The Moral Dimension of Thomass Hobbes Political Philosophy


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Thomas Hobbes is one of the prominent thinkers who insist that there is no morality in the absence of social contract. He is one whose work is sometimes considered as controversial by some thinkers. There are thinkers who argue that Hobbes moral and political conclusions are too extremes. In this thesis I will attempt to show that there is no extreme point in Hobbes moral philosophy. Even though the focus of my thesis is Hobbes moral philosophy, I will also raise some relevant issues from political philosophy. In general political arena is characterized by conflicts, contentions, claims and disagreements. It is from this arena that I want filter moral philosophy of Hobbes. Moral philosophy is the question of "how we ought to live" as Socrates insisted. In order to live better we also need politics. That is why I argue that in some circumstances, moral philosophy and political philosophy may overlap in my thesis. Moreover, I will show that Hobbes moral and political arguments are not extreme and controversial. Rather from my point of view the world itself is controversial, and in order to live better we need controversial moral and political measures to address it. Even though I support most of Hobbes moral and political philosophy, there are also some concepts that I want to correct from Hobbes.