Kaleidoskope des Tanzes (Tanz&Archiv: ForschungsReisen 7), 2017

2017, Kaleidoskope des Tanzes. Ed. Irene Brandenburg, Nicole Haitzinger and Claudia Jeschke (Tanz&Archiv: Forschungsreisen, issue 7). Munich: epodium

"Kaleidoscopes of Dance," the seventh issue of the magazine Tanz&Archiv: ForschungsReisen, is inspired by the exhibition "Art-Music-Dance: Staging the Derra de Moroda Dance Archives" (Salzburg, Museum der Moderne, 2016), whose curatorial concept aimed to connect so-called (dance) modernism with contemporary art. The metaphor of the kaleidoscope refers to the possibility of reflections, refractions, and reconstellations, exemplified here in six articles that deepen thematic foci of the exhibition. From different perspectives, the authors (Sabine Breitwieser, Franz Anton Cramer, Nicole Haitzinger, Tessa Jahn, Claudia Jeschke, Susanne Leeb and Kirsten Maar) from various disciplines (fine arts, ethnology, theater and dance studies) deal with central aspects of the multifaceted dance culture of the 1920s and 1930s as well as its mediation through the exhibition at the Museum der Moderne and offer diverse starting points for new, kaleidoscopic views of the arts of modernism from a contemporary perspective.