Collapse of tall buildings in multi-storey fires

2008, Fire Safety Science

Developments in design methodologies and practices for structures in fire has for the last decade focussed on the horizontal stability of structures in fire. In this field there have been a number of developments of significance including the acceptance of membrane action as a viable load carrying mechanism under the large vertical displacements of floor systems which often occur during a fire. This research has focussed on two scenarios-simply supported floor systems and laterally restrained floor systems. Despite the large horizontal forces which the supporting structure must resist as a result of the adoption of these mechanisms in addition to the original vertical mechanical forces which were applied, very little research has been carried out into the consequences to the surrounding structure of the adoption of these mechanisms. These consequences were illustrated sharply by the collapse of the world trade centre twin towers on September the 11 th 2001, where fires which raged inside of two tall steel structures ultimately brought about their collapse.