Carcinoma of Anal Canal (JCOG0903: SMART-AC)


A Phase I/II trial of chemoradiotherapy concurrent with S-1 plus mitomycin C in patients with clinical Stage II/III squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal was started in Japan. The aim of this trial is to determine the recommended dose of S-1 combined with a fixed dose of mito-mycin C plus radiotherapy in Phase I and to evaluate the efficacy and safety in Phase II. The primary endpoint for the Phase II part of this study is the proportion of 3-year event-free survi-val, in which the following are defined as events: disease progression, residual tumor at the end of chemoradiotherapy, colostomy or death, whichever comes first. Secondary endpoints are progression-free survival, proportion of complete response and adverse events. In the Phase II part of this study, a total of 65 patients will be enrolled from 42 institutions over 6 years. Key words: anal canal cancer – chemoradiotherapy – S-1 – mitomycin C – radiotherapy