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This community service is titled “Establishing Excellent Education Insitituion”. The purpose of this community service, that was carried out at Ini Media Kita Foundation, in Gunung Sindur, Bogor aims to find out how to establish an excellent education institution. The methods used are survey method, lectures, social services, simulations and also discussions with all teachers and educators at this foundation. The conclusion of this community service was by giving motivation to all teachers and educators in order to unite them in establishing excellent education institution by generating successful students who excel and mastering in science, technology and also religiously. The teachers and educators are given knowledge how to establish an excellent education institution with various kinds of school development. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan sekolah, Lembaga Pendidikan Unggul
Jurnal Teknodik
Era informasi adalah era di mana segala sesuatu berkembang dan berubah dengan cepat. Suatu organisasi dituntut untuk terus mampu beradaptasi dan melakukan upaya peningkatan terusmenerus mengikuti irama perubahan lingkungan agar tetap bertahan (survive) dan mampu bersaing dengan organisasi lainnya. Sebagai suatu organisasi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) dituntut untuk mampu melakukan hal yang sama. Mengacu pada teori dan konsep organisasi belajar, makalah ini mengupas berbagai cara yang sebaiknya diterapkan oleh UNJ khususnya atau organisasi serupa lain pada umumnya agar tetap unggul di era global dewasa ini. Pembahasan meliputi konsep organisasi belajar dan cara yang sebaiknya ditempuh dari sisi (1) dinamika belajar yang dilakukan oleh anggota organisasi, baik sebagai individu, kelompok, maupun organisasi, (2) proses transformasi yang dilakukan menuju sebuah organisasi belajar yang diharapkan, (3) proses pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki, baik dosen, karyawan, maupun...
Pengaruh jaman penuh teknologi ini dapat mendidik masyarakat untuk memiliki pola pikir responsif dan pola pikir daya saing, suka kerja keras, mau belajar untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan dan prestasi kerja. Dari jaman global ini, kita hidup di dalam dunia yang terbuka, dunia yang tanpa batas. Kehidupan global merupakan tantangan sekaligus membuka peluang-peluang baru bagi pembangunan ekonomi dan bagi SDM Indonesia yang berkualitas tinggi untuk memperoleh kesempatan kerja di luar negeri. Disinilah tantangan sekaligus peluang bagi peningkatan mutu pendidikan Indonesia baik untuk memenuhi SDM yang berkualitas bagi kebutuhan di negeri sendiri maupun manca negara. Secara umum ada beberapa hal perlu menjadi substansi manajemen pengembangan lembaga pendidikan islam, yaitu manajemen kurikulum dan pembelajaran, manajemen personalia, manajemen peserta didik, manajemen administrasi sekolah/madrasah, manajemen sarana dan prasarana, manajemen keuangan atau pembiayaan, serta manajemen partisipasi m...
Lembaga pendidikan melaksanakan fungsi rangkap terhadap masyarakat yaitu memberi layanan dan sebagai agen pembaru atau penerang. Dikatakan fungsi layanan karena ia melayani kebutuhan-kebutuhan masyarakat, dan disebut fungsi pemimpin sebab ia memimpin masyarakat disertai dengan penemuan-penemuannya untuk memajukan kehidupan masyarakat. Hubungan kerja sama lembaga dengan masyarakat, mengikuti perubahan-perubahan lingkungan dengan pendekatan situasional, memungkinkan lembaga itu tetap berdiri. Sebab ia berada dan hidup bersama masyarakat dan sekaligus menjadi penerang atau inovator bagi masyarakat. Inilah yang perlu diusahakan oleh para manajer pendidikan.
Journal of Informatic and Information Security, 2020
Along with the significant development of life progress, the competition that occurs requires people to follow the flow of adjustments as well as the world of education which now provides many alternative choices and levels of quality. Educational institutions need to develop their competitive advantage in order to survive, compete and sustain their survival properly. The resources needed to maintain its survival are not solely from traditional resources but must also come from intangible resources, namely knowledge. To benefit from the knowledge they have and what knowledge they must have, educational institutions / organizations must manage their knowledge through knowledge management. Consciously, educational institutions must know the knowledge they have and their benefits to improve performance and increase innovation and creativity. To achieve superior educational institutions, knowledge management is needed, namely the ability to create and maintain value that is greater than...
Various efforts are needed to create an excellent organization. One of the steps to achieve that goal is to understand technology changes and flows of information, have quality and productivity in work, mastery of science and technology that will make them able to compete for both in the era of globalization. The purpose of this study is to describe how an organization builds cendekia human resources to create a superior organization. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with data collection methods using literature studies. The results of this study need efforts to build cendekia human resources so that organizations excel through 1) developing a literacy culture (reading, writing, and good communication culture); 2) improving self-quality by competence improvement; 3) building good working relationships between colleagues inside and outside of the organization; 4) collaborating between organizations; 5) building a vision (visionary), and 6) being fair, caring, and being a role model for others.
Istawa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2019
An organization-based superior education strategy is certainly very different from the formal education strategy in general. An organization-based superior education strategy is not limited by space and time. Education can be done anywhere, anytime, and how things are. So PD IPM Ponorogo seeks to maximize the superior education strategy to cadre its members so that later they can become the next generation of the nation that is useful for themselves, the community, and the nation. The purpose of this study is 1) To find out the forms of superior education, 2) To find out the organization-based superior education strategy and, 3) To understand the supporting and inhibiting factors of superior education based strategies organization in the Regional Leadership of the Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Student Association. This research approach is a qualitative approach, with a type of case study research. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results sh...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2017
The development of the curriculum as a scientific discipline today is growing very rapidly, both terrorist and practical. If in the past the traditional curriculum was more focused on subjects with a pouring system, now the curriculum is more oriented to new dimensions, such as life skills, selfdevelopment, economic and industrial development, globalization era with various problems, politics, even in practice it has touched the technological dimension especially information and communication technology. The role of the curriculum system is very important because there are two important reasons. First, the curriculum as a tool to achieve educational goals, therefore the curriculum must really exist. Second, the curriculum is basically the science of the nation's educational process so that it is meaningful for its life, both as individuals, family members, community members, and disciplines that must be studied by people involved in education, especially those who are prospective teachers or have become teachers.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Supervisi Pendidikan, 2020
This study aims to describe the development of excellent private middle school (SMPS) organizational culture in Palangkaraya City, viewed from aspects: (1) positive values that underlie the development of school organizational culture, (2) the strategy of internalizing positive values in the development of school organizational culture, (3) supporting and obstacles factors in the development of school organizational culture, and (4) the role of stakeholders in supporting the development of school organizational culture. This study used qualitative approach with case study design. The subjects of this study were the founder of the Golden Christian School (GCS) SMPS, the school principal, teachers, and school stakeholders. Data collected through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques using interactive model is through data reduction, data presentation, conclusions drawing, and data verification. Validation of data in this study uses credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. The results of this study showed that the school organizational culture in SMSPS GCS was developed by basing on the values of Christianity as the main foundation in shaping the character and culture of school organizations. Through internalization strategies that are realized in various school policies and programs, positive values that are believed by schools to be embedded within students which ultimately shape school organizational culture and are able to make SMPS GCS as the excellent private school in Palangka Raya City.
Wacana tentang Muhammadiyah, seakan perlu menghadirkan sosok K.H.Ahmad Dahlan sebagai tokoh sentral pembaharu pendidikan, sosial dan keagamaan. Muhammadiyah sebagai salah satu organisasi keagamaan terbesar di Indonesia memegang peranan penting dalam sejarah perjalanan bangsa Indonesia sejak pra kemerdekaan hingga mengantarkan bangsa ini memproklamasikan kemerdekaannya sampai saat sekarang. Peran tersebut tidak terlepas dari maksud dan tujuan pendirian Muhammadiyah dalam rangka menegakkan dan menjunjung tinggi agama Islam semata-mata demi terwujudnya 'Izzul Islam wal Muslimin, kejayaan Islam sebagai realita dan kemuliaan hidup umat Islam. 1 Muhammadiyah tersebar diseluruh Indonesia tidak terlepas dari itu Organisasi Muhammadiyah ini hadir Kota Sorong pada tahun 1990-an. Kedatangan Muhammadiyah di Kota Sorong memberikan angin segar bagi kalangan para imigran, awalnya ormas ini datang hanya dengan tujuan dakwah dan memperluas jaringan pengkaderan, namun melihat kondisi masyarakat di
The program of community service activities is one of the tasks carried out by lecturers in carrying out the Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. The partner in this program is Media Kita Foundation. The main problem faced by partners is the lack of awareness in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment around the school. In this case, especially in the education environment, cleanliness is an inseparable part of the education program itself. A clean environment will certainly give students comfort in learning and of course student health will also be maintained. For this reason, it is necessary to provide counseling on the procedures for a healthy lifestyle where the ultimate goal is to create an awareness that the importance of a healthy lifestyle is consistently applied. This of course requires the involvement of all parties both students, teachers, the surrounding community. In implementing a healthy lifestyle or better known as the healthy living community movement it is expected t...
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re-JIEM (Research Journal of Islamic Education Management)
Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal, 2017
Jalie: Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education, 2020
Adaara: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2019
Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pemerintahan
Jurnal Investasi, 2024
IAIN Tulungagung Press, 2017
Jurnal Paradigma Hukum Pembangunan, 2021