Judicial Corruption as a Violation of Professional Ethics

International Journal of Professional Business Review

Purpose:  The purpose of this study is to present some ethical issues facing the Indonesian judiciary by exploring the usefulness of judicial codes of ethics. The ethical crisis of judges occurred at a time when judicial independence was strong post the amendment of the 1945 Constitution. The judicial crises triggered uncertainty and pessimism about judicial accountability   Theoretical framework:   Legal literature states that fair, honest, and impartial legal processes cannot be separated from that of ​​an independent judiciary [Shugermann, 2010: 1061]. The independence and impartiality of the court as one of the ten minimum conditions for creating a constitutional society.   Design/methodology/approach:   In this study, the author conducted normative legal research.  This method helps examine the juridical standards contained in laws and court decisions. Furthermore, library research was conducted to obtain data from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials.   Findings: D...