Cambodia’s Education System: Looking Back to Move Forward


Cambodia has set ambitious goals to become an upper middle income country by 2030. To achieve this, it needs to rethink its education system to upgrade the skills of its workforce so the country can become a knowledge-intensive society.

Key takeaways

  • F our decades after the collapse of the Khmer Rouge in 1979, Cambodia has made signi cant progress in many areas.
  • To sustain economic growth and sustainable development, Cambodia needs to invest in upgrading the skills of its workforce.
  • On the educational rankings, however, Cambodia is not scoring well.
  • In particular, a number of projects, such as the Secondary Education Improvement Project and the Higher Education Improvement Project, have been introduced to improve the education quality in Cambodia.
  • With its higher education and training performance ranked 124th out of 138 countries in 2017, Cambodia will nd it hard to achieve its goal to become a knowledge society.