Short-range correlations in percolation at criticality

2014, Physical Review E


We derive the critical nearest-neighbor connectivity g n as 3/4, 3(7 − 9p tri c)/4(5 − 4p tri c), and 3(2 + 7p tri c)/ 4(5 − p tri c) for bond percolation on the square, honeycomb, and triangular lattice, respectively, where p tri c = 2 sin(π/18) is the percolation threshold for the triangular lattice, and confirm these values via Monte Carlo simulations. On the square lattice, we also numerically determine the critical next-nearest-neighbor connectivity as g nn = 0.687 500 0(2), which confirms a conjecture by Mitra and Nienhuis [J. Stat. Mech. (2004) P10006], implying the exact value g nn = 11/16. We also determine the connectivity on a free surface as g surf n = 0.625 000 1(13) and conjecture that this value is exactly equal to 5/8. In addition, we find that at criticality, the connectivities depend on the linear finite size L as ∼ L yt −d , and the associated specific-heat-like quantities C n and C nn scale as ∼ L 2yt −d ln(L/L 0), where d is the lattice dimensionality, y t = 1/ν the thermal renormalization exponent, and L 0 a nonuniversal constant. We provide an explanation of this logarithmic factor within the theoretical framework reported recently by Vasseur et al.


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