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18 pages
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Los Villares site (Caudete de las Fuentes, Valencia) it played the central-place functions of a wide region wich borders are still not completely known. The settlement pattern shows that most of the sites seem to be stablished close to the best soils areas in low heights. The more intensive occupation of the region begins at the IVth. century. For this period we have distinguished full time activities. A visibility control system is as well articulating this territory. It is based on the exitence of hillforts or sites with defensive structures allocated at the outkirts of the studied region. During the IInd. Century the dispersed settlement decreses. The sites are now more populated, there is a concentration phaenomena.
Traditionally relegated to economic and social marginality and interpreted as cultural strongholds, the settlements in the high mountain area of the north of Spain, have suffered a series of extensive historical transformations that in their time provoked rapid change in settlement patterns. One of these periods of change, between the late Iron Age and Roman occupancy, and the economic indications derived from new archaeological information after excavations at two hillforts, form the subject of our short work. A void prevails in scientific analysis in the area for our study, which until recently has depended on the traditionally accepted and imposed historic view.
This paper has been prepared as part of the research project ~Agricultural landscapes. Systematization, analysis and typification of the landscapes formed by man's agricultural activities in Spain» (SEJ2006-15331-C02..
Late Antique and Medieval Landscape in the Guadiana Valley, 2023
TOPIARIUS • Landscape studies • 6 11 , 2018
Castalla Castle (Alicante, Spain), built between the 11 th and 16 th centuries, is one of the most outstanding fortifications in the province of Alicante, as part of al-Andalus, first, and the Kingdom of Valencia, after. The present work aims to deepen the knowledge of its landscape on a medium scale for a large part of the Middle Ages. In this way, analysing some material (archaeological) and cultural (written) sources, it has been possible to better draw the Castalla Castle landscape in the Foia de Castalla district, a geographic territory located in the north of the province of Alicante, between the 11 th and 15 th centuries and during two different chronocultural periods: Andalusian (11 th century-1244) and Christian (1244-1499).
Studies on the Rural World in the Roman Period, 2023
The establishments that are known as villas in Roman contexts provide an opportunity to understand the most common system of land use throughout the Roman Empire. These establishments, which were positioned strategically in the territory, were more than just living spaces. The complexity in the choice of location and the way villas developed and evolved help us to understand the high value of this type of farms for the economy of the Roman Empire. The landscape and the changes it underwent due to the location of these establishments are the basis of a field of study that is constantly being updated due to complementary studies.
Archeologia …, 2006
Time of Changes. In the Beginning of the Romanization, 2010
Studies on the rural world in the Roman period és una sèrie que té per objectiu la publicació d'estudis centrats en el món rural d'època romana. Cada número se centra en un aspecte concret d'aquest àmbit de la recerca històrica. En aquest sentit, Studies on the rural world in the roman period s'adreça a tots els investigadors i investigadores que treballen en aquesta línia de recerca.
Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2015
The EST-AP team (Institute of History, CSIC) has already a long trajectory on the study of ancient agrarian landscapes. Within our projects, we have developed several approaches to the analysis and the understanding of the processes of agrarian exploitation in the western provinces of the Roman Empire: on the one hand, Landscape Archaeology and the integration of Geoarchaeology to the study of landscape has offered us with new ways to the analysis agrarian spaces; on the other, these analysis have been integrated in theoretical discussions and the review of the traditional ideas on Roman rural organization. Our contribution aims to present a synthesis of the methodology and most recent results obtained in the excavation of a system of terraces in the Sierra de Francia region, in the framework of the trajectory of our work on agricultural structures. We will also summarize the future lines of research open in the light of data retrieved, with particular relevance to the interpretatio...
APL, 2024
More than eight decades after the finding, the stele of Sinarcas is today one of the banners of the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and a relevant object of the Iberian culture in Valencia. In this paper we intend to provide new data on the circumstances of its discovery, to update the study of its inscription at a philological level and to insert it into its historical and spatial context: North of the Requena-Utiel Plateau, an area where the metallurgy seems to have played an important role in the complex Romanization process of the Iberian territory of Kelin. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Més de vuit dècades després de la seva troballa, l'estela de Sinarcas és ara com ara un dels estendards del Museu de Prehistòria de València i una peça insigne de la cultura ibèrica en l'àmbit valencià. En les següents línies pretenem aportar noves dades sobre les circumstàncies de la seva troballa, actualitzar a nivell filològic l'estudi de la seva inscripció i inserir-la en el context històric i espacial: el nord de la Meseta de Requena-Utiel, una zona on la metal·lúrgia sembla haver-hi jugat un paper important en el complex procés de romanització del territori ibèric de Kelin. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Más de ocho décadas después de su hallazgo, la estela de Sinarcas es hoy por hoy uno de los estandartes del Museu de Prehistòria de València y una pieza insigne de la cultura ibérica en el ámbito valenciano. En las siguientes líneas pretendemos aportar nuevos datos sobre las circunstancias de su hallazgo, actualizar a nivel filológico el estudio de su inscripción e insertarla en su contexto histórico y espacial: el norte de la Meseta de Requena-Utiel, una zona donde la metalurgia parece haber jugado un papel importante en el complejo proceso de romanización del territorio ibérico de Kelin.
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U+D N.21, 2024
Environmental Geology, 2005
Geoarchaeology, 2019
Trabajos de Prehistoria, 2019
Interpreting transformations of people and landscapes in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: archaeological approaches and issues. , 2018
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2017
Complutum, 2015
A Visibility Analysis of Early Medieval High Altitude Fortifications in Liébana, Northern Spain, 2021
Fort San Juan and the Limits of Empire, 2016
Journal of Field Archaeology, 2015