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52 pages
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Real Decreto 53/2013, de 1 de febrero, por el que se establecen las normas básicas aplicables para la protección de los animales utilizados en experimentación y otros fines científicos, incluyendo la docencia.
Mycobacterial species have practically evolved along humankind, sometimes provoking serious diseases. Among them, tuberculosis (TB), produced by M. tuberculosiscomplex bacteria, is historically the single most devastating infectious agent. Like many other microorganisms, M. tuberculosis resistant to antibiotics have risen as a consequence of selective pressure for mutants able to persist despite being attacked with drugs that would otherwise erradicate them from the infected person. Given the current long-term (6-9 months) therapy with multiple antibiotics, many people abandon their treatments, therefore promoting that bacteria that were not eliminated during therapy get exposed to suboptimal antibiotic concentrations, probably leading to mutations and drug resistance. In this scenario, extremely-drug resistant (XDR) TB was recognized not more than a decade ago, prompting concerns for a more complicated drug regimen with few available molecules. In recent years, either old antibiotics have been rediscovered as good measures to control XDR-TB, or new ones have emerged as alternatives to cure patients of this type of infection. In this work we aim to provide the medical community in Mexico with information of such drug regimens that have succesfully worked, in order to get their consideration for use in our country.
Proceso de atención de enfermería a un escolar con disminución del oxígeno en sangre por malformación cardíaca aplicando el modelo de Henderson Este artículo puede ser consultado en versión completa en: ABSTRACT At the present time nursing care in their practice is based on a methodology that lets you develop effective interventions and quality which are strengthened on evidence generated through the case studies. The case study is a qualitative research method that involves Nursing Attention Process and nursing theories. This paper describes a case study using Virginia Henderson's model: A school child with tetralogy of Fallot. The main objective is to individualize cares to achieve personal independence from the primary caretaker. The study was carried out throughout the preoperative, during surgery, and postoperative stages of the person. After obtaining the valuations data were analyzed and nested the needs and applied the scale proposed by Margot Phaneuf. Are developed nursing diagnoses and care plans corresponding to the main alterations detected, for which it research in the scientific evidence to support some interventions, with the purpose of provide greater sustenance to them. The results focus to the child's recovery by improving their quality of life and his primary caregiver.
La revista es el órgano de difusión científica de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Diabetes. Su función es publicar artículos relacionados con la diabetología y sus patologías asociadas producidos en Latinoamérica. Es una publicación de regularidad trimestral y de acceso gratuito a través de la internet.
Antes de comenzar a hablar sobre este tema tan controvertido y que tanta visceralidad suscita, quiero hacer algunas premisas. Primero advertir que tengo buenos amigos que son homosexuales y que los aprecio y los valoro como a cualquier otro de mis amigos y segundo, que por supuesto, creo que el trato discriminatorio y de rechazo al que se ha sometido a los homosexuales en la cultura occidental y en otras culturas, es totalmente injusto. Considero que la condición de homosexual no rebaja ni disminuye en absoluto la dignidad de la persona. Pero esto no me impide afirmar, como psicólogo, que la homosexualidad es un "handicap" para la persona que la padece y que puede ser considerada como un trastorno psicológico de tipo neurótico. Alguno podrá aducir que en el manual DSM-IV que describe las enfermedades psicológicas, editado por la Asociación de Psiquiatras Americanos, ya no aparece la homosexualidad. Y en 1990 la OMS la retiró también de las listas de enfermedades mentales.
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