Intellectual Property in the Context of Global Ethics

2021, Eastern European Journal for Regional Studies


Today we are the subjects and witnesses of the continuous development and transformation of society, which has made rapid leaps from modern to the informational and knowledge-based society. In this sense, in order to ensure technological, economic and social progress, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) must become the only key element for protecting ideas, stimulating innovation and creativity, designing and contributing to the creation of technology. In this article the authors emphasize the need to address IPR in the context of global ethics, because IPR is also the social responsibility and moral duty of every global citizen, whether creative or consumer, to respect the cultural and intellectual heritage of humanity and to contribute to its diversification and to overcome the challenges of the contemporary world in the digital age. In the current context of the globalization of economic, social and even spiritual life, the need for morality of people is becoming more and more pre...