Escenógrafos argentinos: Juan Manuel Concado (1908-2000)



This research project aims, as a general goal, to enquire about and understand the keys of the scenography of Manuel Juan Concado, in the broader realm of his professional work in the film industry between 1933 and 1952, as an inconspicuous agent in the so-called “Golden Age” of Argentine cinematography. Concado was a prolific scenographer and decorator, born in the city of Buenos Aires. He participated in a great number of audiovisual productions, of which there are registered 94 movies –although the author mentions he worked in more than 200 movies–, a high percentage within the Argentine film industry of those years. The research proposes to approach the work of the scenographer as a discursive construction that responds to a zeitgeist, and aims to unravel the production conditions of the scenography in the Argentine cinematography of those decades from the intersection of economic, social and aesthetic factors. As a complementary objective, this project aims to provide the metho...