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2016, Proccedings of the ICAIIT2016
Scrum is the result of evolution in product development originating from the Japanese management system and process improvement (kaizen) and the Toyota production system from middle of the 20th century. However, Scrum is not the end result but a constant evolution. The purpose of this paper is an attempt to add new knowledge to this evolution. There are numerous alternatives to Scrum process and rules, commonly called hybrids. It is important to be aware that one approach or process cannot be a solution for every software development project. The key is to find a balance between the processes and the people, policies and the principles, as well as focus on long-term or short-term goals, etc. This problem is one of the biggest challenges widely discussed in present-day scientific and industrial communities.
International journal of information technology and computer science, 2024
In the lightning-quick world of software development, it is essential to find the most effective and efficient development methodology. This thesis represents "Scrum Spiral" which is an improved hybrid software development model that combines the features of Scrum and Spiral approach to enhance the software development process. This thesis aims to identify the usefulness of "ScrumSpiral" methodology and compare it with other hybrid software development models to encourage its use in software development projects. To develop this hybrid model, we did extensive research on the software engineering domain and decided to create a hybrid model by using Scrum and Spiral, named "Scrum Spiral" which is suitable for complicated projects and also for those projects whose requirements are not fixed. Traditional software development models face numerous challenges in rapidly changing markets. By developing this kind of hybrid model, we want to overcome these kinds of limitations and present the software development community with a novel concept for better project results. Final outcome of this thesis was that we developed a model that should be able to complete the project according to the expected schedule, satisfy customer requirements, and obtain productivity through team coordination. The significance of the hybrid model "Scrum Spiral" is reflected in its ability to offer flexibility towards various size projects, proactive risk management to identify all risks before developing the system, and result in higher-quality outcomes for those projects whose requirements are not properly described initially in the project.
Framework: Management of the software development project changes daily and increases day to day. Major benefits that attract firms to develop software some are a reduction on cost, delivery time reduction, the quality improvement well definition of the process, resource allocation and improvement in documentation. However, several problems have been documented in different methods of software development projects. But these problems can be solved by the use of agile practices. SCRUM is an agile methodology used to manage and control work during the development stages. The present documentation presents the comprehensive outward look of the effectiveness of scrum in the management of software development projects. This research aimed at exploring the extent to which this method is more effective than other methods. The focus of this paper is on the effectiveness of the stated method in accordance with real-life examples. Aims and Objectives: In the scope of the dissertation investig...
Scrum method is an agile management method approach toward software development as it progresses incrementally and repetitively. The scrum method involves constant evaluation and revaluation of the progression of the project, to insure it is completed on time, while meeting the specific needs as directed by the product owner. Scrum unique to other agile methods in that it provides an empirical chart to track a product's progression through all stages of its development. This paper includes methods in agile testing, Traditional methods in project management. After this Why to use Scrum and Scrum Framework discussed in detail. Brief description of Tools and Techniques of Scrum is given and last advantages and disadvantages of Scrum are explained. Suvarna Shinde | Pratibha Adkar"A modern review on scrum: Advance project management method" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4 , June 2018, URL:
Scrum, an A gile method has been a topic of much discussion among today"s software industry people and professionals. Unlike many other software development and management processes, Scrum is a framework that favors an iterative and incremental approach. Scrum methods were broken by keeping changing requirements of the clients in mind, and so Scrum has not only supported the adaptation of late requirements in software development but also supports selforganizing manner of work. As scrum seems so fruitful, in this paper authors done a review on Scrum for finding out the current working and adaptations in Scrum implementation and this paper will be an add on literature for other professionals interested in Scrum and agile methods development.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021
Adapting users need to fulfill their requirements and delivering products to be on time within the planned cost, is critical matter that all software project managers (SPM) put the highest priority for it while considering the users satisfaction at the same time. Agile methodology is one of the solutions provided by software engineers (SE), to get the customers involved in the system development life cycle (SDLC) to avoid the risk nonconformance cost. Yet SPM's still facing the nonconformance costs and the dynamic changes, and the root cause of the issue is not pointed on to find a solution for it. This undertaking research aimed at determining whether software developers understand scrum rules. In addition, how does this knowledge gab affect the software projects success from the project management perspective. Furthermore, the engagement studied the impact of lack of enough knowledge on the topic to project delivery. The collected data from the qualitative and quantitative methods, which was conducted with scrum teams who worked in the health information system (HIS), Educational solutions, and Governmental solutions has showed deviations in organizational practices and team conflicting, competition, and pressure as well as declined product quality.
Management:Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies
Agile methodologies provide a structure and a set of principles for collaborative software development. They were created in the 1990s as a reaction to the deficiency of strictly panned projects, where the top-down approach is assumed. They are focused on activities that directly add values to the product and make a customer more satisfied (Fowler& Highsmith, 2001, Dingsoyr et al., 2012) In the majority of agile development methods, product development is divided into small increments that minimize the amount of up-front planning and design. Each iteration must deliver some meaningful unit and bring benefits to the product itself, with each iteration having its own development phase. Each iteration consists of planning, development, testing and documentation phase (Nerur et al., 2005). The order of these phases is irrelevant and they can be developed in parallel, because the only important thing is to have small pieces of a unit completed upon the end of a single iteration. We can find the same phases in the classical waterfall methodology, but they need to be executed in an explicit order and the customer's first encounter with the product is only after the development phase, which is probably somewhere close to the end of the project. The main benefits and limitations of agile methods are identified and analysed in the literature (Dyba&Dingsoyr, 2008). Scrum is a very popular agile methodology within the software and product development. Scrum is ideal for projects with aggressive deadlines, complex requirements, and a significant degree of uniqueness (Alm
Scrum is a part of agile software development which also called incremental software development model. Scrum methodology commonly used to overcome uncertain condition and tight deadline. Scrum consists of three roles, they are product owner, development team, and scrum master. Scrum can be implemented on many areas such as development of education mobile application, integration of document management system, strengthen IT development centers, and many others. The successful of Scrum implementation depends on the skill and knowledge of the team members. The Scrum also has several risk factors and therefore needs risk management approaches. A comparison between agile and waterfall model is also discussed. The Scrum performance can also be tested with certain ways. Scrum used to make sure that all parts of the software can be delivered on time. The other benefits, scrum can make creative and productive workplace, and scrum can also increase business value.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2021
The world of software engineering is constantly discovering new ways that lead to an increase in team performance in the production of software products and, at the same time, brings the customer's further satisfaction. With the advent of agile methodologies in software development, these objectives have been considered more seriously by software teams and companies. Due to their very nature, agile methodologies have the potential to be integrated with other methodologies or specific managerial approaches defined in line with agility objectives. One of the cases is Six Sigma, which is used in organizations by focusing on organizational change and process improvement. In the present study, attempts were made to present the hybrid software development approach, including Scrum, as the most common agile and Six Sigma methodology. This approach was practically used in a case study, and the obtained results were analyzed. The results of this evaluation showed that this hybrid method could lead to the increased team performance and customer satisfaction. However, besides these two achievements, an increase in the number of reworks , number of defects discovered, and the duration of the project implementation were also observed. These cases are in line with the main objectives of Scrum and Six Sigma and are justifiable and acceptable due to achieving those objectives.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Software systems are having a major impact on many aspects of personal and professional life. Safety-critical applications, such as production line controls, automotive operations, and process industry controls, rely significantly on software systems. In these applications, software failure may result in bodily damage or death. The proper operation of software is essential to the safety and well-being of individuals and businesses. Therefore, software quality assurance is of paramount relevance in the software business today. In recent years, Agile Project Management and particularly Scrum, have gained popularity as a method of dealing with "vuca" business environments, which are characterized by rising Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. This paper contributes to the software development body of knowledge by proposing a metamodel of Scrum quality assurance, named SQrum ('SQ' of Software Quality and 'rum' of Scrum). Our objective is to make Scrum more efficient and reliable and to assist enterprises in undertaking quality assurance activities while considering agile practices and values.
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2012
Scrum does not provide any direction about how to engineer a software product. The project team has to adopt suitable agile process model for the engineering of software. XP process model is mainly focused on engineering practices rather than management practices. The design of XP process makes it suitable for simple and small size projects and not appropriate for medium and large projects. A fine integration of management and engineering practices is desperately required to build quality product to make it valuable for customers. In this research a novel framework hybrid model is proposed to achieve this integration. The proposed hybrid model is actually an express version of Scrum model. It possesses features of engineering practices that are necessary to develop quality software as per customer requirements and company objectives. A case study is conducted to validate the proposal of hybrid model. The results of the case study reveal that proposed model is an improved version of XP and Scrum model.
IJRET, 2013
Developing flexible, robust and scalable application is the purpose. Current IT industry is growing in the fast pace and have to survive in the competitive world by providing quality and time to market software. In order to sustain in the competitive world, requirement changes very frequently Agile methodologies today provide mechanism to handle growing expectations of customers with sufficient nimbleness to respond to changing market needs. Software development companies with its focus on innovation and value-centricity has adopted and matured its software development and maintenance methodology around agile development techniques, namely, Extreme Programming, Feature driven development and SCRUM. The purpose of this paper is to briefly introduce best suitable agile process like Scrum and Extreme Programming for different kinds of projects depending the attributes
The aim of our paper is to describe the experience we have using Scrum for agile software project management in a university environment. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first part an overview of the Scrum method is given. In the second part we describe how we used Scrum during the development of (a part of) the student records information system at the University of Ljubljana. Finally, the advantages of Scrum are summarized.
Product Management & Development, 2011
The aim of this paper was to present a review, an analysis, and a classification and coding of the literature on the Scrum method. Publications of interest were found through a search on CAPES periodicals database. Those publications were classified according to their origin, year of publication, type of study, approach, authors' membership, and reporting period. An investigation was conducted in order to find the benefits of using the Scrum method. Results showed that the literature on the subject is still scarce, but it is expanding and presents a lack of longitudinal and quantitative studies. It was concluded that there is a great demand for the generation of scientific knowledge on the subject.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2015
To maximize the performance, companies conduct a variety of ways to increase the business profit. The work management between one company and the other company is different, so the differences in the management may cause the software to have a different business process. Software development can be defined as creating a new software or fixing the existing one. Technology developments led to increasing demand for software, Industrial Technology (IT) Companies should be able to project well maintenance. The methodology in software development is used in accordance with the company's needs based on the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). Scrum method is a part of the Agile method that is expected to increase the speed and flexibility in software development project management.
The Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), 2023
The combination of scrum and waterfall is one of the software engineering teams that preferred hybrid agile models. The purpose of combining the two models is to leverage the advantages of each also to tailor the hybrid agile model to the needs of the project. However, to what extent are the phases, stages, and features of scrum and waterfall implemented in a software project remains unclear. Additionally, which phase will employ scrum, and when will waterfall be deemed optimal is also the arising question. This research adopted a qualitative study, and interviews are used as a data collection instrument. The interview is conducted based on an interview protocol, and thematic analysis is utilized to extract the themes from the interviews. This study investigates how the scrum and waterfall models are utilized in a software project, and three themes were identified in answering the research question. The findings indicate five development phases in a hybrid agile project and that waterfall is the preferable model in planning, while development is on scrum, and project testing and deployment could be either waterfall or scrum.
International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology
Now a days most of the software companies are able to produce valuable software in a very short span of time with minimum costs and with adjustable environments. For this purpose Agile Methodologies were thus introduced to meet all the requirements of a software development company. In this paper we will discuss the agile technique and SCRUM there advantages and disadvantages. Also we discuss about the dissimilarities and similarities between the new requirements of the software development companies.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2020
BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) is an organizational mechanism leading organization towards change management as and when it is required. In the form BPR, Agile practices have had a remarkable impact on Software Engineering Management (SEM) in software development organizations across the world. It has enhanced collaboration and productivity of Software Engineering (SE) teams and improved the level of quality of software products. Nowadays Scrum has been trending into software development organizations as a standard SDLC approach. Scrum is the framework of the Agile methodology, built on empiricism control theory, asserts that experience brings knowledge and increases decision making capabilities. The empiricism control theory is built on three pillars: Adaptation, Inspection and Transparency. This research study presents Scrum as a trending SDLC framework using empirical analysis. We have analyzed literature reviews, case studies, and research surveys; and implemented Scrum i...
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia, 2019
Nowadays, carrying out a project management is difficult in any situation, even more in global projects of software development, whose environment faces different aspects that make this type of projects even more difficult to manage, for example: lack of coordination, lack of face to face communication, temporary differences, cultural diversity and application of different standards, models and approaches. With the aim of supporting agile global software development (AGSD) project management when multiple models are present, we have defined Scrum+, which is a guide based on Scrum and defines a set of activities, tasks, roles and criteria to support AGSD projects in multimodel environments. We carried out the harmonization of agile approach Scrum along with project management practices defined in multiple models such as: ISO/IEC 15504, ISO 9001 and CMMI-DEV. Likewise, the evaluation of the proposal has been conducted through: (i) its application in a focus group with experts in different related areas and (ii) its assessment of the degree of agility by means 4-DAT method. Based on the analysis of the results and the comments obtained in the focus group, Scrum+ seems to be clear, adequate, and agile. The guide proposed here can serve as reference for studying further aspects related to agile software scaled projects.
2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2009
The premises considered by this work are that projects development in graduate courses is important for knowledge consolidation. However, one of the problems is that, usually, students are not prepared to manage and to be managed. This situation causes higher effort waste and is time-consuming. Additionally, the quality is decreased due to poor self-management and inadequate division of activities. Such problems can be minimized if there is a management policy that provides a wider vision of the project's course, allowing the problems to be anticipated in such a way as to correct the flaws as soon as possible. This work proposes the adaptation of the SCRUM Agile Project Management Methodology in the context of the development of academic projects, both in undergraduate and graduate courses, where students are organized in small teams and execute the project in a systematic way. This method was applied during the practical part of the "real-time systems" course, whose project was the development of an automated industrial production line with robot arms, using the LEGO NXT robotic kit. Therefore, this paper will show implementation aspects of the proposed method, difficulties and solutions, which parts of Scrum were effectively adopted and, specially, the learnt lessons.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
For the development of any product, different software development approaches are embraced. Contingent on the sort of prerequisites and venture a reasonable procedure is embraced. Agile is an overall acknowledged software development process. In the research work we will contrast scrum and lean methodologies. Scrum is an Agile procedure. Lean and agile offer a considerable measure of standards which are in like manner. In the work, the attention is on understanding scrum and lean and their work process alongside the entire procedure. Additionally, the emphasis is on its application in different enterprises and the venture that fused these procedures. The work depicts an analysis amongst them and the contrasts between these two procedures. Likewise, it centers around the factual information gathered by leading a review on an arrangement of inquiries. The statistics collected from the survey indicate which is the best technique acknowledged in different businesses.
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