L’Idra e la giara: nota al «Liber glossarum»

2023, Filologia Mediolatina


The article discusses a group of voices of the Liber glossarum related to the mythological figure of the Hydra of Lerna. It also traces its possible sources and proposes some adjustments to the critical text. The same items are, if necessary, compared with the tradition of the so-called Abstrusa glossary, which often forms the basis on which the compiler of the Liber glossarum grafts other pieces of infor- mation; in this context, the collation with the text transmitted by the cod. Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 6018, (sec. IX), becomes particularly important as for section A-F transmits the Abstrusa glossary in combination with heterogeneous material. The research takes constant advantage of the comparison with the choices of different publishers, starting with the (now outdated) editions of Goetz and Lindsay, up to the most recent studies of Anne Grondeux and Franck Cinato. The intent of this paper is to restore for the above-mentioned glosses indicated a text more compliant with the meaning, while respecting the manuscript tradition.