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Riassunto: Il contributo si incentra sulla ricerca come profilo essenziale della figura dell’insegnante e come risorsa per il miglioramento della qualita della pratica professionale dei docenti oltre che per la promozione dell’apprendimento critico da parte degli studenti nella cornice generale della teoria e della pratica scolastiche. L’idea principale e che la ricerca deve informare l’intero insegnamento e il processo di apprendimento “da dentro” e non “accanto”. In questa prospettiva, la ricerca rappresenta non solo un’attivita (da fare), ma anche una dimensione dell’identita professionale dell’insegnante (da essere). Per rendere possibile e sostenibile la ricerca dell’insegnante, e necessario agire non solo sul percorso formativo del docente e sulla sua attivita professionale, ma anche sulle condizioni organizzative della pratica scolastica. Parole chiave: profilo docente, migliora qualita educativa, identita professionale docente, professorato.
Within the University course 'Multimedia research methods' addressing CPD for teachers, trainees were asked to record their typical lesson and to analyze it according to a specific protocol, called Evident, encompassing several tools. The theoretical frameworks inspiring this action-research approach are the School Effectiveness Approach by B. Creemers and L. Kyriakides, 'Visible Learning' by Hattie and the Lesson Study practice, mainly used in Asian countries. After analyzing their videos, teachers would visualize their positioning in a radar diagram helping them to understand what factors should be improved in order to carry out an effective lesson. Furthermore, teachers were asked to peer review the work of one other colleagues. This resulted in a very powerful exercise to improve and better plan an effective classroom lesson. The paper provides a detailed description of the methodology employed, the corresponding tools and the analysis of the main results coming ...
Form@re : Open Journal per la Formazione in Rete, 2015
In questo lavoro intendo evidenziare come i significativi cambiamenti sopraggiunti negli ultimi decenni negli ambiti dell’Evidence Based Education (EBE) e dell’Instructional Design consentano a quel dominio conosciuto nel nostro Paese come “Didattica” di presentarsi ormai con i caratteri propri di un ambito scientifico. Conseguentemente si impongono nuove scelte e assunzioni di responsabilita circa l’impiego di criteri piu rigorosi per valutare ed avvalersi di conoscenze affidabili. Anche i rapporti tra universita e scuola, ricerca scientifica e pratica didattica possono risultarne riconfigurati secondo modalita che consentono un maggiore impatto. Al lavoro si aggiunge una breve riflessione sul significato di Evidence Based Education.
This first systematic review of Nautical Design in the Lazio region essentially brings to the fore two significant issues: the presence in Rome and the region of numerous important national and international professional players, and the existence of a consolidated, widespread production system made up of small and medium enterprises which have recently started organizing themselves into an industrial district. These issues are not shared by the other regions, where there are either important concentrated groups of businesses, as is the case in Liguria and the Marches, or there are professionals who excel in their field, like in Tuscany and Lombardy.
Intrecci virtuosi. Letterati, artisti e accademie tra Cinque e Seicento, a cura di C. Chiummo, A. Geremicca e P. Tosini, De Luca: Roma, 2017
Molti anni fa, nel 2002, scrivevo questo articolo per concludere la prima serie di "Cadmo. Giornale italiano di Pedagogia sperimentale". Si tratta di una rivista, che si pubblica ormai da un quarto di secolo, che nel tempo si è conquistata un vasto credito internazionale, che le è valso l'accreditamento da parte di ISI, Scopus, Aeres. Ripropongo quel testo, con poche modifiche rese necessarie per eliminare riferimenti contingenti, perché - con rammarico - devo constatare che lo stato della ricerca educativa in Italia continua a presentare i limiti sui quali allora mi soffermavo.
h e evaluation culture in Italy is quite fragile and, above all, lacking in organization system. Worldwide, however, research evaluation systems adopted are subject to verii cation in progress and constantly called into question. h e debate on this issue is based on one point: a clear awareness that there is no evaluation system "perfect" and that the model "best" will never be free from defects and limitations. h is awareness is an integral part of modern culture and a serious evaluation. In addiction it is stated that there is no single method for the evaluation of research, but it is now possible to have dif erent approaches and qualitative and quantitative models, which potentially can be used independently or in synergy with each other. Referring to bibliometric indices and quantitative evaluation models which were recently proposed to the attention of scholars, this paper intends to of er a number of ideas, which enable the reader to grasp the more general trend that characterizes the recent international debate on this matter. It also wants to focus on certain critical issues and problem areas that impact -sometimes decisively -on the evolution and destiny of the university research conducted in our country, especially in the humanities.
Form@re : Open Journal per la Formazione in Rete, 2015
Nell"introdurre questo numero della rivista "Form@re" che si pone l"ambizioso obiettivo di delineare campi e prospettive nella attuale ricerca didattica, penso che sia utile ripercorrere e rivisitare alcuni temi che hanno caratterizzato il dibattito sulla natura e l"identità della didattica, sulla consistenza scientifica del suo sapere, e sulla sua funzione culturale e sociale.
ECPS - Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies, 2014
Educational assessment, meant as the mere act or effect of the interpretation of student learning outcomes, has greatly changed. The traditional task of assessment is supported by a series of operations setting and interpreting educational acts which affects not only the results, but also the processes and the context in which the actors involved operate in the educational institution at different levels (micro-meso and macro). This kind of evaluation can be considered educational research aimed at gaining a knowledge and understanding of educational events in order to identify problematic nodes with a view to taking action to change and to improve outcomes. Consequently, better results are directly proportional to quality improvement processes. A quality process is characterized and supported by multiple educational/evaluative interventions, which can rationalize decision-making, determine the tasks to be performed, make a change through a planned and contextualized project. Educational outcome measurement is meaningful only if considered from a systemic point of view so as to develop educational research and experiment new teaching strategies.
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Orientamenti Pedagogici, 2010
Annali online della Didattica e della Formazione Docente, 2018
VI Convegno Nazionale di Didattica della Fisica e della Matematica DI.FI.MA. 2013, 2015
Italiano LinguaDue, 2011
Education Sciences and Society, 2015