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2012, International Journal of Research in Computer Science
This paper presents the comparison of Texture classification algorithms based on Gabor Wavelets. The focus of this paper is on feature extraction scheme for texture classification. The texture feature for an image can be classified using texture descriptors. In this paper we have used Homogeneous texture descriptor that uses Gabor Wavelets concept. For texture classification, we have used online texture database that is Brodatz's database and three advanced well known classifiers: Support Vector Machine, K-nearest neighbor method and decision tree induction method. The results shows that classification using Support vector machines gives better results as compare to the other classifiers. It can accurately discriminate between a testing image data and training data.
In this paper we have investigated the application of nonseparable Gabor wavelet transform for texture classification. We have compared the effect of applying the dyadic wavelet transform as a traditional method with Gabor wavelet for texture extraction. It is well known that Gabor wavelets attain maximum joint space-frequency resolution which is highly significant in the process of texture extraction in which the conflicting objectives of accuracy in texture representation and texture spatial localization are both important. This fact has been explored in our results as they show that the classification rate obtained for Gabor wavelet is higher that those obtained using dyadic wavelets. Based on our experiments, the Gabor wavelet is more appropriate than dyadic wavelets for texture classification as it leads to a better discrimination of textures.
This paper proposes an efficient technique for pixel-based texture classification based on multichannel Gabor wavelet filters. The proposed technique is general enough to be applicable to other texture feature extraction methods that also characterize the texture around image pixels through feature vectors. During the training stage, a clustering technique is applied in order to compute a suitable set of prototypes that model every given texture pattern. Multisize evaluation windows are also utilized for improving the accuracy of the classifier near boundaries between regions of different texture. Experimental results with Brodatz compositions show the benefits of the proposed scheme in contrast with alternative approaches in terms of efficiency, memory and classification rates.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2006
Texture based image analysis techniques have been widely employed in the interpretation of earth cover images obtained using remote sensing techniques, seismic trace images, medical images and in query by content in large image data bases. The development in multiresolution analysis such as wavelet transform leads to the development of adequate tools to characterize different scales of textures effectively. But, the wavelet transform lacks in its ability to decompose input image into multiple orientations and this limits their application to rotation invariant image analysis. This paper presents a new approach for rotation invariant texture classification using Gabor wavelets. Gabor wavelets are the mathematical model of visual cortical cells of mammalian brain and using this, an image can be decomposed into multiple scales and multiple orientations. The Gabor function has been recognized as a very useful tool in texture analysis, due to its optimal localization properties in both spatial and frequency domain and found widespread use in computer vision. Texture features are found by calculating the mean and variance of the Gabor filtered image. Rotation normalization is achieved by the circular shift of the feature elements, so that all images have the same dominant direction. The texture similarity measurement of the query image and the target image in the database is computed by minimum distance criterion.
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 1996
Receptive field profiles of simple cells in the visual cortex have been shown to resemble even-symmetric or odd-symmetric Gabor filters. Computational models employed in the analysis of textures have been motivated by two-dimensional Gabor functions arranged in a multi-channel architecture. More recently wavelets have emerged as a powerful tool for non-stationary signal analysis capable of encoding scalespace information efficiently. A multi-resolution implementation in the form of a dyadic decomposition of the signal of interest has been popularized by many researchers. In this paper, Gabor wavelet configured in a 'rosette' fashion is used as a multi-channel filter-bank feature extractor for texture classification. The 'rosette' spans 360 degrees of orientation and covers frequencies from dc. In the proposed algorithm, the texture images are decomposed by the Gabor wavelet configuration and the feature vectors corresponding to the mean of the outputs of the multi-channel filters extracted. A minimum distance classifier is used in the classification procedure. As a comparison the Gabor filter has been used to classify the same texture images from the Brodatz album and the results indicate the superior discriminatory characteristics of the Gabor wavelet. With the test images used it can be concluded that the Gabor wavelet model is a better approximation of the cortical cell receptive field profiles.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
Pattern is an arrangement of features which are defined by various characteristics of image such as shape, color and texture. Texture is an important characteristic for image analysis. The major trend of the research today in terms of feature extraction for classification is accuracy oriented, however usually the newer algorithms that promises better accuracy is much more complicated in its calculations and often sacrifices the speed of the algorithm. This paper contains study and review of various techniques used for feature extraction and texture classification. The objective of study is to find technique or combination of techniques to reduce complexity, speed while increasing the accuracy at the same time. Here we are studying and reviewing the three feature extraction methods: Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Gabor filter method. Also two classification methods KNN and SVM are used on the texture datasets Brodatz, CUReT, VisTex and OuTex for the experimental purpose.
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2012
This paper proposes a technique for image texture classification based on cosine-modulated wavelet transform. Better discriminability and low implementation cost of the cosine-modulated wavelets has been effectively utilized to yield better features and more accurate classification results. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on different datasets in three experiments. The proposed approach improves classification rates compared to the traditional Gabor wavelet based approach, rotated wavelet filters based approach, DT-CWT approach and the DLBP approach. The computational cost of the proposed method is less as compared to the other two methods. Index Terms-Texture classification, cosine-modulated wavelets, gabor wavelets. Milind M. Mushrif received the B.E. in Electrical Engineering and the M.E. in Electronics Engineering from Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli and Ph.D. degree from IIT Kharagpur. He joined Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering in 1990, where he is currently a Professor in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. He has more than 30 research publications in national and international journals and conferences. His main interests are in computer vision, pattern recognition and soft computing techniques. He is IEEE, ISTE, IETE, and IACSIT member .
Due to the amount of visual information that currently exists, there is a need to classify it properly. In this paper we present an alternative dual method for image categorization according to their texture content defined as GAF-SVM, this method is based in the use of Gabor Filters (GAF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). To perform the image classification we rely on filtering techniques for feature extraction mixed with statistical learning techniques to perform the data separation. The experiments were carried out by taking a set of images containing coastal beach scenes and a set of images containing city scenes. A feature vector is obtained from applying a bank of Gabor Filters to the input images; the output feature space is then used as an input to the SVM Classifier. The Support Vector Machine is responsible for learning a model that is capable of separating the sets of input images. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed dual method by getting the error classification rate to near 9%.
Expert Systems With Applications, 2009
Texture can be defined as a local statistical pattern of texture primitives in observer's domain of interest. Texture classification aims to assign texture labels to unknown textures, according to training samples and classification rules. In this paper a novel method, which is an intelligent system for texture classification is introduced. It used a combination of genetic algorithm, discrete wavelet transform and neural network for optimum feature extraction from texture images. An algorithm called the intelligent system, which processes the pattern recognition approximation, is developed. We tested the proposed method with several texture images. The overall success rate is about 95%.
A Gabor based representation for textured images is proposed. Instead of the ordinary filter bank, a reproducing kernel representation is constructed consisting of a sum of several local reproducing kernels. The image representation coefficients are computed by a basis pursuit procedure, and are then considered as the feature vectors. The feature vectors are used to construct a kernel for a support vector classifier. Results are presented for a set of oriented texture images.
IJRAR, 2019
Texture is one of the most important visual characteristics of image. Texture classification is a process of assigning unknown texture to known texture class. Applications areas of texture classification are medical image analysis, object recognition, biometrics, content based image retrieval, remote sensing, industrial inspection, document analysis and many more. In this paper we discussed some feature extraction and classification methods used for texture classification namely, Local binary pattern, Scale invariant feature transform, Speed up robust feature, Fourier transformation, Texture spectrum, Gray level co-occurrence matrix, K-nearest neighbor, Artificial neural network and Support Vector Machine. We also discussed some popular texture datasets Brodatz, Outex, CUReT and VisTex used for texture classification.
Receptive field profiles of simple cells in the visual cortex have been shown to resemble even- symmetric or odd-symmetric Gabor filters. Computational models employed in the analysis of textures have been motivated by two-dimensional Gabor functions arranged in a multi-channel architecture. More recently wavelets have emerged as a powerful tool for non-stationary signal analysis capable of encoding scale-space information efficiently. A multi-resolution implementation in the form of a dyadic decomposition of the signal of interest has been popularized by many researchers. In this paper, Gabor wavelet configured in a 'rosette' fashion is used as a multi-channel filter-bank feature extractor for texture classification. The 'rosette' spans 360 degrees of orientation and covers frequencies from dc. In the proposed algorithm, the texture images are decomposed by the Gabor wavelet configuration and the feature vectors corresponding to the mean of the outputs of the mu...
Texture classification is used in various pattern recognition applications that possess feature-liked Appearance. This paper aims to compile the recent trends on the usage of feature extraction and classification methods used in the research of texture classification as well as the texture datasets used for the experiments. The study shows that the signal processing methods, such as Gabor filters and wavelets are gaining popularity but old methods such as GLCM are still used but are improved with new calculations or combined with other methods. For the classifiers, nearest neighbor algorithms are still fairly popular despite being simple and SVM has become a major classifier used in texture classification. For the datasets, DynTex, Brodatz texture dataset is the most popularly used dataset despite it being old and with limited samples, other datasets are less used.
In this paper, we develop a scale invariant texture classification method based on Fuzzy logic. It is applied for the classification of texture images. Texture is a common property of any surface having uncertainty. Two types of texture features are extracted one using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and other using Co-occurrence matrix. Cooccurrence features are obtained using DWT coefficients. Two features are obtained from each sub-band of DWT coefficients upto fifth level of decomposition and eight features are extracted from co-occurrence matrix of whole image and each sub-band of first level DWT decomposition. The fuzzy classification is achieved in two steps, fuzzification step, and rule generation step. The performance is measured in terms of Success Rate. This study showed that the proposed method offers excellent scale invariant texture classification Success Rate. Also wavelet features like standard deviation, combination of energy and standard deviation along with some proposed hybrid feature sets outperform the other feature sets. This success rate is comparatively high when compared with results published earlier.
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing (IJIGSP) ISSN: 2074-9074(Print), ISSN: 2074-9082 (Online) Publisher: MECS, 2012
This paper compares the performance of various classifiers for multi class image classification. Where the features are extracted by the proposed algorithm in using Haar wavelet coefficient. The wavelet features are extracted from original texture images and corresponding complementary images. As it is really very difficult to decide which classifier would show better performance for multi class image classification. Hence, this work is an analytical study of performance of various classifiers for the single multiclass classification problem. In this work fifteen textures are taken for classification using Feed Forward Neural Network, Naïve Bays Classifier, K-nearest neighbor Classifier and Cascaded Neural Network.
In this paper, a technique to classify Engineering Machined Textures (EMT) into the six classes of Turning, Grinding, Horizontal-Milling, Vertical-Milling, Lapping and Shaping, is presented. Multidirectional Gabor features are firstly extracted from each image followed by a dimensionality reduction step using Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The images are finally classified using a supervised Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier. Experimental results using a 72-image dataset demonstrate that PCA is able to reduce computational time while improving classification accuracy. In addition, the use of the proposed Gabor filter shows to be more robust compared to other existing techniques.
IETE Journal of Research, 2002
In this paper, we develop a scale invariant texture classification method based on Fuzzy logic. It is applied for the classification of texture images. Texture is a common property of any surface having uncertainty. Two types of texture features are extracted one using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and other using Co-occurrence matrix. Cooccurrence features are obtained using DWT coefficients. Two features are obtained from each sub-band of DWT coefficients upto fifth level of decomposition and eight features are extracted from co-occurrence matrix of whole image and each sub-band of first level DWT decomposition. The fuzzy classification is achieved in two steps, fuzzification step, and rule generation step. The performance is measured in terms of Success Rate. This study showed that the proposed method offers excellent scale invariant texture classification Success Rate. Also wavelet features like standard deviation, combination of energy and standard deviation along with some proposed hybrid feature sets outperform the other feature sets. This success rate is comparatively high when compared with results published earlier.
Computer Science & Information Technology ( CS & IT ), 2012
Texture is the term used to characterize the surface of a given object or phenomenon and is an important feature used in image processing and pattern recognition. Our aim is to compare various Texture analyzing methods and compare the results based on time complexity and accuracy of classification. The project describes texture classification using Wavelet Transform and Co occurrence Matrix. Comparison of features of a sample texture with database of different textures is performed. In wavelet transform we use the Haar, Symlets and Daubechies wavelets. We find that, thee 'Haar' wavelet proves to be the most efficient method in terms of performance assessment parameters mentioned above. Comparison of Haar wavelet and Cooccurrence matrix method of classification also goes in the favor of Haar. Though the time requirement is high in the later method, it gives excellent results for classification accuracy except if the image is rotated.
Texture has been widely used in human life since it provides useful information that appeared on the surface of every object. The most common use of texture is to help everyone to identify different objects in daily life. Texture is also often involved in many important real life applications such as biomedical image processing, remote sensing, wood species recognition, etc. Such situation has encouraged extensive researches to be conducted on texture, such as texture analysis and texture classification under the computer vision field. This paper has conducted a research study on texture classification, by using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Local Binary Pattern with Naïve Bayes as the main feature extraction and classification method respectively. The objective of this work is to discover the main factors that will affect the performance of discrete wavelet transform and LBP during a texture classification process. The experimental results show that the developed texture classific...
This paper presents a feature extraction algorithm using wavelet decomposed images of an image and its complementary image for texture classification. The features are constructed from the different combination of sub-band images. These features offer a better discriminating strategy for texture classification and enhance the classification rate. In our study we have used the Euclidean distance measure and the minimum distance classifier to classify the texture. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
The paper introduces a new method of texture segmentation efficiency evaluation. One of the well known texture segmentation methods is based on Gabor filters because of their orientation and spatial frequency character. Several statistics are used to extract more information from results obtained by Gabor filtering. Big amount of input parameters causes a wide set of results which need to be evaluated. The evaluation method is based on the normal distributions Gaussian curves intersection assessment and provides a new point of view to the segmentation method selection.
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