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2019, Communications of The Korean Mathematical Society
Let R be a ring with identity and J(R) denote the Jacobson radical of R, i.e., the intersection of all maximal left ideals of R. A ring R is called J-symmetric if for any a, b, c ∈ R, abc = 0 implies bac ∈ J(R). We prove that some results of symmetric rings can be extended to the Jsymmetric rings for this general setting. We give many characterizations of such rings. We show that the class of J-symmetric rings lies strictly between the class of symmetric rings and the class of directly finite rings.
Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2020
We call a ring R as J-symmetric if for any a, b, c ∈ R, abc = 0 implies bac ∈ J(R). It turns out that J-symmetric rings are a common generalization of left (right) quasi-duo rings and generalized weakly symmetric rings. Various properties of these rings are established and some results on exchange rings and the regularity of left SF-rings are generalized.
In this paper, we introduce a class of rings which is a generalization of symmetric rings. Let R be a ring with identity. A ring R is called central symmetric if for any a, b,c ∈ R, abc = 0 implies bac belongs to the center of R. Since every symmetric ring is central symmetric, we study sufficient conditions for central symmetric rings to be symmetric. We prove that some results of symmetric rings can be extended to central symmetric rings for this general settings. We show that every central reduced ring is central symmetric, every central symmetric ring is central reversible, central semmicommutative, 2-primal, abelian and so directly finite. It is proven that the polynomial ring R(x) is central symmetric if and only if the Laurent polynomial ring R(x,x 1 ) is central symmetric. Among others, it is shown that for a right principally projective ring R, R is central symmetric if and only if R(x)/(x n ) is central Armendariz, where n ≥ 2 is a natural number and (x n ) is the ideal ge...
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2017
Let R be a ring with identity and J(R) denote the Jacobson radical of R. A ring R is called J-reversible if for any a, b ∈ R, ab = 0 implies ba ∈ J(R). In this paper, we give some properties of J-reversible rings. We prove that some results of reversible rings can be extended to J-reversible rings for this general setting. We show that J-quasipolar rings, local rings, semicommutative rings, central reversible rings and weakly reversible rings are J-reversible. As an application it is shown that every J-clean ring is directly finite.
In this paper, we introduce and study a strict generalization of symmetric rings. We call a ring $R \,\,\, 'P-symmetric'$ if for any $a,\, b,\, c\in R,\, abc=0$ implies $bac\in P(R)$, where $P(R)$ is the prime radical of $R$. It is shown that the class of $P$-symmetric rings lies between the class of central symmetric rings and generalized weakly symmetric rings. Relations are provided between $P$-symmetric rings and some other known classes of rings. From an arbitrary $P$-symmetric ring, we produce many families of $P$-symmetric rings.
Journal of Algebra, 1987
We give a complete description of the Jacobson radical of semigroup rings R[S], where S is a commutative semigroup and R is an associative ring such that 2, +.(R) = $l(R) for all natural numbers n. &R) is the ideal of R determined by the Jacobson radical of a polynomial ring in k commuting variables and with coefficients in R. Consequently, we obtain a complete description of the Jacobson radical of commutative semigroup rings.
Journal of Mathematics, 2014
The concept of nil-symmetric rings has been introduced as a generalization of symmetric rings and a particular case of nil-semicommutative rings. A ringRis called right (left) nil-symmetric if, fora,b,c∈R, wherea,bare nilpotent elements,abc=0 (cab=0)impliesacb=0. A ring is called nil-symmetric if it is both right and left nil-symmetric. It has been shown that the polynomial ring over a nil-symmetric ring may not be a right or a left nil-symmetric ring. Further, it is also proved that ifRis right (left) nil-symmetric, then the polynomial ringR[x]is a nil-Armendariz ring.
GANIT: Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society, 2011
Jacobson radical of gamma rings is one of the most significant concept in the ring theory. In this paper we consider the Jacobson radical for gamma rings due to A.C. Paul and T.M. Abul Kalam Azad [5]. Some new characterizations are developed in this radical. The Jacobson Density Theorem and its converse Theorem are also proved here. GANIT J. Bangladesh Math. Soc. (ISSN 1606-3694) 29 (2009) 147-160 DOI:
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser, 2018
Let R be a commutative ring with non-zero identity and J(R) be Jacobson ideal of R. The Jacobson graph of R is the graph whose vertices are R\J(R), and two different vertices x and y are adjacent if 1−xy / ∈ U (R), where U (R) is the set of units of R. We investigate diameter of J R and seek relation between it and diameter of Jacobson graphs under extension to polynomial and power series rings. Also, vertex and edge connectivity of finite Jacobson graphs are obtained. Finally, we show that all finite Jacobson graphs have a matching that misses at most one vertex and offer one 1-factor decomposition of a regular subgraph.
Let R be an associative ring with identity 1 and J(R) the Jacobson radical of R. Suppose that m ≥ 1 is a fixed positive integer and R an m-torsion-free ring with 1. In the present paper, it is shown that R is commutative if R satisfies both the conditions (i) [x m , y m ] = 0 for all x, y ∈ R\J(R) and (ii) [x, [x, y m ]] = 0, for all x, y ∈ R\J(R). This result is also valid if (ii) is replaced by (ii)' [(yx) m x m − x m (xy) m , x] = 0, for all x, y ∈ R\N (R). Our results generalize many well-known commutativity theorems (cf.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1988
Let R be a ring with identity and J(R) denote the Jacobson radical of R. A ring R is called J-reduced if a = 0 (n ∈ N) implies a ∈ J(R) for any a ∈ R. We give, in this article, many characterizations of such rings. We construct some families of J-reduced rings. Furthermore, the transposes of invertible matrices over such rings are studied.
We introduce a weakly symmetric ring which is a generalization of a symmetric ring and a strengthening of both a GWS ring and a weakly reversible ring, and investigate properties of the class of this kind of rings. A ring R is called weakly symmetric if for any a, b, c ∈ R, abc being nilpotent implies that Racrb is a nil left ideal of R for each r ∈ R. Examples are given to show that weakly symmetric rings need to be neither semicommutative nor symmetric. It is proved that the class of weakly symmetric rings lies also between those of 2-primal rings and directly finite rings. We show that for a nil ideal I of a ring R, R is weakly symmetric if and only if R/I is weakly symmetric. If R[x] is weakly symmetric, then R is weakly symmetric, and R[x] is weakly symmetric if and only if R[x;x−1] is weakly symmetric. We prove that a weakly symmetric ring which satisfies Köthe’s conjecture is exactly an NI ring. We also deal with some extensions of weakly symmetric rings such as a Nagata exte...
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
This paper is about rings $R$ for which every element is a sum of a tripotent and an element from the Jacobson radical $J(R)$ . These rings are called semi-tripotent rings. Examples include Boolean rings, strongly nil-clean rings, strongly 2-nil-clean rings, and semi-boolean rings. Here, many characterizations of semi-tripotent rings are obtained. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a Morita context (respectively, for a group ring of an abelian group or a locally finite nilpotent group) to be semi-tripotent are proved.
A J-ring is a ring R with the property that for every x in R there exists an integer n(x)>1 such that x x x n = ) ( , and a well-known theorem of Jacobson states that a Jring is necessarily commutative. With this as motivation, we define a generalized Jring to be a ring R with the property that for all x, y in R0 there exists integers 1
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1973
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2008
Communications in Algebra, 2001
All commutative semigroups S are described such that the Jacobson radical is homogeneous in each ring graded by S.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1971
If R is an associative ring, we consider the special Jordan ring R + {R^ + } , and when R has an involution, the special Jordan ring S of symmetric elements. We first show that the prime radical of R equals the prime radical of R + {R^ + } , and that the prime radical of R intersected with S is the prime radical of S. Next we give an elementary characterization, in terms of the associative structure of R, of primeness of S. Finally, we show that a prime ideal of R intersected with S is a prime Jordan ideal of S.
Journal of Algebra, 1981
For example, an associative algebra A gives rise to a Jordan algebra .Z = A9 by taking U, y = xyx and x2 = xx. A Jordan algebra is unitaf if there is an element 1 with U,x = x and U, 1 =x2 for all x. Any Jordan algebra can be imbedded in a unital Jordan algebra, its unital hull J' = Qi 1 + J. An element u of a unital Jordan algebra is invertible if U,, is an invertible operator, which is equivalent to 1 E U,J. An element x of J is quasi-invertible if 1-x is invertible in J', i.e., if U ,-+ = Z-V, + U, is invertible, equivalently if U,-,J= J. An element is properly quasi-invertible if it remains quasi-invertible in all homotopes JCy' of J, where the operations in the homotope are given by x is quasi-invertible in Jfy' iff U&, = 1-VX*y + U, U,, = TX,y is invertible (on J or J'), equivalently iff T,,,(J) = J. The Jacobson radical of a Jordan algebra is the maximal ideal of quasiinvertible elements, and consists precisely of all properly quasi-invertible elements [3]. We wish to relate this to inner ideals. We define a weak inner ideal to be a subspace I,, c J invariant under inner multiplication by J, Ur,J c I,, while a (strict) inner ideal Z is a weak inner ideal which remains such in J', UtJ' c I. Thus an inner ideal satisfies the additional condition that U, 1 = Z2 c I. (In a unital algebra all weak inner ideals are inner). Formula (0.2) shows U,J is an inner ideal in J for any y E .Z', and (0.3) shows T,,,J is an inner ideal in J for any x, y E J'. If J = A9 for an associative algebra A, then any right or left ideal B in A is an inner ideal in J.
Arabian Journal of Mathematics
The class of J-normal rings lies between the classes of weakly normal rings and left min-abel rings. It is proved that R is J-normal if and only if for any idempotent e ∈ R and for any r ∈ R, R(1 − e)re ⊆ J (R) if and only if for any n ≥ 1, the n × n upper triangular matrix ring U n (R) is a J-normal ring if and only if the Dorroh extension of R by Z is J-normal. We show that R is strongly regular if and only if R is J-normal and von Neumann regular. For a J-normal ring R, it is obtained that R is clean if and only if R is exchange. We also investigate J-normality of certain subrings of the ring of 2 × 2 matrices over R.
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