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Comit: Communication, Information and Technology Journal
12 pages
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Domestic library cooperation network is intended as a type of network that occurs in libraries so that cooperative relationships between other libraries are established in an effort to fulfill what is needed by users so that they can satisfy users and the purpose of library services can be achieved. The method used to carry out this research is to conduct a literature study which is further developed in a qualitative descriptive form so that the contents of the journal will provide a more in-depth explanation. The results of the study explain that it is necessary to implement a collaboration network between libraries in either conventional or digital form. Keywords: network, cooperation, library
Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
Domestic library cooperation network is intended as a type of network that occurs in libraries so that cooperative relationships between other libraries are established in an effort to fulfill what is needed by users so that they can satisfy users and the purpose of library services can be achieved. The method used to carry out this research is to conduct a literature study which is further developed in a qualitative descriptive form so that the contents of the journal will provide a more in-depth explanation. The results of the study explain that it is necessary to implement a collaboration network between libraries in either conventional or digital form. Keywords: network, cooperation, library
El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
The library is a place of knowledge in which there are many forms of collection, both printed and digital. However, as a forum, it is necessary for the library to strive to meet the needs of its users in terms of providing information, but due to the inability to provide any information needed, it is necessary to collaborate with one library with another library. The research method was carried out using a qualitative method along with a literature study so that several sources were collected that had similar titles with this work. Keyword: network, cooperation, library
merupakan suatu mata kuliah yang memiliki muatan materi tentang kerja sama bidang perpustakaan yang berkaitan pula dengan informasi, yang perlu dipelajari oleh mahasiswa atau calon pustakawan atau bahkan pustakawan itu sendiri dalam upaya memahami konsep serta aplikasi kerja sama perpustakaan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Dengan mempelajari mata kuliah ini diharapkan dapat berdampak pada kualitas layanan yang diberikan perpustakaan kepada para pemustakanya. Mata Kuliah dengan kode PUST4316/JARINGAN KERJA SAMA PERPUSTAKAAN DAN INFORMASI ini berisi pokok bahasan yang berkaitan dengan konsep jaringan kerja sama perpustakaan yang menyangkut pula dengan materi tentang informasi yang membahas pengertian, tipologi, struktur jaringan kerja sama. Selain konsep dasar, mata kuliah ini juga membahas mengenai bentuk-bentuk kerja sama perpustakaan yang terdiri atas kerja sama pelayanan teknis dan kerja sama pelayanan pemustaka. Kerja sama pelayanan teknis meliputi pengatalogan, pengadaan, pelestarian bahan pustaka, dan lain-lain yang bersifat teknis. Sementara itu, kerja sama pelayanan pemustaka meliputi pemberian jasa informasi, pinjam antar perpustakaan, pendidikan dan pelatihan serta beberapa pelayanan teknis lainnya. Materi jaringan kerja sama perpustakaan ini juga membahas mengenai sarana kerja sama perpustakaan berikut kendala yang dihadapi. Dalam modul ini juga, akan dibahas mengenai sistem perpustakaan terintegrasi yang menyangkut konsep dan aplikasi jaringan komputer di perpustakaan, jaringan kerja sama perpustakaan, baik di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Pembahasan lain adalah mengenai jaringan digital yang meliputi pengertian, fungsi, dan ragam digital network. Modul ini juga mengulas perkembangan jaringan kerja sama perpustakaan yang berbasis elektronik, seperti digital network, institutional repository, library web base sampai pada open akses sebagai media kegiatan jaringan kerja sama perpustakaan. Melalui mata kuliah ini diharapkan pembaca khususnya mahasiswa S1 Perpustakaan mempunyai kemampuan untuk menguasai pengetahuan dan menjelaskannya kembali mengenai teori jaringan kerja sama perpustakaan yang berbasis pada komputer. Selengkapnya modul ini berisi tentang: M brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
In order to realize library services that are carried out in an excellent and user-oriented manner, library collaboration is carried out. This library collaboration serves to provide wider access to collections, improve user and technical services, and increase activities in various resources. Technological developments have an impact on document products and the content of information contained in them varies. In addition to the library network, there is also an information network whose members do not limited to the library, but also information units outside the library such as documentation centers, data banks, information analysis centers, and referral centers. Here we discuss the UISU library collaboration network. Keywords: library collaboration, technological developments
Cooperation and networking systems of public libraries that can be accessed by every citizen is very significant in order to generate energy in pursuing a success. It facilitates vast access toward collection, improving user and technical services, increasing activities in resources sharing, decresing duplication, and creating an efficient service. Some aspects should be considered in creating a fondation to achieve the establishment of cooperation and networking in public libraries environment.
Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
In order to produce energy in the pursuit of achievement, public libraries that are open to all citizens must collaborate and network. It enables broad access to collection, better user and technical services, increased resource sharing activities, decreased duplication, and the creation of an effective service. In order to achieve the establishment of collaboration and networking in the setting of public libraries, a foundation should take a number of factors into account. Keywords: Public Library, Library Cooperation, Library Networking
Jurnal Pustaka Ilmiah, 2019
Internal problems among the human resources in each library must exist. To achieve service excellence and superior library requires cooperation. Cooperation among individuals there is a need of every library. Solid team work is the key to success in managing the library. The practice of cooperation among individuals in the library can be assessed based on aspects of social relations and the exchange of knowledge.
David Wood di pusat dokumentasai perpustakaan British telah mengembangkan beberapa model diagram yang menunjukan situasi kerjasama antar perpustakaan. Berikut model-model tersebut yaitu,...
Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
The level of interest in reading in Indonesia is now very low, libraries were created to meet the needs of the community in finding information, all forms of programs were created to restore and improve people's reading, Indonesia and Malaysia publish as many as 5000 books per year, this indicates that Indonesia's population is so large but so little in their interest in reading, the library needs cooperation in developing the library, it is necessary to create a library network that can encourage people's interest in literacy. Keywords: Library Cooperation, International Library Network.
AL Maktabah
Artikel ini mendiskripsikan tentang kerjasama antar perpustakaan perguruan tinggi sebagai upaya peningkatan layanan pengguna. Pengguna Perpustakaan memiliki kebutuhan informasi yang beragam, hal ini yang mendorong perpustakaan melakukan berbagai macam cara alternatif agar bisa memenuhi kebutuhannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian dari artikel terpilih menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan kolaboratif berupa silang layan dan Resource Sharing merupakan kolaborasi yang umumnya dilakukan oleh perpustakaan universitas pada penelitian ini. Tujuan dari kerjasama tersebut yaitu memenuhi kebutuhan pemustaka dalam mendapatkan informasi atau bahan pustaka yang dibutuhkan, peningkatan layanan perpustakaan, promosi, Akreditasi dan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. Terdapat hambatan dalam kerjasama perpustakaan yaitu terjadi kesenjangan antar perpustakaan anggota, kurangnya koleksi, SDM yang kurang memadai serta penguasaan teknologi yang masih kurang, k...
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El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Jurnal Ilmiah Muqoddimah : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik, dan Humaniora
Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
Warta Perpustakaan Nasional, 2019
Ilmu Informasi Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan, 2023
Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting
LIBRARIA: Jurnal Perpustakaan, 2017
El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
ABDI PUSTAKA: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi
El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Al-Kuttab : Jurnal Kajian Perpustakaan, Informasi dan Kearsipan