future strategic, operational, and tactical planning and execution.
Finding the Balance, 2011
This monograph examines the U.S. Military’s struggle to find the correct balance between conventional and counterinsurgency/stability approaches. The author uses history to remind us that at the end of wars, Armies often “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and revert to a default position for organization and doctrine instead of inculcating those lessons learned in the recent wars. History shows us that we do not maintain capabilities and capacity to conduct operations in complex environments.
The uneven performance of the US armed forces in anticipating, preparing for and carrying out the post-conflict phase of Operation ‘Iraqi Freedom’ has brought into relief a ‘missing link’ in the US’s awesome military capability. The operational setbacks in Iraq have also dented the enthusiasm surrounding Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s concept of ‘military transformation’. Having enabled the three-week blitz to Baghdad in 2003, this concept has proven less applicable in the subsequent stabilisation phase. In recognition of these deficiencies, the US Department of Defense (DoD) is now seeking to implement a raft of reforms to improve the military’s ability to conduct ‘stability operations’. This constitutes a potential turning point, as the US military has since the Vietnam War focused mostly on conventional combat.
Organizing for Safety and Security in Military Organizations
Unconventional crises have gained the upper hand in today's international security environment. The numbers of Special Operations Forces (SOF) that most Western militaries have at their disposal do deal with these types of crises are limited, therefore increasingly regular troops are used to fill the gap. This article applies theory on differentiation and integration to offer an organizational perspective on the security and safety risks of the new reality of converging military task domains. History has shown that the misuse of conventional or unconventional forces may result in failing security strategies and, at the same time, may seriously jeopardize the lives of the soldiers actively involved in a mission. The article makes clear that establishing integrating units, taking a middle position between SOF and regular forces, could be beneficial. Yet, real progress depends on two additional measures. First, countries need to improve their strategic-political knowledge base on the ins and outs of unconventional warfare through liaison positions and standing committees, in order to task the proper military units for deployment. Second, specialized training programs and facilities have to be developed to serve as an organizational coordination mechanisms to better incorporate basic unconventional warfare practices into the operational repertoire of a large proportion of regular forces.
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 12(3): 57–80, 2018
The article is aimed at analysing the U.S. contemporary defence and military planning from the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), developed in the 1990s and consolidated during the War on Terror, to the Third Offset Strategy that will guide the Pentagon's efforts until 2030. It will be argued that this process of military innovation based on the legacy of the RMA and aimed at keeping the American military-technological edge while countering the Anti-Access/Area-Denial threats may inspire a new revolution capable of transforming the art of war while ensuring the country's military supremacy up to 2050.
Institute for Defense Analyses Publications, 2018
Building partner capacity has been a key component of U.S. defense strategy since the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review was issued. However, but for a few exceptions, the Military Departments of the U.S. Armed Forces that have responsibility to organize, train, equip, and provide forces to U.S. Combatant Commands have not prepared their people to be good or even adequate at planning for steady-state, peacetime security cooperation activities, which is the principal way the Department of Defense (DOD) builds partner capacity. Rather, the focus of military education and training primarily remains on contingency and warfare planning. While useful in those contexts, it is not useful for steady-state, peacetime security cooperation planning. Not only are people poorly prepared, the DOD lacks a framework for security cooperation planning. This paper’s intent is to propose a framework for security cooperation planning that helps the DOD and its Military Departments understand how to adaptively influence, plan, and resource security cooperation activities carried out in various foreign nations and with members of foreign security forces.
: Too many American military personnel, diplomats, and government officials are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan claiming that success in bringing stability to those two countries has been minimal and difficult to sustain. Continually cited as a fundamental obstacle to U.S. progress is the interagency process controlling the interaction among the various deployed military services and government organizations. If the interagency process is in such obvious need of adjustment and is so vital to current efforts, why is it so difficult to instigate the necessary reforms? The answer emerges from the vast multitude of contradictory organizational perspectives and cultures. The challenging task is to analyze this issue broadly and in a comprehensive, unbiased manner. In the research symposium "The Interagency Process in Support and Stability Operations: The Integration and Alignment of Military and Civilian Roles and Missions" held at Texas AM (2) What are the recommended ways...
Insurgency taken in its broad form of asymmetric warfare referred to by contemporary generations as "unconventional" warfare, actually has been the most common type of military conflict in human history. 1 While commanders of "conventional" forces have long struggled to develop successful countermeasures to insurgents, the formal study of counterinsurgency is a twenty and twenty-first-century discipline in no small degree. Such research expanded significantly during the 1990s and increased exponentially after 9/11. The vast volume of work has some significant deficiencies in addition to a lack of consensus. The analysis herein addresses one of those weaknesses, the lack of discussion of the critical role played by the populations of third-party countries assisting in a counterinsurgency in a host nation. The focus is on the particular challenge for US counterinsurgency in light of the need to be successful militarily while maintaining the degree of support necessary in a democracy for continuing operations to a final victory. The scope of this challenge is apparent given the political/military defeats suffered by the United States in the Vietnam War (1956)(1957)(1958)(1959)(1960)(1961)(1962)(1963)(1964)(1965)(1966)(1967)(1968)(1969)(1970)(1971)(1972)(1973)(1974)(1975) and France in the Algerian War (1954)(1955)(1956)(1957)(1958)(1959)(1960)(1961)(1962) despite the fact their militaries did not suffer defeat on the battlefield. The analysis combines a historical approach concerning a broader set of social sciences to achieve a degree of sophistication equal to the task than previous attempts. The specific case studies employed are the American Indian Wars, the Philippine Insurgency, and the Vietnam War. Also, references appear to developments in the recent wars in Iraq and
Handbook of Military Sciences
The ability to employ force across the physical warfighting domains of air, land, maritime, and space is essential in contemporary conflict. In NATO doctrine, the term “joint operations” refers to military actions “in which elements of at least two services participate.” While doctrinal definitions differ slightly across Western militaries, the basic premise remains that “jointness” in military operations entails significant action in at least two of the physical warfighting domains. This chapter provides an overview of joint warfare, beginning with a brief discussion of its development over the past century. It then turns its attention to the development of joint doctrine and the joint functions. It concludes with a brief discussion of what some military theorists see as the next iteration of joint warfighting: multi-domain operations (MDO).
This paper discusses obstacles to civil-military cooperation in the context of multinational and interagency operations, with a special focus on assessment functions and processes. As such, the paper seeks to contribute to the ongoing process of developing a framework for assessment of operations within the context of MNE5. The rationale behind this study is to strengthen the basis for and the effectiveness of Effects-Based Assessment (EBA) of performances, effects, and end-states in multinational and interagency operations. The first section starts by identifying a set of key overall challenges to such cooperation, namely civilian and military actors’ often lack of knowledge of one another’s organizational identities, security concerns, and working procedures. The paper then discusses one of these categories, namely working procedures, in more detail, identifying in the second section the challenge of divergent operational terminologies, and in the third section the challenge of overcoming the information sharing gap when in the presence of similar assessment practices. The main suggestion of this paper is that knowledge about civilian and military operational terminologies and assessment practices is an imperative for successful civil-military cooperation in multinational and interagency operations. Such knowledge, we argue, is best obtained if both military and civilian actors respectively open their communication channels with the purpose of sharing information and operational experiences. Furthermore, based on the discussion, the paper raises a number of points which the authors believe would be valuable topics for further developing civil-military cooperation within the context of multinational and interagency operations.
The United States military is currently viewed not only as the most formidable and well-equipped armed force in the world, but one with a complex political role as well. The union of political and military responsibilities in light of U.S. security might seem obvious given recent events such as the Persian Gulf War, the Somalia operation and the restoration to power of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti. However, the embodiment of a highly skilled military within a carefully designed, politically flexible security framework is a comparatively new development in the U.S. The road to this accomplishment was long and difficult, and included thoroughgoing reform of U.S. military doctrine and security policy in the 1970s and 80s. By the time change had been fully instituted in the early 1990s, the international environment was changing rapidly, and evaluation of the framework was again necessary.
Current and future military confrontations require adaptive forces, moving rapidly from specific, lethal and high-intensity combat operations to stabilization and reconstruction operations or, conversely, from stability operations to kinetic ones. In fact, many times, military actions will take place simultaneously, at several levels of intensity and along the spectrum of the conflict. Thus, this article presents aspects that show that the current operational environment is the space of “military competition”, which will be marked by confrontations in a gray area, between “war and peace”, and in this area the military forces must have the necessary capabilities to carry out several and various types of missions.
Foreign Affairs, 1993
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2016
Complex military operations, are those military campaigns including, but not limited to, those military operations by conventional defence and security forces in alliance with paramilitaries and civil groups against non-conventional armed groups (insurgents and terrorists who do not recognise and observe legally-institutionalised municipal and international laws), have taken centre stage in current strategic discourse. This is because insurgency and terrorism pose the greatest challenge to most sovereign state entities who, in most cases, respond without properly appreciating and addressing the numerous challenges, potential and real, which face national armed forces combat personnel in their physical theatres of anti-insurgency/anti-terrorism operations or battle space as the case maybe. This paper posits that it is not possible to adequately contain the nefarious activities of insurgents and terrorists without adequately identifying and addressing the unique challenges which face combat personnel in those theatres or spaces of operation. It goes on to conclude that unless this prevailing situation is reversed, prospects for effective counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism initiatives will likely remain bleak.
op. cit
This publication was produced in the Department of Defense school environment in the interest of academic freedom and the advancement of national defense-related concepts. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or ...
The Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) provides its publications to contribute toward expanding the body of knowledge about Joint Special Operations. JSOU publications advance the insights and recommendations of national security professionals and Special Operations Forces' students and leaders for consideration by the SOF community and defense leadership. JSOU is a subordinate organization of the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. The mission of the Joint Special Operations University is to educate SOF executive, senior and intermediate leaders and selected other national and international security decision makers, both military and civilian, through teaching, outreach, and research in the science and art of joint special operations. JSOU provides education to the men and women of Special Operations Forces and to those who enable the SOF mission in a joint environment. JSOU conducts research through its Strategic Studies Department where effort centers upon the USSOCOM mission and these operational priorities: • Preempting global terrorist and CBRNE threats The views expressed in this publication are entirely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views, policy or position of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, USSOCOM, or the Joint Special Operations University.
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