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Cambodia has set ambitious goals to become an upper middle income country by 2030. To achieve this, it needs to rethink its education system to upgrade the skills of its workforce so the country can become a knowledge-intensive society.
Education is the backbone of a nation. With quality education, any country can develop its human capital required to drive socioeconomic growth and national development. It is education that enables less developed countries to catch up with their more developed counterparts. This article focuses on Cambodia and its fledgling education system. Drawing on secondary sources, the article argues that education is the key to making Cambodia great again. The article begins by briefly introducing Cambodia's historical context and highlighting its development in recent decades. Next, it delves into the challenges facing Cambodia's education, focusing on key challenges confronting both general and higher education. The article then puts forward a set of suggestions to improve the education system in Cambodia. It concludes that an effective education system is the hope for Cambodia to ensure its prosperous and great future, thereby making itself great again.
ISEAS Publishing, 2012
The education sector in Cambodia has come a long way and achieved a number of impressive accomplishments following year zero, almost three decades of civil conflicts, internal strife, political instability, and backwardness. It is noteworthy that the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) through the establishment of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) in 1992, together with the international partners and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) has done a remarkable job in rehabilitating a dysfunctional education system and rebuilding a shattered economy. However, there is an immediate need to better educate and train more people in order to promote more efficient and superior cadres to build up a stronger nation with an economic self-sustainability. An education that supports the development of morality and critical thinking skills will be increasingly important for all Cambodian students to restore the identity of the Khmer people from one of victimhood to one of capacity, pride and honor, and also to compete regionally and globally. This paper begins by identifying the near eradication of education in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge epoch and will highlight the progress up to the present day. The paper will then examine the challenges of the educational reforms in which both the beneficial and the adverse effects will be presented. As this paper will show, the national strategy to promote new long term and sustainable sources of economic growth as well as improving living standards is based on developing human resources and building human capacity, thus improving the overall quality of education. Additional transformations in the educational sector are necessary for Cambodia to tackle the challenges of the 21st century, including those of globalization and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Only when we can advance education can we advance the nation.
Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2007
Abstract This paper discusses the key issues and concerns in the Cambodian government's efforts to implement three priority education policies for 20062010: ensure equitable access to education; increase quality and efficiency of the education services; and ...
Monash University, 2019
Globalization has a huge impact not only on economy, politics or culture but also education (Mok & Welch, 2003). This creates numerous challenges, such as regional and global competition of the labour market, for most developing countries including Cambodia. In order to possibly tackle this trend, Cambodia needs to improve its capabilities in terms of human resource development by reforming the educational system and curriculum to ensure that the majority of its citizens will have equal access to quality education (Ayres, 2003; Chhinh & Dy, 2009; Maclean, 2002). In this paper, the writer will critically analyze the way in which Cambodia’s educational reform was designed not only to prepare students for the integration of ASEAN economic community but equip them with the 21st-century learning skills. The analysis will focus on the case of New Generation School initiative (NGS) in the secondary education level. In addition, the writer will argue that introducing the New Generation School initiative in educational reform in Cambodia might be a suitable way to minimize a gap in accessing the same quality of education regardless of socioeconomic classes and it can be the beginning of a new chapter in educational reform, which effectively provides students with the 21st-century learning skills in the global perspectives. The two key terms will also be defined in this essay, “globalization” and “New Generation School”. This essay will begin by providing a contextual background of the country-based case and then outlining how the constant development of educational reform in Cambodia can overcome the influence of globalization before drawing a case of similar educational reform in Lao PDR.
Any effort to improve our current situation and the well-being of our society is most effective when we acknowledge the existence of gaps: the divides between policies and implementations, the complaints of under-and over-resourced, the contrast between the haves and the have-nots, and other obvious and hidden gaps among generations, countries and societies. For this fourth issue of THink, contributors write about gaps they have observed -and the potential solutions to bridge these gaps.
Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Beyond, 2021
Asia and Beyond (HESB), we have invited leading researchers and policymakers to share their insights and analysis of the future development of higher education in each of the 11 Southeast Asian countries. Each of their articles is accompanied by a profile of each country by Zane Kheir, which takes stock of the state of higher education hitherto in those countries.
This edited volume presents a detailed portrait of the education system in Cambodia. In addition to contextualizing the development of education in Cambodia from a long-term historical perspective, the book addresses such issues as: the local enactment of student-centered pedagogies, challenges to achieving literacy and numeracy, practices of private tutoring, the rise of education-related civil society and its influence on education policymaking, issues around student dropout, and current themes in higher education and teacher education. In comparison with other books on Cambodia, the proposed work is unique in terms of its breadth, depth, and timeliness. This breadth of issues is addressed through recent quantitative and qualitative analyses by scholars long engaged in research in Cambodia. The book’s focus on challenges accompanying Cambodia’s continued expansion and modernization of its education system makes the findings and lessons presented relevant both within and beyond Cambodia.
Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 2020
This paper reviews the research literature on educational development and changes of education policy for development in Cambodia throughout five historical events from the 1860s to the 1980s. Secondary data such as scholarly journal articles and books were gathered through the search in databases of ERIC, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and library. Content analysis was adopted as the analytical method. The authors argue that even though educational provision has been embraced as the important policy for development, it has been found to be fundamentally misguided. From the 1950s to 1960s, the significant expansion of education brought rapid growth of economic and establishments of schools, universities, and teacher training colleges. However, the crisis of education emerged from the decline of education in the early 1970s and the total dismantle of education during the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) by the second half of the 1970s. It has damaged many of Cambodia development prospects.
Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia
Any effort to improve our current situation and the well-being of our society is most effective when we acknowledge the existence of gaps: the divides between policies and implementations, the complaints of under-and over-resourced, the contrast between the haves and the have-nots, and other obvious and hidden gaps among generations, countries and societies. For this fourth issue of THink, contributors write about gaps they have observed -and the potential solutions to bridge these gaps.
FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 2023
Because of the scattered pieces of documents both in Khmer and English about the education systems in Cambodia from the prehistoric period to the present, we have tried to collect all the related documents to review and then combined them into one piece. The combined piece from this review makes it a lot easier for all the researchers and readers who want to know about the education system in Cambodia from the past to the present since the piece has highlighted all the stages of the education process in Cambodia along with the review from the look into the history of Cambodia. This article also looks into the future of the education strategic plan (ESP) in Cambodia based on the policy of the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and ESP put forth by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS).
This article examines the process of development and change in the state of education in Cambodia over four decades preceding the 1990 Jomtien World Conference on Education for All. The author argues that during the 1950s and 1960s, efforts to enhance basic education opportunities for all Cambodians were largely unsuccessful due to the lack of adequate infrastructural mechanisms and a guiding framework for action. Of the periods considered in this study, only the Prince Sihanouk regime (1950s-1960s) was relatively socioeconomically advanced, and saw a growth in the number of modern school buildings, teacher training centres, and universities. The succeeding regimes in the 1970s not only failed to maintain the development, but by the second half of the 1970s the formal education system had been completely dismantled. The collapse in 1979 of the Pol Pot regime made way for the rebirth of traditional socio-cultural structures and the wide expansion of schooling opportunities throughout the 1980s. National rehabilitation and reconstruction during the 1980s, despite lingering social insecurity, marked considerable and fundamental progress towards the present educational situation of this struggling nation.
This report describes and analyzes the efforts and achievements made in Cambodia during the past 16 years with a special focus on developments after the United Nations organized election in 1993. During this process UNESCO played a small but important part in the reconstruction of education, freedom of expression (through the training of journalists), and protection of Angkor Temples, a major cultural heritage of Cambodia and the world. As background, the report points out that the end of World War II in 1945 marked the beginning of conflict and misery for Cambodia. The Cambodian War escalated to its peak during the 1970s and caused over two million deaths and hundreds of thousands of disabilities. The report is UNESCO, 1991. Inter-Sectoral. Basic Needs Assessment Mission to Cambodia. Report.
Cambodianess, 2020
Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI)
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