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First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my supervisor, Associate Professor Cai Jianfei, for his persistent support and invaluable advice in my research and preparation of this report. It has been a great pleasure to have him as my supervisor. I would also like to express my gratitude to Associate Professor Zheng Jianmin, for his invaluable guidance, advice, and comments to my research. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to my fellow graduate students in the Center for Multimedia and Network Technology for the helpful discussions.
Highly detailed geometric models are rapidly becoming commonplace in computer graphics. These models, often represented as complex triangle meshes, challenge rendering performance, transmission bandwidth, and storage capacities. This paper introduces the progressive mesh (PM) representation, a new scheme for storing and transmitting arbitrary triangle meshes. This efficient, loss-less, continuous-resolution representation addresses several practical problems in graphics: smooth geomorphing of level-of-detail approximations, progressive transmission, mesh compression, and selective refinement. In addition, we present a new mesh simplification procedure for constructing a PM representation from an arbitrary mesh. The goal of this optimization procedure is to preserve not just the geometry of the original mesh, but more importantly its overall appearance as defined by its discrete and scalar appearance attributes such as material identifiers, color values, normals, and texture coordinates. We demonstrate construction of the PM representation and its applications using several practical models.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1983
First and foremost, I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Jean Gallier, for his guidance and advice throughout the entire execution of this thesis work. Jean also helped me become a lecturer at the CIS department during my last year of my PhD.
Journal of Computer Science, 2018
do Nascimento and Carlos Roberto Valêncio. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license.
Computers & Structures, 1988
Some recent efforts on the development of methods to ensun the robustness of automatic thracdimensional mesh generation techniques arc discuss& The topic arcas considered arc mesh entity classification, finite octrcc cell triangulation, and coarse mesh generation by element removal.
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
Parallel mesh generation is a relatively new research area between the boundaries of two scientific computing disciplines: computational geometry and parallel computing. In this chapter we present a survey of parallel unstructured mesh generation methods. Parallel mesh generation methods decompose the original mesh generation problem into smaller subproblems which are meshed in parallel. We organize the parallel mesh generation methods in terms of two basic attributes: (1) the sequential technique used for meshing the individual subproblems and (2) the degree of coupling between the subproblems. This survey shows that without compromising in the stability of parallel mesh generation methods it is possible to develop parallel meshing software using off-the-shelf sequential meshing codes. However, more research is required for the efficient use of the state-of-the-art codes which can scale from emerging chip multiprocessors (CMPs) to clusters built from CMPs.
Computer Graphics Forum, 2012
The constantly increasing complexity of polygonal models in interactive applications poses two major problems. First, the number of primitives that can be rendered at real-time frame rates is currently limited to a few million. Secondly, less than 45 million triangles-with vertices and normal-can be stored per gigabyte. Although the rendering time can be reduced using level-of-detail (LOD) algorithms, representing a model at different complexity levels, these often even increase memory consumption. Out-of-core algorithms solve this problem by transferring the data currently required for rendering from external devices. Compression techniques are commonly used because of the limited bandwidth. The main problem of compression and decompression algorithms is the only coarse-grained random access. A similar problem occurs in view-dependent LOD techniques. Because of the interdependency of split operations, the adaption rate is reduced leading to visible popping artefacts during fast movements. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for real-time view-dependent rendering of gigabyte-sized models. It is based on a neighbourhood dependency-free progressive mesh data structure. Using a per operation compression method, it is suitable for parallel random-access decompression and out-of-core memory management without storing decompressed data.
Meshes used in real-time applications are usually composed of sub-meshes which contain vertices with different sets of attributes. This kind of mesh cannot be used directly in the current graphics pipeline architecture because meshes for interactive applications usually duplicate vertices to ensure that every vertex has a single set of attributes. This fact causes apparently contiguous surfaces to be split
The paper presents MeshLab, an open source, extensible, mesh processing system that has been developed at the Visual Computing Lab of the ISTI-CNR with the helps of tens of students. We will describe the MeshLab architecture, its main features and design objectives discussing what strategies have been used to support its development. Various examples of the practical uses of MeshLab in research and professional frameworks are reported to show the various capabilities of the presented system.
Due to the rapid evolution of 3D acquisition and modeling methods highly complex and detailed models became ubiquitous. In order to be able to cope with the complexity, concentrated efforts were dedicated to the development of new mesh decimation methods in the recent years. In works of Garland and Heckbert [Garland and Heckbert 1997] and Popović and Hoppe [Popović and Hoppe 1997], the traditional edge contraction operator was generalized to vertex contraction, which allowed for topology modification during the decimation. The vertex contraction facilitates the joining of originally disconnected regions of the mesh by contracting vertices lying in different connected components of the model. While this operation provides considerable topological flexibility during the mesh simplification, in some cases joining of disconnected regions might be desirable only along the boundaries of the model. As a combination of two already available techniques, we present a mesh decimation technique allowing for increased control over topology changes induced by the decimation process. Our method proceeds in essence by applying two types of operators: the well known edge contraction and the vertex-edge contraction introduced recently by Borodin et al [Borodin et al. n. d.]. This facilitates efficient mesh simplification and gradual closing of gaps along the boundaries of the model. The process is controlled by a geometric error and since inverse operations may be implemented for both of the operators, it is conducted in a progressive manner.
Computer Graphics Forum, 2011
Advances in Engineering Software (1978), 1979
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement:
ACM Multimedia Conference, 2007
D triangular mesh is becoming an increasingly important data type for networked applications such as digital museums, online games, and virtual worlds. In these applications, a multi-resolution rep- resentation is typically desired for streaming large 3D meshes, al- lowing for incremental rendering at the viewers while data is still being transmitted. Such progressive coding, however, introduces dependencies between data. This
Abstract: This paper describes an approach to construct unstructured tetrahedral and hexa-hedral meshes for a domain with multiple materials. We have developed an octree-based iso-contouring method to construct unstructured 3D meshes for a single material domain. Based on it, we analyze each material change edge instead of sign change edge to figure out in-terfaces between two materials, and mesh each material region with conforming boundaries. Two kinds of surfaces, the boundary surface and the interface between two different material regions, are meshed and distinguished. Both material change edges and interior edges are an-alyzed to construct tetrahedral meshes, and interior grid points are analyzed for hexahedral mesh construction. Finally the edge-contraction and smoothing method is used to improve the quality of tetrahedral meshes, and a combination of pillowing, geometric flow and optimiza-tion techniques are used for hexahedral mesh quality improvement. The shrink set is def...
In this paper we present a way of integrating a number of di erent views taken by a range nder in order to create a single surface m o del. This model consists of a mesh of triangular planar patches which can be e asily and e ciently rendered o n g r aphics hardware. Our method i s b ased on the marching cubes algorithm which was created for rendering volumetric medical data. Our approach is e cient, incremental and relatively simple to implement. We demonstrate its application on a number of range views of an o ce environment.
2009 11th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 2009
Fast and efficient streaming of detailed 3D model over lossy network has long been a challenge, although progressive compression techniques were proposed long time ago. One reason is that packet loss occurring in unreliable networks is highly unpredictable, and leads to connectivity inconsistency and distortions. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a receiver-based loss tolerance scheme based on a prediction technique. Our method works without introducing protection bits and retransmission. We stream mesh refinement data on reliable and unreliable networks separately so as to reduce the transmission delay as well as to obtain a satisfactory decompression result. The tests indicate that the decompression is completed quickly, suggesting that it is a practical solution. Moreover, the proposed prediction technique achieves a good approximation of the original mesh with low distortion.
Springer eBooks, 2022
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
To provide simulation software in the field of TCAD with the utmost flexibility regarding generation and adaptation of meshes, a generic and high-quality meshing library, ViennaMesh, has been developed. The library is coded in C++ and utilizes modern programming techniques to wrap tasks, like mesh generation and mesh adaptation, into functional objects, which can then be concatenated to form the desired meshing process. Additionally, a meta-selection environment provides the ability to select a mesh generation kernel based on properties already defined at compile time. Code examples are depicted and briefly discussed. Moreover, several enhancements to existing mesh adaptation methods have been made, which are demonstrated based on meshes provided by industrial partners.
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