Groebner Bases and an Improvement on Buchberger's Algorithm



In the computation of Groebner bases using Buchberger's Algorithm, a key issue for improving the efficiency is to create techniques to help us avoid as many unnecessary pairs of polynomials from the non-computed set of pairs as possible. A good solution would be to avoid those pairs that can be easily ignored without computing their S-polynomials, and hence to process only on the set of pairs of generators of the module generated by syzygies. This paper details an improvment of Buchberger's Algorithm for computing Groebner bases by defining the module of solutions of a homogeneous linear equation with polynomial coefficients (called the syzygy module). As a consequence, we use these syzygy modules to give another equivalent condition for a set to be a Groebner basis for an ideal. As a result we demonastrate that this new condition can significantly improve the Buchberger's Algorithm to compute Groebner bases.