Beiträge zur Wiener Gluck-Überlieferung (Gluck-Studien 3), 2001

2001, Beiträge zur Wiener Gluck-Überlieferung. Hg. von Irene Brandenburg und Gerhard Croll (Gluck-Studien, Bd. 3). Kassel u.a.: Bärenreiter

The papers presented in the third volume of "Gluck-Studien" are by four authors from Austria, the Czech Republic, and the United States, who worked independently of each other and with different objectives in the 1980s and 1990s. All contributions deal with the transmission of the works of Christoph Willibald Gluck in Vienna and Bohemia, under the title "Beiträge zur Wiener Gluck-Überlieferung". It is thus dedicated to an area of basic research that has been repeatedly addressed in the 20th century: the cataloguing and indexing of sources on Gluck's works. The four contributions take this into account and speak, each in its own way, for themselves. Their results may inspire continuation above all, but also contradiction and discussion. This is true for the evaluation of the manuscript Viennese sources on the "reform" operas (Thomas A. Denny), in particular on "Orfeo ed Euridice", as well as for the identification of contemporary Gluck copyists in Vienna (Josef-Horst Lederer) and for the Gluck tradition in manuscripts and prints in Bohemia and its relations with Vienna (Jiří Záloha), but also for the catalog of Gluck libretti in Viennese collections (Elisabeth Th. Hilscher), which goes beyond Claudio Sartori's catalog not only by including director's books and parodies as well as the (complete) editions of Gluck's text poets Calzabigi, Favart, and especially Metastasio.