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2002, Digital Creativity
Through a technalysis of a group of designers constructing a three-dimensional virtual world we suggest new concepts for understanding our relationship to information technology. By conceptualizing information technology as the organizing structure for social interaction and regarding it as an influential mediator and moderator of human experiences, we arrive at a new perspective that reaches beyond the traditional dichotomy of use and design. In our analysis we attempt to show how being in virtual worlds is guided by the understanding of the system generating the virtual world-the personal cosmology-and desires inherent in the participant that the technology can release. We also demonstrate how being in virtual worlds substantially differs from the traditional view of functional and purposeful use of computers. A number of concepts regarding the habitation of virtual worlds are also discussed. For instance, we suggest that the design of a virtual environment can be conceptualized as a dialogue based on individual ideas that merge into a mutually constructed reality, an objectivation of a shared context. We also describe how inscriptions in the technology guide the behavior of the participants towards an endless development of the world, a re-conceptualization that is essential for the world to stay alive. It is also illustrated that virtual worlds lack the traditional structural properties of the physical world, but still reverberate with those structures as they are imported by the participants. Our main conclusions are that studies of the particular through technalysis reveal important understandings that can be applied more generally; that virtual worlds are not used or conceptualized as computer tools; that there are no clear borders between use and design; and that individual conceptions of a system as well as its inscriptions are important factors in understanding being in virtual world.
Retrieved April, 2002
This past decade has ushered in an era of new forms of communities. Three-dimensional virtual worlds are among the latest offerings of networked communities for spatially distant users to meet and interact. Unlike chat, newsgroups, and discussion forums, three-dimensional virtual worlds provide multiple means of self-representation within a virtual environment. However, like all computer-mediated environments, the design to varying degrees constructs the user. This investigation presents an exploratory case study of how Active Worlds constructs the user in the virtual environment. This case study relied heavily on participatory observations and interactions with other users in Active Worlds. During iterative cycles of observation and interaction, the three categories of presence, representation, and embodiment emerged. The findings reveal that value is placed on the development and autonomy of individual communities, however, a little value is placed on the user as an individual. While more research is necessary to explore fully the potential of 3D virtual worlds for specific purposes, this initial investigation revealed that values embedded in the design of an application impact how a user is constructed in a 3D environment.
MG 2009 Proceedings, 2009
In synthetic worlds, such as Second Life, World of Warcraft, or SIMS, the dichotomy between reality and virtuality still remains one of the unsolved philosophical inquiries of our time. There remains skepticism regarding the value of virtual experiences versus those of real life. This research presents a starting point for an ethical discourse on the technology of virtual worlds and addresses two questions: What are unique affordances of virtual worlds? And, what are the ethical implications that emerge due to these unique affordances? Four ...
Online journal of Art and Design (OJAD), 2014
The online social platforms known as virtual worlds present their users various affordances for avatar based co-presence, social interaction and provide tools for collaborative content creation, including objects, textures and animations. The users of these worlds navigate their avatars as personal mediators in 3D virtual space to collaborate and co-design the digital content. These co-designers are also the residents of these worlds, as they socialize by building inworld friendships. This article presents a social semiotic analysis of the three-dimensional virtual places and artifacts in the virtual world known as Second Life by the collaborative efforts of its so-called residents. The social semiotic perspective is used to develop a multimodal analytical framework and to analyze the co-creation of meaning potentials by various social actors who use the available semiotic resources as mediational means. The findings show that co-design and co-creation practices do not only depend on various actors and their mediated interactions, but also on a variety of tools, practices and resources that digital media platforms provide. Moreover, the multimodal analysis of these places demonstrates how the audio-visual characteristics of designing in multi-user virtual environments generate experiential, interpersonal and textual meaning potentials.
Identity construction in computer mediated environments as in real life environments, are influenced by existent social processes. As Information systems continue to take advantage of technological developments they move more consistently to occupy virtual spaces. As this happens the people who are involved with using systems, such as Web Information systems, also move more readily into emerging virtual environments. In these virtual environments the computer screen mediates specific experiences of localised physicality, however these computer mediated experiences do not alter the over all sense of being for the individual. Virtual existence is not and is never likely to be a separated existence detached from all other notions or understanding of the self. To interact with the Web Information System in virtual space the individual does not leave the essence of themselves on one side of the screen to acquire a new layer of meanings and self-ascription within the virtual space. Iden...
1. Introduction: Approaching the study of virtual worlds Ursula Plesner and Louise Phillips 2. Virtual Worlds as emerging cyber-hybrids: Accounting for the travel between research sites with Actor-Network-Theory Ursula Plesner 3. Presence in Virtual Worlds: Mediating a Distributed, Assembled and Emergent Object of Study Dixi Louise Strand 4. Understanding Cyborgism: Using Photo-Diary Interviews to Study Performative Identity in Second Life Ulrike Schultze 5. Designing Childhoods: Ethnographic Engagements in and Around of Virtual Worlds Minna Ruckenstein 6. A Situated Video Interview Method: Understanding the Interplay between Human Engagement and the Power of Scripted Animations of a Virtual World Sisse Siggaard Jensen 7. Comparing Novice Users' Sense-Making Processes in Virtual Worlds: An Application of Dervin's Sense-Making Methodology CarrieLynn D. Reinhard and Brenda Dervin 8. Exploring Stakeholders of Open Source Virtual Worlds through a Multi-method Approach Zeynep Yet...
Thomas and Brown / Why virtual Worlds Can Matter 37 Virtual worlds are persistent, avatar-based social spaces that provide players or participants with the ability to engage in long-term, coordinated conjoined action. In these spaces, cultures and meanings emerge from a complex set of interactions among the participants, rather than as part of a predefined story or narrative arc. At least in part, it is the players themselves who shape and to a large extent create the world they inhabit. While many virtual worlds provide the opportunity for that kind of world to emerge, game-based environments such as World of Warcraft or Eve Online illustrate it best because of the intense degree of coordinated action and co-presence among players. This sense of “being with others” and being able to share space, see physical representations of each other, and communicat e and act in that shared space provides a very specific set of affordances for players. This article is an effort to trace out and...
Through a technalysis of a group of designers constructing a three-dimensional virtual world we suggest new concepts for understanding our relationship to information technology. By conceptualizing information technology as the organizing structure for social interaction and regarding it as an influential mediator and moderator of human experiences, we arrive at a new perspective that reaches beyond the traditional dichotomy of use and design.
Qualitative Sociology Review, 2009
©2 20 00 05 5--2 20 00 09 9 Q Qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e S So oc ci io ol lo og gy y R Re ev vi ie ew w V Vo ol lu um me e V V I Is ss su ue e 2 2 w ww ww w. .q qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve es so oc ci io ol lo og gy yr re ev vi ie ew w. .o or rg g 3 Q Qu ua al li it ta at ti iv ve e S So oc ci io ol lo og gy y R Re ev vi ie ew w Abstract Virtual-worlds research is a dynamic and growing interdisciplinary area in the social sciences and humanities. Sociological theory can play an important role in how virtual worlds are conceptualized and studied. Drawing on data from ethnographic projects on two distinct types of virtual worlds, an asynchronous text-based internet forum and a massively-multiplayer online game, I consider what social and cultural similarities these two types of virtual worlds have with one another, despite their radically different forms and functions. My comparative analysis is framed in terms of three questions. First, are virtual worlds temporary and/or intentional communities? Second, what are the frames of reference through which virtual-world communities are built? Third, how do boundaries function in virtual worlds? My discussion suggests some of the common social and cultural features of virtual worlds.
The Sociological Review, 2006
This paper explores the organisation of social interaction amongst participants 'in' Virtual Reality. Despite the wide-ranging sociological interest in 'virtual' technologies, there is rather little detailed sociological investigation of user experiences of the virtual technology par excellence, namely multiuser Virtual Reality. Interestingly the discourses that underpin discussions of more mundane virtual technologies (eg email, the Web, mobile phones, etc.) tend to draw on design visions for Virtual Reality, such as the opportunities for social life freed from the constraints of the physical body. This paper contributes to a growing number of empirical studies that provide a critique of this view, but maybe more importantly, provides a detailed analysis of action and interaction in virtual worlds. It considers the organisation of interaction within VR with particular emphasis on the ways in which visual features of the digital domain are seen and shared by participants. The paper describes the ways in which the abilities to share views on the virtual world requires participants to overcome problems associated with the very material character of the VR interfaces. The study is based on the analysis of recordings of a Virtual Reality system that enables participants to talk to one another and see one another's actions within a virtual environment.
AVANT: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies, 2020
In this text it is argued that immersion in virtual reality (VR) with the aid of contemporary VR equipment may offer access to novel types of virtual worlds that differ qualitatively from the “real” world and from other types of fictional worlds. The text begins by (a) distinguishing between VR systems, virtual environments, and virtual worlds; (b) showing how the virtual worlds facilitated by VR systems resemble and differ from the “virtual worlds” created in one’s mind when, for example, reading a novel or watching a film; and (c) identifying necessary and optional elements of a VR-facilitated virtual world. Employing a phenomenological approach that draws on the thought of Ingarden and Norberg-Schulz, it is shown that a visitor to a VR-facilitated virtual world can (and frequently does) shift his or her conscious attention along three different “axes”. First, one’s attention can move “horizontally” between the media that disclose the virtual world through different senses. Second, one’s attention can shift “vertically” between the virtual world’s different ontological strata, including its layers of myriad atomic stimuli; distinguishable elements that possess spatiotemporal extension; assemblages of elements that have a context and relations but lack individual meaning; glimpses that build up a lattice of meaning and contribute to one’s knowledge of the world; and the virtual world envisioned as a coherent mentally concretized whole. Third, one’s attention can shift “interspatially” between the many different overlapping constituent spaces of the virtual world, including its perceptual, concrete, natural, built, identifiable, technological, emotional, social, economic, political, cultural, ecological, and possibility spaces. This triaxial phenomenological framework can shed new light on the rich and diverse ways in which VR-facilitated virtual worlds manifest themselves as emergent wholes constituted within human consciousness; also, it suggests approaches by which visitors might more proactively mentally explore and come to inhabit such virtual worlds.
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 1999
Virtual reality (VR) can be considered as the leading edge of a general evolution of present communication interfaces, one whose main characteristic is the full immersion of the human sensorimotor channels into a vivid and global communication experience. By analyzing VR as a communication tool this paper tries to outline a psycho-social framework for the development and tuning of VR systems. In particular, the author identifies two key characteristics of satisfying virtual environments: disappearance of mediation-a level of experience where both the VR system and the physical environment disappear from the user's phenomenal awareness-and the sense of community developed by interaction. Social and psychological consequences of this approach are discussed, both for single-and multi-user virtual worlds.
International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, 2012
Virtual worlds have emerged as important socio-technical artifacts in contemporary society. They have enabled unique business models in the digital economy. This paper presents a rich account on how virtual worlds have transformed modern society and how they have been presented as having outstanding benefits and promise, with examples of successes and failures. The goal is to synthesize the research and demonstrate an accurate understanding of this novel artifact and its multi-facet consequences. In addition, and more importantly, this review proposes a research agenda for the information systems discipline and assists in identifying critical issues on virtual world technologies and strategic management practices. The objective of this study is to establish a foundation for research on virtual worlds.
Intercom - Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação, 2022
The article delves on the question about the movement and other ways of appropriating techno-social frameworks of the present. Thus, it develops a theoretical and reflexive systematization and update on approaches of differential experiences in virtual environments. The main themes for this purpose are spatialities, corporeality, agencies and appropriations of spaces and tools. This approach is based on theories such as technofeminism and social studies of technologies, especially the perspectives of social constructionism. We use the theoretical tools of feminist and intersectional studies to explore on the notion of differential experiences. The conclusions offer situated proposals for conceptual frameworks, as possible ways of approaching on issues about digital technologies, diversity, access and equity.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
This article makes a brief foray into state-of-the-art in Virtual Reality technologies and into semiotic studies in the field of Human-Computer Interaction in order to invite the reader to think about human´s current situation. From this perspective, we shall seek to raise new questions about the forms of communication and interaction mediated by digital technologies. These forms deal with the fact of fiction and non-fiction going hand-in-hand, taking shape in images which, and in virtual beings who, co-inhabit both our imagination and the scenarios which comprise the parallel worlds of virtual environments. This thinking is indispensable for us to understand, for example, the implications of these changes on children and young people development and how we conceive education in today´s world. Therefore, this article is based on: 1) studies that led to the dissertation entitled Digital Self: exploring the "I" construction on the Internet,
Symbolic Interaction, 2010
This research investigates the artistic practice in Second Life that builds upon existing practices developed in virtual environments, and other forms of technology-mediated spaces; and sits within the field of knowledge of art and technology, and the emerging field of virtual worlds research. In the wider field of media arts practice engagement with virtual worlds as spaces for artistic practice (and protest), challenges and enhances our experience of the phenomena of imagining. Artists working in the Second Life space are exploring the potentials of this unique combination of the user-created, and the avatar mediated space. The research presents Kriti Island, the laboratory space for the ongoing artistic and imaginative practice research, but in particular presents, discusses and analyses, the participating artist interviews that were undertaken following the Kritical Works in SL exhibitions that the Island hosted in 2008 and 2009. Casey suggests that 'imagination (in Western thought) is not securely situated in regard to such decidedly different acts as sensory perception and conceptual thinking (Casey 2000: 19). This paper considers the implications of methodological approaches that have been chosen within this inter-disciplinary context, and in particular, and the case for investigating artistic and imaginative experience through phenomenological methods, is examined. Yet the process of creating the laboratory space, the selection and development of the Artworks under the themes of the two phases of Kritical Works in SL, applied as a method, has inevitably impacted on the conclusions drawn. The implications of the mediation of the research through my avatar, Wanderingfictions Story, are discussed.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge - LAK '13, 2013
In this paper we describe some case studies of the use of virtual worlds in corporate training as well as Higher Education. In particular for Higher Education we describe how the Virtual World constructed using the platform Avaya Live Engage, is used as an immersive environment with pre-service teachers, who are undergoing a 1-year teacher training program, and how the data analytics collected in-world is being used to monitor and direct content development. We focus our studies on the initial hypothesis that 3D immersive environments are highly engaging and offer an experience that goes beyond the 'traditional' online education. We want to combine different analysis methods to be able to get empirical evidence showing the students' engagement with the 3D space in ways that can help us in the design of the learning experience accompanying the learners in their journey. In this paper we describe the research methods we use for the study, and give an overview of the information we can collect from the in-world analytics. We also propose how these analytics can be used for a predictive model with the intention of refocusing the virtual world experience to match learner needs.
In this article, we offer theoretical reflections on the notion of place in which learners supposedly develop and evolve a structure of social interactions in networked learning environments. We claim that a general concern is to develop more social artefacts that may help learners organise the virtual place in a way that is meaningful to them and helps foster their social presence. Drawing from symbolic interactionism we examine the ways in which individuals interact with their environment, and from Activity theory, Wenger's communities of practice, and Wartofsky's taxonomy of artefacts to elaborate on the notion of social artefact.
The adoption and pedagogical use of technologies such as virtual worlds to support teaching and learning, and research in higher education involves a complex interplay of technical, organisational and personal factors. In this paper, eighteen educators and researchers provide an overview of how they perceive a virtual world can be used in education from the perspective of themselves as individuals 'me', their educational organisations and as members of the Australian and New Zealand Virtual Worlds Working Group (VWWG) community of practice 'us', as well as the complex technology that underpins this learning environment 'IT'. Drawing on Linstone's (1981, 1984) Technical, Organisational and Personal (TOP) multiple perspective concept as the framework for analysis, the authors discuss their perspectives of how the personal, organisational and technical aspects of teaching through the use of virtual worlds have impacted on their teaching and research in higher education. The potential of employing the TOP framework to inform future research into the use of technologies such as virtual worlds in teaching and learning is explored.
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