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Entrepreneurship education is to be a solution to the unemployment problem. Entrepreneurial character is for someone to act as an entrepreneur. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the instrument of entrepreneurship character among students from various universities in Indonesia who adopt entrepreneurship education in the curriculum. The research focused on the operational process of entrepreneurial characteristics of 23 dimensions. The subjects of this study were 357 undergraduate students attending entrepreneurship education. Psychometry is the research method, and SPSS and AMOS-assisted factor analysis to analyze the results. The results showed that there was one indicator (Kbtp 10) that dropped in the factor analysis because it did not meet the requirements (0.486 < 0.5). For EFA calculation, two (2) dimensions dropped because they were accommodated in other dimensions/indicators and did not meet the calculation requirements. In the end, five (5) new dimensions represent ...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2021
This study aims to perform a validity construct by using a factor analysis on the measuring instrument of entrepreneurial characters in Universitas Jambi. Students following the Program of Entrepreneur Students of Universitas Jambi were the population of this study. A random sampling was used as the sample collection technique by involving 123 students. The measuring instrument of entrepreneurial characteristics is categorized into three skill categories, namely personal skill (critical thinking, creative thinking, problem-solving, spiritual and religious scales), interpersonal skill (negotiation and communication scale), and group skill (cooperation and leadership scale). The results of this study showed that the construct validity by using the Principal Component Analysis with orthogonal rotation and varimax extraction produced several factors that were successfully extracted into each component of the scales on the measuring instrument of entrepreneurial characters. The results o...
Indonesia still faces the problem of high educated unemployment rate, especially for college graduates. College graduates are still be oriented as job seekers rather than being the job creator. This study aims to analyze the influence of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial character and entrepreneurial intention, the students in Universitas Negeri Padang in a quantitative research approach. Samples are determined based on Slovin formula and selected by using proportional random sampling. Data is analyzed by using descriptive and path analysis. The results show that entrepreneurial education has no significant effect on entrepreneurial intention, so the indirect effect in this study is not proven. While the entrepreneurial character has significant effect on entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial education has no significant effect on entrepreneurial character on the students of Universitas Negeri Padang.
Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia
Most universities or higher education institutions in Indonesia are developing an effective program supporting their students to become entrepreneurs. They believe that entrepreneurial behaviour can be developed through entrepreneurship education. Therefore, these universities continually improve their entrepreneurship curriculum by integrating theoretical entrepreneurship concepts and practical contexts within such education. The purpose of the research reported here is to compare the effects of personality trait dimensions on student’s entrepreneurial ambitions and their behavior. The study used personality trait dimensions such as internal locus of control, need for achievement, risk tolerance and entrepreneurial awareness as independent variables. Quantitative methods, including Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), were applied for the purposes of data analysis. The research populations consisted of final year undergraduate students who had already undergone an entrepreneurship ...
Background-one of the very important issues in Indonesia is rising unemployment every year. SMK (Vocational High School) is expected to minimize unemployment by providing entrepreneurship education since early. Purpose-The purpose of this study was to test a model of entrepreneurship education in the nation's character-based vocational students in Sukoharjo Indonesia, with a prevalence of factor approach, motivation and interest of students to entrepreneurship. The research method-research is a surve, the study population was a teacher of entrepreneurship in vocational schools in Sukoharjo. Data was collected by questionnaire. The findings-based entrepreneurship education nation's character exhibited significantly affect the prevalence, motivation and interest in entrepreneurship. Model of entrepreneurship education in schools seen from the indicators of citizen participation school, student participation, school performance, infrastructure, implementation of the action prog...
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022
The study aims to verify the validity and reliability of the entrepreneurial mindset scale in the Indonesian context (i.e., the adapted EM scale). The respondents were 302 undergraduate students who have already enrolled in the entrepreneurship course. In order to achieve the aim of study, a scale development procedure was conducted, including item generation, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. Item generation was successful in generating the preliminary items of the entrepreneurial mindset scale, whereas exploratory factor analysis was also successful in purifying those preliminary items. Furthermore, confirmatory factor analysis was successful in verifying the convergent validity and the composite reliability of the adapted EM scale. The adapted EM scale was a parsimonious measurement model, and therefore it could be useful for measuring the entrepreneurial mindset of undergraduate students in Indonesia. Future studies are recommended to refine the adapted EM scale: (1) by verifying it among students from other universities, (2) by using two different samples, in which one sample is for exploratory factor analysis and the other one is for confirmatory factor analysis, and (3) by testing the measurement invariance across groups (e.g., gender, age, and origin of university).
Diversity in Unity: Perspectives from Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2017
Previous research using a student population reported a relationship between personality and Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation (IEO). This study attempts to address this area of interest in more detail by investigating where there might be a difference between students who already have an established venture (Entrepreneur students) and those who have not as yet put their plans into action (Non-entrepreneur students). This study compares total IEO score and 4 out of 8 Lumina Spark aspects of personality between Entrepreneur students and Non-entrepreneur students. A sample of 292 students in 18-26 year age range from the Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) in Indonesia, consisting of Entrepreneur students (n = 146) and Non-entrepreneur students (n = 146) was administered IEO and Lumina Spark questionnaires. The IEO questionnaire measures Risk taking, Proactiveness, and Innovativeness. The Lumina Spark questionnaire is a psychometric instrument that uses the Big Five personality model as its cornerstone and a Jungian lens to inform the model. It measures 8 aspects: Inspiration Driven, Big Picture Thinking, Extraverted, Outcome Focused, Discipline Driven, Down to Earth, Introverted and People Focused. Independent T-tests showed statistically significant differences in total IEO, Risk-taking and Innovativeness dimensions of IEO, also in Big Picture Thinking, and Extraverted aspects of personality. In view of the practical implications that can be derived from the study, the subsequent discussion refers to the importance of awareness about IEO and personality in entrepreneurial education.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016
Particular personality traits motivate individuals to act entrepreneurially and to exercise entrepreneurial activities, which include but not limited to high need for achievement, innovativeness, propensity to risk-taking, tolerance to ambiguity and internal locus of control (Thomas & Mueller, 2000; Utsch & Rauch, 2000). Therefore, the present study aimed to compare personality traits based on the attitudes of university students toward entrepreneurship. This study was conducted in a foundation university in Turkey. The study data was collected using questionnaires. According to the study results, students with entrepreneurial intention are more innovative, have higher need for achievement and greater internal locus of control than those who do not have such intention.
To meet the demand for a sustainable global economic development and challenges, it is crucial for engineers to possess entrepreneurship traits on top of their technical competency. In understanding the entrepreneurship traits specifically among the engineering students in Malaysia, limited studies are available as compared to the business students. In contrast, the European and western countries had long pursued the interest in measuring entrepreneurship traits among engineering students. In view of this situation in Malaysia, a measuring instrument was developed and assessed for reliability using the exploratory factor analysis procedure. Quantitative data was collected from 346 engineering students using structured survey. Based on the reliability testing, the final instrument obtained comprised of nine (9) items yielding two (2) dimensions that is perseverance (6 items) and social & cultural awareness (3 items). This study described in detail the EFA process for entrepreneurship traits construct.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education, Science, and Technology (ICEST 2019), 2020
Entrepreneurship is one of the supporting factors that determine the economic turbulence in Indonesia because in the field of entrepreneurship itself has the freedom to work and independently. The purpose of this paper is to explain the direct and indirect effect of entrepreneurial literacy and self-efficacy on entrepreneurial interest in State Vocational School students at City of Parepare. The population is the vocational students who had followed industrial employment practices. The number of samples is 246 students. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of explanatory research (explanatory research). It uses data collection techniques, namely questionnaires. The analytical tool used is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The results showed that (1) Entrepreneurial literacy, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial character directly influence the interest of entrepreneurship in State Vocational School students in the City of Parepare. Indirectly, entrepreneurial literacy...
Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, 2018
Entrepreneurship has become an important national agenda especially in creating young entrepreneurs. This paper aims to determine entrepreneurial behavior through technology entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial personality traits of students from the Science and Technology clusters. The purpose of technology entrepreneurship as a subject is to encourage students to embark on their entrepreneurship venture using technology. A total of five hundred and ninety-two usable questionnaires were collected at the end of the semester. Partial Least Square was utilized to explore the relationship of variables. Entrepreneurial personality traits mediated the relationship between technology entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial behavior despite the lack of business exposure among students. Technology entrepreneurship education helps to foster entrepreneurial behavior among students. In addition, knowing students' entrepreneurial personality traits further strengthens entrepreneurial behavior.
The entrepreneurs have special personal characters which are different compared to the public human characters. The purpose of this study is to identify the important character that should be owned by university students who intend to create a new business. Population of the study was students from Accounting Department, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering who are studying at the State Polytechnic of Malang and following Student Entrepreneurial Program. The study used judgement sampling technique to select the respondent and the data collected through questionnaires distribution. Then, the data were analysed using Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis. The results find that there are two distinct clusters of students. The first cluster has entrepreneurial characteristics of internal locus of control, risk taking propensity and tolerancy for ambiguity. They are tending to have higher potential to be entrepreneurs compared to other cluster. In additional, students who intend to create new business must be having three groups of skills: Entrepreneurship skills, technical skills and management skills. For group of entrepreneurship skills, the students must be having characters of internal locus of control, risk taking propensity and tolerancy for ambiguity.
Bisnis Birokrasi Journal, 2011
This research aims to study the skills and characteristics (attributes) of entrepreneurship required of the graduates of the
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
The decision process that supports individual entrepreneurial conduct remains a fascinating problem. Besides, the current situation shows that many Indonesian universities have begun to include entrepreneurship as a required subject for their students. This study aimed to develop an entrepreneurial model to explain the formation of entrepreneurial behavior, focusing on students' roles of creativity, passion, alertness, and entrepreneurial intention. The sample consists of 411 final-year bachelor's students from Indonesian universities. The collected data was analyzed using General Structured Component Analysis (GSCA), and the results showed that all hypotheses could be adopted according to the data processing results. As for the core of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial intention becomes a substantial predictor of entrepreneurial behavior. The findings of this study can undoubtedly contribute to the validation of earlier research findings. However, the few numbers of sample ...
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
Purpose: The aim of the study, which continues with the preparation of this paper, is to examine the criteria and qualifications needed by Indonesian students to become successful entrepreneurs in the future by using data from students of a private university in Jakarta, Indonesia Design/Methodology/Approach: Using a survey method of 129 respondents with data analyzed the Kruskal-Wallis H test as a rank-based nonparametric to determine if there are statistically significant differences between two or more groups of an independent variable on a continuous or ordinal dependent variable. Findings: The study results show that although there is entrepreneurial intention among respondents, the female respondent shows a higher entrepreneurial intention. Besides, the sensitive characteristics of respondents show the lowest percentage compared to the determinants of the characteristics of entrepreneurial success. And only father's occupation factor has the same effect on the twelve deter...
The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of students entrepreneurial personality and student’s entrepreneurial intention among Community College students. A 185 respondent from Kuala Langat community college have returned the filling questionnaire and the findings showed that, surprisingly most respondent score high mean (5.138) in Openness personality and in Conscientiousness personality (mean of 4.995), which is persistently correlated to entrepreneurs personality. The study also found out that there is a strong positive significance relationship between entrepreneurial personality and entrepreneurial intention with the Pearson coefficient correlation, r = .765 at the 0.01 significant level (2-tailed). However, the regression analysis showed that Agreeableness and Openness were being the best predictor’s to student’s entrepreneurial intention with beta coefficient for Agreeableness (.29) and Openness (.21). This findings could help entrepreneurship instructor’s at Kuala Langat community college understanding their learner’s better, hence will improve the instructional delivery and effectiveness in entrepreneurship.
International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research
This aims of this study is to analyses the entrepreneurial intention of students in Indonesia and Malaysia. The sample contains 296 respondents that comprise 156 students from several universities in Indonesia and 140 from universities in Malaysia. The data WAS collected using a questionnaire distributed through Google forms. Descriptive analysis and multiple regression were carried out. The results show that entrepreneurship education does not have a big influence on students’ interest in entrepreneurship. However, family support, social support and personality have significant effects on students’ entrepreneurship interest. Personality is the strongest influencing factor. There is a significant difference between Indonesian and Malaysian students as to entrepreneurship intention. The most significant difference lies in the personality of students. This implies that entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions should emphasize developing personality for entrepreneurs...
This study aims to analyze the effect of each of the Big Five Factors on the Need for Achievement and analyze the effect of personality trait configurations on the Need for Achievement and Entrepreneurial Intentions in final semester students of Jambi University, Indonesia. This study adopted an inferential design with cross-sectional data. The sample was final semester students of 7 faculties at Jambi University, totaling 2,600 (50% male, 50% female). The results showed that Big Five Factors (except Emotional Stability) have a positive and significant effect on Entrepreneurial Intentions. Big Five Factors positively and significantly influence Need for Achievement and Entrepreneurial Intentions. The limitation of this study recognizes that the sample used, namely students with final year status, may not represent the total population of prospective student graduates as a whole. For future research, the representativeness of the sample should be increased. Future research, using a broader and more diverse sample in terms of age, education, ethnicity, city, and socioeconomic background may reveal a greater Need for Achievement between men and women found in Jambi University students. This research was analyzed with perception or attitude-based survey-type data processing. The researcher suggests that to capture more in-depth phenomena and dynamic relationships in uncovering the big five personality factors among university students in starting entrepreneurship, more qualitative research is highly recommended, which includes longitudinal observations and intensive behavioraloriented interviews. I.
SHS Web of Conferences, 2020
The current era of globalization is driving a lot of competition. Competition is increasing, but it is not balanced with available job openings and causes educated unemployment to increase. Educated unemployment is increasing and encouraging people to try professions to become entrepreneurs. Based on previous research, entrepreneurial creativity has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial mindset on entrepreneurial spirit. The entrepreneurial creativity has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit, on the other side entrepreneurial mindset has an effect on entrepreneurial spirit. Research conducted emphasizes the impact of entrepreneurial creativity and entrepreneurial mindset on entrepreneurial spirit among undergraduate students in Surabaya. This research takes data. This data is taken from a private university in surabaya with management study program A accreditation with a total of seven private universities. Data obtained from distributed questionnaires 149 and returned 130 respondend with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The results showed that entrepreneurial creativity had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial mindset had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial spirit. This research can be developed by adding entrepreneurial education, innovation, and career choice variables. This research can be applied to undergraduate student in Indonesia that have management study programs.
Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2020
In the current millennium era, all countries hope to encourage the birth of young entrepreneurs to drive the national economy, including Indonesia. One of the efforts made by the government is the Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha (PMW) or Student Entrepreneurial Program which is also a startup priority program of the Higher Education delegated to universities. This program was born because of the big number of educated unemployed people in Indonesia. This research aims at answering the questions on what personality traits needed by young startups in order that students can run their business professionally and what efforts should be taken to improve their personality in order to succeed to be professional entrepreneurs. It is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Semi structured interviews were applied to students who have got the block-grant for operating the startup. The research proved that to be able to succeed in operating business and maintaining the sustainabili...
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