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Writing for TV & Radio has been a great attraction for teacher community. What are the important components of script writing are described in this PPT .
First, there was the question of good training in scriptwriting. Europe has been lagging behind the US for almost half a century. In his Story, Robert McKee (1997:16-17) writes about the story problem and the loss of craft. He notes that:
A very common delusion under which most Theatre students suffer is the idea that because their craft is primarily oral and/or visual that they will not need to worry about developing their writing skills. This is a fallacy. Writing is fundamental in articulating play reviews, analysis and opinons concerning written or visual works, journal articles, theatre history, resumes, grants and proposals. In fact, writing is probably the most important form of communication in the theatre because, without it, there is generally no play to perform. In that plays begin life as written compositions, writing is arguably a very important, in face primary, form of communication in the theatre
Humaniora, 2018
The aim of this research was to develop students’ skill in script writing as it was one of the obligations for final year students of English Department, State Polytechnic of Padang (PNP). A qualitative study which was based on the theory of writing task stages highlighted by the expert in this area was taken. The analysis itself was perceived by applying ‘Guided Writing Task’ stages; Draw and Write Task and Shared Task which resulted in a few written draft scripts. For the triangulation to validate the data, a list of the question was conveyed to the students. The implementation of these two tasks and the students’ answer for the questionnaire show that this research has been helpful in improving their script writing skills, particularly on the grammar and organization of how a script should be written.
TEXT Journal, Special Issue 29: Scriptwriting as Creative Writing Research II, 2015
"Although different requirements based on individual differences in learning can cause some predicaments in distance education, some of these problems can be solved as a result of the opportunities offered by recent technological developments. It is accepted that every medium used in education has different communication and interactivity potential. Hence it is important to choose the most efficient and effective medium to offer better educational opportunities. Nowadays different mediums can be intermingled according to program goals. In fact, the usages of multimedia materials have become widespread. However in the background of the effective use of these materials, we can easily argue that the design process and well-prepared educational scripts are very crucial. When the usage of multimedia materials for distance education in Turkey is examined, it can be seen that one the most lasting and widespread applications are put into practice at Anadolu University (AU) Open Education Faculty. As such, AU is specialized in designing multimedia materials. The writers and editors of related course books, being experts in the field, are involved in the script writing process in Open Education Faculty. In this study, which aims to explore the script writing process for multimedia materials in AU Open Education Faculty, can help to analyze the above- mentioned process in detail. In this way, it would be possible to determine the shortcomings and hopefully, improve the script writing process of multimedia materials which would contribute to its refinements."
Comunicazioni Sociali. Journal of Media, Performing Arts and Cultural Studies, 2019
The purpose of this research was to find out whether the students’ ability in writing narrative text can be developed by using film trailer or not. A quasi experimental research design was used by involving two classes; experimental and control classes. Twenty-one students of X MIA 1 as the experimental class and thirty students of X MIA 2 as the control class. They were selected by using clustering sampling technique. The data collection was test given as pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was used to measure the students’ ability in writing narrative text before using the media film trailer, and the post-test was used to measure their ability in writing narrative text after using the media film trailer. The result of the research showed that the tcounted value (3.01) was greater than the value of t-table (1.66). It proved that the research hypothesis is accepted. In conclusion, film trailer can improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text at Grade X students at SMA Negeri...
Can We Learn Cinema? Knowledge, Training, the Profession, eds. Anna Bertolli, Andrea Mariani, Martina Panelli, Forum, Udine, pp. 175-182, 2013
Journal of Screenwriting, 2015
This research was conducted in order to determine the increase in suggestive narrative writing skills of students through audiovisual media. This study uses action research (action research) with a model Kemmis and MC Teggart. Themodel stages: stage planning (planning), action (execution), observation (observation) and reflection (reflection). Research carried out in the sixth grade action with a number of students as many as 33 students.
Writing and Producing for Electronic Media: An Introduction has the main purpose of introducing students to the world of electronic (broadcast) media, the roles available, the processes observed, while focusing on how to produce content. This text book is packaged from notes prepared for ‘Writing and Producing for Electronic Media’ course for L300 students at African University College of Communications, complete with a glossary of commonly used industry jargon and self-assessment exercises that engage the student with issues of good business practices, quality control and ethics.
The objectives of this study is to describe the improvement of writing skills for the second semester students of the Hospitality Study Program, Department of Tourism, Kupang State Polytechnic. This study used a classroom action research design. Conducted in two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. The research subject is the skill of writing narrative paragraphs in semester II A students of the Hospitality Study Program, Department of Tourism, Kupang State Polytechnic. The techniques in this study used test and non-test techniques. The data collection technique in cycle I and cycle II used quantitative techniques for the test results of writing narrative paragraphs and non-test results using qualitative techniques. The results showed that the class average value in the first cycle reached 64.53 or in the sufficient category and increased in the second cycle to 82.73 or in the good category. In cycle I and cycle II increased by 11.6. Learning to write narrative paragraphs using the ...
This action research refers to Elliot model (1991) that aims to improve the ability of writing a screenplay through modeling strategies. This action researchon SMA of Purbolinggo Lampung in the academic year of 2014/2015. The implementation of this research is three cycles. Each implementation of actions is divided into stages, identifying intial idea, reconnaissance, general planning, implement of action, monitor implemention, reflection, reconnaissance and revise general idea. The results of the reflection activities function as a foothold to draw up a plan of action to the next cycle. The research results can be concluded: the first process of improving writing skills through drama script modeling strategy. Second, the results of the upgrade script writing drama through modeling strategies, ranging from initial tests as exploitation of the capabilities of the beginning to the end of the test third cycle the experience increased. (1) The results of initial tests average score 40.1 ((level less); (2) the first cycle the average score 42.4 (level less); (3) the second cycle the average score 64.3 (level of being); and (4) the third cycle the average score 83.4. This score has already reached a high level.
Vision: Journal of Language and Foreign Language Learning, 2017
Writing ability is a skill that must be mastered by students. One of the media can be applied in teaching writing is TV Newscast. The objective of this research is to find out whether the writing ability of the eleventh-grade students of SMKN 1 Kudus in 2016/2017 academic year after being taught by using TV newscast is better than before. This study is experimental research; in this research, the writer used one group pre-test post-test design. There are two variables; they are TV newscast (independent variable) and the students' writing ability (dependent variable). The population of the research is the eleventh-grade students of SMKN 1 Kudus in 2016/2017 academic year. The writer used random cluster sampling as the technique to take the sample. Then XI AK 1 (accountancy class) consists of 38 students was taken. The research used achievement test as instrument for measuring the students' writing ability before and after being taught by using TV newscast and then the data were analyzed using the statistical formula. Based on the result of this research, the t 0 (obtained) was higher than t-critical (20.09>1.56). It showed that t 0 (obtained) on the critical area and the null hypothesis (H 0) is rejected. Then the conclusion is that the writing ability of the eleventh-grade students of State Vocational School 1 Kudus in 2016/2017 academic year after being taught by using TV newscast is significant.
Academic Publishing Group, 2020
This study aimed at investigating the effect of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and drama on developing 7 th graders' English oral production skills. The sample of the study was (80) 7 th graders (divided into two equal groups) from D/Balah preparatory school in Gaza Strip. The researcher used an oral production skills test as the tool of the study. The findings revealed that the suggested program based on CLIL and Drama was effective to improve 7 th graders' oral production skills.
It is an unusual step to publish a collection of unproduced scripts. Rarely, if ever, are scripts treated as texts in their own right and seen as deserving of publication, irrespective of any staging or production. This perceived unpublishable status of unproduced scripts fosters a sense that such scripts are not a suitable focus of scholarly discussion. They are dismissed as somehow amateur or unworthy; this despite the fact that many of the most successful scriptwriters have written at least one script, usually many more, that never 'made it' to stage or screen. Are these works somehow less worthy of critical discussion, or weaker examples of the writer's creative and research processes, than their produced works? I would argue that they are not.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Teaching the English narrative genre text writing had become more challenging than ever because the students did not learn enough on English writing so the teacher needs to be creative and innovative in teaching learning. This paper investigates the effect of animation short film on the writing ability of students in narrative genre text. The objectives of the study were to identify the effect and the perceptions of the students on the use of animation short film in narrative text writing ability. The researchers employed a convergent parallel mixed method design and the data collected by using writing assessment test and questionnaire. Furthermore, the participants were 36 students who come from one of the senior high school in Ciamis regency, West Java province. The collected data were analyzed by quantitative and qualitative research design. The results of the study show that there is a significant effect on students' narrative text writing ability after having learning treatment by using animation short film, and there are positive perceptions on the usage of animation short film in narrative text writing. Thus, the conclusions are the animation short film can improve students' ability in writing narrative text. This study recommends students to improve their narrative text writing ability and then publish their work in the journal.
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