Igniting fire traces & symbols -IFRAO 2018

2020, BAR S2999 a cura di M. Bazzanella e G. Kezich, BAR Publishing (Oxford). pp. 55-62.


Abstract The availability of fire in high altitude alpine contexts was certainly significant for the late prehistoric pastoral frequentation. The Iceman’s discovery gives a good example: Ötzi had, in his belted pouch, a piece of Fomes fomentarius (a dried mushroom, containing pyrite powder, used as tinder) and a flint tool useful to strike a light. But no pyrite mass was found, maybe it had crumbled during use, and that’s likely why Otzi carried a couple of birch-bark containers with embers enveloped in fresh maple leaves. During the IV millennium BC, the above cited strike-a-light technology, was much more widely adopted: the recent finding of a flint tool, with specific wear traces, on the Monte Baldo ridge (at 1734 meters a.s.l.) confirms that this kind of igniting kit was used in alpine areas, maybe in shepherding and/or hunting strategies. Even though igniting fire was a central function in prehistoric societies, fire representations seem mostly uncommon in rock engravings. But nevertheless, several ethno-archaeological sources highlight the importance, in the Alps area, of fire ignition as a sacral meaning, symbolized by lightnings and thunders, which also caused a reverential fear in people. For example: - ritual blazes (german: Brandopferplätze) on uplands as a message directed to divinities; - fires from the sky, ignited by lightnings, were considered as an expression of “thunder divinity”, such as “Giove Feretrio” (1) for the Romans, Perùn for the Slavs or Teshub for the Hittites. These considerations aim to promote a wider interpretation of rock engravings that could represent fire and/or lightning symbols, may be like “The Sorcerer” or “The tribal chief” of Monte Bego. (1) - -