Thoracophagus conjoined twin: A case report

Medical Science


Conjoined twins are a relatively uncommon congenital anomaly with a significant mortality and morbidity rate. Twins who are conjoined are the thoracopagus variation is one of the most common types of conjoined twins, in which the fusion is anterior, at the chest and affects the heart. We describe a case of a 19 years old primigravida who delivered conjoined twins by thoracopagus. A pregnant woman who had reached full cervical dilatation was admitted to the delivery room. She had an ultrasound, which revealed bigeminal pregnancy with two breech-presented foetuses that were perhaps conjoined twins. The foetus' dimensions determined by ultrasound corresponded to a gestational age of 22 weeks. The first foetus' heart rate was roughly 40 beats per minute, while the second foetus' heart rate was imperceptible. She delivered herself by manually extracting the foetuses. Unable to show any signs of life, one male and one female foetus were delivered. The cause of death was determined by autopsy to be thoracophagus.