Darboux transformations for the nonlinear Schrödinger equations

J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 29 7721

Darboux transformations for the AKNS/ZS system are constructed in terms of Grammian-type determinants of vector solutions of the associated Lax pairs with an operator spectral parameter. A study of the reduction of the Darboux transformation for the nonlinear Schro ̈dinger equations with standard and anomalous dispersion is presented. Two different families of new solutions for a given seed solution of the nonlinear Schro ̈dinger equation are given, being one family related to a new vector Lax pair for it. In the first family and associated to diagonal matrices we present topological solutions, with different asymptotic argument for the amplitude and nonzero background. For the anomalous dispersion case they represent continuous deformations of the bright n-soliton solution, which is recovered for zero background. In particular these solutions contain the combination of multiple homoclinic orbits of the focusing nonlinear Schro ̈dinger equation. Associated with Jordan blocks we find rational deformations of the just described solutions as well as pure rational solutions. The second family contains not only the solutions mentioned above but also broader classes of solutions. For example, in the standard dispersion case, we are able to obtain the dark soliton solutions.