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248 pages
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v 1 From a collective to a free choice determiner in Biblical Hebrew Edit Doron 1 2 Grammaticalization parameters and the retrieval of alternatives: Latin nec from discourse connector to uninterpretable feature Chiara Gianollo 33 3 Vagueness, context-sensitivity and scale structure of four types of adjectives with the suffix-ish Tabea Harris 67 4 On the semantic change of evidential argument jakoby-clauses in Polish Łukasz Jędrzejowski 85 5 Semantic and syntactic change of equis in Mexican Spanish Olga Kellert 131 6 German noch under reanalysis Martin Kopf-Giammanco 161 7 Givenness marking in a mixed system: Constituent order vs. determiners
The paper focuses on structural aspects of language change which have been ascribed to grammaticalization and have tacitly been presupposed by diverse accounts (i) of the motives of complex changes, (ii) of the role of language contact, and (iii) by attempts to create areal profiles of language types and zones of convergence. The article discusses some of the preconditions for a comprehensive and yet unified treatment of changes in which grammaticalization would not become an anything-goes-concept of grammatical change. Starting from a reconsideration of Lehmann’s parameters and their treatment in the literature, the paper first addresses problems connected to accounts based on prototypes (or checklists). Parameters belonging to the syntagmatic axis are analyzed in more detail. Even though parameters may be ranked within prototype-based approaches, such an approach is shown to be insufficient in articulating a coherent theory. An alternative might consist in the application of a superordinate principle based on relative discourse prominence (together with conventionalization). The advantages and drawbacks of both approaches are investigated, and it is argued that they should be employed as complementary parts of a coherent grammaticalization theory that is yet to be detailed.
Folia Linguistica, 2014
The article addresses structural aspects of language change which have been ascribed to grammaticalization and have tacitly been presupposed by diverse accounts (i) of the motives of complex changes, (ii) of the role of language contact, and (iii) by attempts to create areal profiles of language types and zones of convergence. We discuss some of the preconditions for a comprehensive and yet unified treatment of changes in which grammaticalization would not become an anythinggoes concept of grammatical change. Starting from a reconsideration of Lehmann’s parameters and their treatment in the literature, we first address problems connected to accounts based on prototypes (or checklists). Parameters belonging to the syntagmatic axis are analyzed in more detail. Even though parameters may be ranked within prototype-based approaches, such an approach is shown to be insufficient in articulating a coherent theory. An alternative might consist in the application of a superordinate principle...
To conclude this introductory chapter, I wish the reader may have a good read, and hope that they will not need to make, because of too many incomprehensible constructions along the way, my own text into the object of linguistic study, rather than its contents. ). R 1030, R 1044. From The Red Book of Hergest. See . (20 January, 2010.
Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS), 1992
In Czech, and in other Slavic languages, the lexical-derivational operators that are applied to a verb can extend their semantic effects over a particular nominal argument. Such effects are often comparable (i) to those of articles and also (ii) to those of determiner quantifers, and various quantifying and measure expressions. This can be best shown with determinerless NPs fiat are headed by common nouns, in particular mass and plural nouns. This analysis of the interaction between verbal and nominal predicates in Czech builds on recent suggestions by Partee, Bach & Kratzer (1987), Partee(1990) and (1991) who explore the use of verbal affxes to express various kinds of quantificational or closely related meanings. Although there are many other contextual factors that determine the interpretation of determinerless NPs with common noun heads in Czech, my analysis focuses on the role played by verbal aspect in connection with incremental Theme role (cf. Krifka 1986; 1987; 1989; Dowty 1988; 1991), a semantic role that motivates the telic/atelic distinction (Aktionsart) of complex verbal expression. I propose that in Czech the lexical derivational operators that are applied to a verb direct their semantic effects at an Incremental Theme argument.
The title of this volume, Grammaticalization and Parametric Variation, is intended to capture the continuation of a tradition in the Weld of historical linguistics as well as the theoretical assumptions that have guided the study of grammatical variation and change in recent decades under the generative framework. As is well known, the term grammaticalization was used in Meillet (1912) to refer to processes of apparent category shifting and semantic weakening that some lexical items may undergo in language evolution and change. Elements that had entered into thematic relations partially lose features and gradually become functional-like elements such as clitics or inXectional aYxes. The phenomenon, however, has been diVerently understood and assessed, depending on the view adopted with respect to grammar and language. Under a functionalist perspective, where language is viewed in terms of its use, grammaticalization is considered a semantically pragmatic driven process (see Hopper a...
Languages in Contrast, 2006
This dissertation investigates nominal arguments in classifier languages (ClLs). There are two main goals. The first is to explore what is constant and what varies in the way ClLs form nominal arguments. The second goal is to understand the relationship between argument formation in classifier languages and argument formation more generally. Three classifier languages are the center of the discussion: Mandarin, a ClL without overt evidence of determiners, Yi, a head-final ClL which will be shown to have overt determiners, and Bengali, a ClL that has already been argued to have overt evidence of determiners. In addition to paying particular attention to these three ClLs, the discussion of nominal arguments also covers a wider range of ClLs and number marking languages (NMLs) from Romance, Germanic, and Slavic, as well as Hindi.
Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, 2008
FOLIA LINGUISTICA is the peer-reviewed journal of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. It appears in Spring and Autumn (ca. 450 pages in all) and covers all nonhistorical areas in the traditional disciplines of general linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics), and also sociological, discoursal, computational and psychological aspects of language and linguistic theory. Other areas of central concern are grammaticalization and language typology. The journal consists of scientific articles presenting results of original research, review articles, critical surveys of research in specific areas, book reviews, and a miscellanea section carrying brief descriptive reports and discussion notes. Manuscript submission: Please consult the FoL style sheet (to be found at the FoL homepage Contact details: All correspondence concerning FOLIA LINGUISTICA should be sent to Prof.
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Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, 2014
Folia linguistica 43(1): 251-255., 2009
Benjamins current topics, 2016
Language, 2005
Acta lingvistica hafniensia 35: 190-196., 2003
Heidinger, Steffen. 2015. The information status and discourse anchorage of non-nominal constituents: A case study on Spanish secondary predicates. Journal of Pragmatics 81. 52–73., 2015
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Proceedings of IATL30
Lexical, Morphological, and Information-Structural Interactions, 2015
Interface Explorations, 2010
Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 2014
Semantics - Typology, Diachrony and Processing