The Passion of the Word. Chapter 5

2023, The Passion of the Word. Chapter 5


“This wound is inflicted by the same burn that cures it, and, as it is made, it is cured; for it is in some ways similar to a burn caused by natural fire, which, when it is applied to a wound, makes a greater wound, and causes the first, which has been produced by iron or in some other way, to be turned into a wound inflicted by fire; and the more it is subject to the burning, greater is the wound caused by the fire, until the whole of the matter is destroyed. Even so this Divine burn of love heals the wound which has been inflicted in the soul by love, and with each application it becomes greater. For the healing of love is to hurt and wound once more that which has been hurt and wounded already, until the soul comes to be wholly dissolved in the wound of love. And in this way, when it is completely turned into a wound of love, it regains its perfect health, and is transformed in love and wounded in love. So in this case, he that is most severely wounded is most healthy, and he that is altogether wounded is altogether healthy. Yet, even if this soul be altogether wounded and altogether healthy, the burning still performs its office, which is to wound with love; but then it is also to relieve the wound which has been healed, … The loftier and the more sublime is the fire of love that has caused the wound, the more delectable is the wound. For, as the Holy Spirit inflicted the wound in order to relieve it, and as He has a great desire and will to relieve it, great, therefore, is the wound, in order that it may be greatly relieved. Oh, happy wound, inflicted by One who cannot but heal! Oh, fortunate and most happy wound, for thou were inflicted only for the relief and delight of the soul! Great is the wound, since great is He that has inflicted it; and great is its relief, since the fire of love is infinite and is measured according to its capacity. Oh, then, thou delectable wound! So much more sublimely delectable art thou in proportion as the burn of love has touched the inmost centre of the substance of the soul, burning all that was capable of being burned, that it might relieve all that was capable of being relieved.” St John of the Cross