Selection of patients for multiple-channel cochlear implantation


Only profoundly, bilaterally deaf adults are considered for evaluation. It is necessary to determine that the patient's com munication ability cannot be improved to any significant degree with conventional hearing aids currently available. Initial assessment consists of audiometry, hearing aid evaluation(s), otological and medical examination, and for patients with no recent experience with hearing aids, a hearing aid trial. Polytome x-rays of temporal bones is carried out to ensure that cochlea structures are not grossly abnormal. Electrical stimulation of the promontory is used to confirm the presence of residual aUditory nerve fibers. Where there is an audiometric difference between ears, the poorer ear is chosen for implantation provided there are no other contra indications. Intensive counselling is carried out to enable patients to make a fully informed decision about implantation. Patients undergo a battery of speech discrimination and lipreading tests with their hearing aid after their hearing aid trial. This is to provide a baseline for comparison with postoperative results and to assess the benefit obtained from the hearing aid. Any significant improvement in test results when using a hearing aid over lipreading alone would be a contraindication for implantation. Medical assessment is carried out as for any major surgery, inclUding pathology, respiratory function tests and cardiovascular assessment. Particular emphasis is plced on infection prevention immediately preoperatively and during surgery.