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The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is now established as one of the pre-eminent model vertebrate study animals in biology, providing an excellent opportunity to integrate the fields of genetics and behavioral ecology. Considerable attention has been paid to the social organization of animals and the study of zebrafish in this context allows behavioral geneticists to gain an insight into this fundamentally important field. This paper reviews the literature on the social organization of fish, with special reference to the zebrafish. The mechanisms and functions of social behavior in fish and the current understanding of the behavioral genetics of these are discussed. Finally, the impact of domestication on the expression of wild-type behavior patterns in laboratory fish is considered.
Genes, Brain and Behavior
Sociality relies on motivational and cognitive components that may have evolved independently, or may have been linked by phenotypic correlations driven by a shared selective pressure for increased social competence. Furthermore, these components may be domain-specific or of general-domain across social and non-social contexts. Here, we used zebrafish to test if the motivational and cognitive components of social behavior are phenotypically linked and if they are domain specific or of general domain. The behavioral phenotyping of zebrafish in social and equivalent non-social tests shows that the motivational (preference) and cognitive (memory) components of sociality: (1) are independent from each other, hence not supporting the occurrence of a sociality syndrome; and (2) are phenotypically linked to nonsocial traits, forming two general behavioral modules, suggesting that sociality traits have been co-opted from general-domain motivational and cognitive traits. Moreover, the study of the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and each behavioral module further supports this view, since several SNPs from a list of candidate "social" genes, are statistically associated with the motivational, but not with the cognitive, behavioral module. Together, these results support the occurrence of general-domain motivational and cognitive behavioral modules in zebrafish, which have been co-opted for the social domain.
Wild zebrafish exhibit a wide range of behavior. We found abundant wild zebrafish in flowing rivers and still water, in large, tightly-knit groups of hundreds of individuals, as well as in small, loose shoals. In two still-water populations, zebrafish were quite small in body size, common, and in tight groups of up to 22 fish. As in earlier laboratory studies, these zebrafish exhibited very low levels of aggression. In slowly flowing water in central India, zebrafish were relatively rare and gathered in small shoals (4-12 fish), often with other small fish, such as Rasbora daniconius. These stream zebrafish were larger in body size (27 mm TL) and much more aggressive than those in still water. In a second river population with much faster flowing water, zebrafish were abundant and again relatively large (21 mm TL). These zebrafish occurred in very large (up to 300 individuals) and tightly-knit (nearest-neighbor distances up to 21 mm) groups that exhibited collective rheotaxis and almost no aggression. This remarkable variation in social behavior of wild zebrafish offers an opportunity for future studies of behavioral genetics, development, and neuroscience.
Zebrafish, 2020
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are highly social animals that engage in a diverse variety of nonreproductive social behaviors that emerge as early as 14 days postfertilization (dpf). However, we observe considerable behavioral variability at this stage, and comparisons across studies are potentially complicated both by chronological gaps in measurements and inconsistencies in developmental staging. To address these issues, we adapted our assay for social orienting and cueing in the adult zebrafish and used it to probe behavior in a critical window of larval development. In addition, we performed measurements of body length and tested a cohort of larvae with impaired growth to understand if this morphological feature is predictive of individual sociality. We report that zebrafish exhibit increasingly complex social behaviors between 10 and 16 dpf, including place preference, orienting, and social cueing. Furthermore, social behavior is related to standard length on an individual basis beginning at 14 dpf, such that developmentally stunted 14 dpf zebrafish raised on dry feed do not exhibit social behaviors, suggesting some morphological features are more predictive than chronological age. This highly variable and early stage in development provides an opportunity to further understand how genetic and environmental factors affect the assembly of neural circuits underlying complex behaviors.
Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2015
Adult zebrafish are robustly social animals whereas larva is not. We designed an assay to determine at what stage of development zebrafish begin to interact with and prefer other fish. One week old zebrafish do not show significant social preference whereas most 3 weeks old zebrafish strongly prefer to remain in a compartment where they can view conspecifics. However, for some individuals, the presence of conspecifics drives avoidance instead of attraction. Social preference is dependent on vision and requires viewing fish of a similar age/size. In addition, over the same 1-3 weeks period larval zebrafish increasingly tend to coordinate their movements, a simple form of social interaction. Finally, social preference and coupled interactions are differentially modified by an NMDAR antagonist and acute exposure to ethanol, both of which are known to alter social behavior in adult zebrafish.
Recent research has demonstrated the suitability of adult zebrafish to model some aspects of complex behaviour. Studies of reward behaviour, learning and memory, aggression, anxiety and sleep strongly suggest that conserved regulatory processes underlie behaviour in zebrafish and mammals. The isolation and molecular analysis of zebrafish behavioural mutants is now starting, allowing the identification of novel behavioural control genes. As a result of this, studies of adult zebrafish are now helping to uncover the genetic pathways and neural circuits that control vertebrate behaviour.
Certain individuals are more effective than others at using individual experience to impact group behavior. Here, we tested whether pre-training of zebrafish that are at the focal central of social group dynamics (''Key'' fish) has a stronger positive impact on group performance than does pre-training of less central (''Non-Key'') fish. We used very short observation periods and social network statistics to identify Key and Non-Key individuals, trained these fish to respond to an aversive stimulus, and then measured group performance after returning these now-experienced fish to a social setting. Although Key and Non-Key fish evaded the stimulus equally quickly as individuals, groups with experienced Key fish escaped the aversive stimulus more quickly than did groups with experienced Non-Key fish. The impact depended on genetic background: PN zebrafish on the social extremes (more often males) influenced the group's baseline response to the aversive stimulus, whereas experienced Scientific Hatcheries' zebrafish (both males and females) influenced the change in response over repeated trials. These results suggest that social roles are an important feature of information transfer across a group, and set the stage for future research into the genetic and evolutionary basis of social learning.
Zebrafish, 2010
The zebrafish has considerable potential for use as a model in the study of behavior in social systems, particularly dominance hierarchies, which are widespread in nature and can affect the lifelong success of individuals. There is, however, a paucity of information relating to the characterization of social groups and significance of dominance hierarchies in the zebrafish model. This study set out to bridge this knowledge gap and better characterize dominance and its implications for reproductive success in both male and female zebrafish in colonies comprising of two males and two females. Analyses of four aggressive behaviors (chase, bite, repel, spar) were conducted twice daily over a 5-day period, and fertilized eggs were collected for parentage analyses using DNA microsatellite markers. Dominant-subordinate relationships occurred both between males and between females, and in both sexes, dominance was associated with a greater body size and higher levels of aggression. During the spawning period, dominant females were, however, less aggressive toward their subordinates than dominant males to their subordinates. Aggressive behaviors employed for maintaining dominance did not differ between the sexes, but in females, in contrast with males, the level of aggression directed toward the subordinate fish increased over the study period. Overall, dominance resulted in a greater total reproductive success in males but not in females; however, dominant females sired more offspring with the dominant male. The findings illustrate that energy invested in dominance behavior appears beneficial for both sexes in zebrafish.
Behavioural Brain Research, 2008
Zebrafish has been in the forefront of developmental biology and genetics, but only recently has interest in their behavior increased. Zebrafish are small and prolific, which lends this species to high throughput screening applications. A typical feature of zebrafish is its propensity to aggregate in groups, a behavior known as shoaling. Thus, zebrafish has been proposed as a possible model organism appropriate for the analysis of the genetics of vertebrate social behavior. However, shoaling behavior is not well characterized in zebrafish. Here, using a recently developed software application, we first investigate how zebrafish respond to conspecific and heterospecific fish species that differ in coloration and/or shoaling tendencies. We found that zebrafish shoaled with their own species but not with two heterospecific species, one of which was a shoaling the other a non-shoaling species. In addition, we have started the analysis of visual stimuli that zebrafish may utilize to determine whether to shoal with a fish or not. We systematically modified the color, the location, the pattern, and the body shape of computer animated zebrafish images and presented them to experimental zebrafish. The subjects responded differentially to some of these stimuli showing preference for yellow and avoidance of elongated zebrafish images. Our results suggest that computerized stimulus presentation and automated behavioral quantification of zebrafish responses are feasible, which in turn implies that high throughput forward genetic mutation or drug screening will be possible in the analysis of social behavior with this model organism.
BMC evolutionary biology, 2017
Evidence for the transmission of non-genetic information from father to offspring is rapidly accumulating. While the impact of chemical and physical factors such as toxins or diet on the fitness of the parents and their offspring have been studied extensively, the importance of behavioural and social circumstances has only recently been recognised. Behavioural traits such as personality characteristics can be relatively stable, and partly comprise a genetic component but we know little about the non-genetic transmission of plastic behavioural traits from parents to offspring. We investigated the relative effect of personality and of social dominance as indicators at the opposite ends of the plasticity range on offspring behaviour in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). We assessed male boldness, a behavioural trait that has previously been shown previously to possess genetic underpinnings, and experimentally manipulated male social status to assess the association between the two types of b...
Journal of Fish Biology, 2020
Coping style is defined as a set of individual physiological and behavioural characteristics that are consistent across time and context. In the zebrafish Danio rerio, as well as in many other animals, several covariations have been established among behavioural, physiological and molecular responses. Nonetheless, not many studies have addressed the consistency in behavioural responses over time starting at the larval stage. Therefore, this study aimed to improve the understanding of behavioural consistency across contexts and over time in zebrafish from the larval to juvenile stages. Two distinct experiments were conducted: a larval stage experiment (from 8 to 21 days post fertilization, dpf) and a juvenile stage experiment (from 21 to 60 dpf). On one hand, the larval experiment allows to focus on the transition between 8 and 21 dpf, marked by significant morphological changes related to the end of larval stage and initiation of metamorphosis. On the other hand, the juvenile experiment allows to properly cover the period extending from the end of larval stage to the juvenile stage (60 dpf), including metamorphosis which is itself completed around 45 dpf. Within each experiment, boldness was determined using a group risk-taking test to identify bold and shy individuals. A novel environment test was then performed at the same age to evaluate consistency across contexts. Groups of fish (either bold or shy) were bathed in an alizarin red S solution for later identification of their initially determined coping style to evaluate behavioural consistency over time. Fish were then reared under common garden conditions and challenged again with the same behavioural tests at a later age (21 and 60 dpf in the larval and juvenile experiments, respectively). Behavioural consistency was observed across contexts, with bold fish being more active and expressing higher thigmotaxis regardless of age. There was, however, little behavioural consistency over age, suggesting behavioural plasticity during development. Moreover, the use of alizarin red S to conduct this experiment provides new perspectives for the further study of the longitudinal evolution of various traits, including behaviour, over life stages in fish.
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Neuromethods, 2012
Behavioural Brain Research, 2007
Behavioural Brain Research, 2011
Behavior Genetics, 2003
Physiology & Behavior, 2020
Physiology & Behavior, 2010
Animal Behaviour, 2006
Animal Behaviour, 2007
Royal Society Open Science, 2015
BMC Genomics, 2012
Behavior Genetics, 2013