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1996, 2nd International Symposium on Real-Time and …
Offline (cyclic executive) and online preemptive, priority-based scheduling are not exclusive options but rather complementary techniques that can be combined to improve analytically verifiable schedulability. Selective offline scheduling of periodic tasks improves online ...
Non-preemptive real-time scheduling and the corresponding schedulability analyses have received considerable less attention in the research community, compared to preemptive real-time scheduling. However, nonpreemptive scheduling is widely used in industry, especially in the case of hard real-time systems where missing deadlines leads to catastrophic situations and where resources must not be wasted. In many industries such as avionics tasks may have strict periods, i.e. the start times of their executions must be separated by a fixed period. Indeed, this strict periodicity is generally required by sensors and actuators which may have accurate periods.
In this report we present an annotated bibliography of research work relating to real-time scheduling of tasks. Special emphasis is placed on the different off-line and on-line schedulability testing algorithms for hard, firm and soft real-time tasks. Each proposed algorithm is presented and analyzed in terms of asymptotic time and space complexity. Algorithms are critically examined, when there is sufficient information, with respect to pragmatic issues and hidden overheads in implementation. Both fixed-priority and dynamic-priority methods are presented and analyzed.
Partial answers have been provided in the real-time literature to the question whether preemptive systems are better than non-preemptive systems. This question has been investigated by many authors according to several points of view and it still remains open. Compared to preemptive real-time scheduling, non-preemptive real-time scheduling and the corresponding schedulability analyses have received considerable less attention in the research community. However, non-preemptive scheduling is widely used in industry, and it may be preferable to preemptive scheduling for numerous reasons. This approach is specially well suited in the case of hard real-time systems on the one hand where missing deadlines leads to catastrophic situations, and on the other hand where resources must not be wasted. In this paper, we firstly present the non-preemptive model of task with strict period, then we propose a schedulability condition for a set of such tasks, and finally we give a scheduling heuristic based on this condition.
Modern real-time systems have to be adaptable and flexible to deal with non-periodic events, requiring a means of checking for schedulability during execution time. Thus, online schedulability tests are a fundamental building block in the design of such systems. Usually, when such tests are carried out at time t they either consider or not future events that occur after t. Those that take such events into consideration are based on previously derived offline scheduling. Otherwise, they focus only on the jobs that are active at t. Unlike these usual approaches, we describe in this paper two online tests that verify schedulability within a given time interval [t, t ) so that future event occurrences are considered but bounded within the interval. The tests are proved correct and are evaluated by simulation. * This work has been funded by CNPq (grant 475851/2006-4), CAPES (PROCAD) and FAPESB (grants 7630/2006 and 3381/2005).
IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA, 2006
Classical off-line approaches based on preemption such as RM (Rate Monotonic), DM (Deadline Monotonic), EDF (Earliest Deadline First), LLF (Least Laxity First), etc, give schedulability conditions but most of the time assuming on the one hand that all the tasks are independent, and on the other hand, that the first instances of all tasks are released at the same time. We are interested in hard real-time systems subject to precedence and strict periodicity constraints, i.e. such that for all instances of each task, the release time and start time are equal. For such systems, it is mandatory to satisfy these constraints. In this paper we give non-schedulability conditions in order to restrict the study field of all systems of tasks to only potentially schedulable systems.
Real-Time Systems Symposium, …, 1999
This paper proposes e cient scheduling algorithms for the joint scheduling of hard aperiodic, sporadic and periodic real time tasks, in systems based on preemptive, xed-priority dispatching. Our scheme guarantees or rejects hard aperiodic real time tasks without any prior knowledge of their attributes, by managing the idle processor capacity dynamically. The method assigns xed priorities to periodic tasks based on the Deadline Monotonic (DM) scheme and analyzes their schedule o -line. We derive closed form solutions for the idle processor capacity process Z(t) within a schedule. In the absence of pending dynamic tasks, periodic tasks execute in their earliest possible schedule S F , called the Fixed-Priority First (FPF). Upon the arrival of a non-periodic task Ja, the scheduler directly determines its admissibility, based on closed form equation of the available processor time in the current schedule, until the deadline of Ja. If Ja cannot be guaranteed under FPF, the scheduler evaluates the idle processor capacity of an alternative schedule S L , where periodic tasks are delayed to execute at their latest possible times, called the Latest Deadline Last (LDL). If LDL o ers su cient idle capacity, the scheduler switches all periodic tasks from FPF to LDL, assigns Ja the lowest priority and admits it into the system. Otherwise, it immediately rejects Ja. We develop the theoretical framework and derive e cient algorithms to compute the idle processors capacity Z(a; b) within a time interval a; b], and maintain it when the schedule is adjusted. The algorithms can also reclaim unused capacity from guaranteed tasks. Our admission control procedure has computational complexity (n) when the non-periodic task queue is serviced in FIFO order, with n periodic tasks. Previously proposed methods have pseudopolynomial time and space complexity. Experimental results show that with n = 160 periodic tasks, the actual computation time for the admission control procedure is less than 90 -secs on a SUN Ultra-Sparc I, 143MHz machine and less than 30 -secs on a SGI Origin 2000, 250MHz workstation. Experiments on well known task sets show overheads which are below 10 -secs even for the slowest machine. The proposed methodology easily extends to algorithms that minimize total task tardiness and number of tardy tasks.
Information Processing Letters, 2006
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
In this paper, main scheduling algorithms for hard real-time systems (RTSs) have been investigated that include both uni and multi processors schemes. It provides the summary of schedulability analysis and well-known attributes. This paper composed of two parts; first part surveyed the basic hard RTS scheduling algorithms that guarantee the on-time completion of the tasks. Second part contains the different heuristic and partitioned approaches for some specific factors of real-time systems such as energy consumption, dependability, performance, scheduling feasibility and utilization of memory resource. Finally, the analysis and evaluation of the mentioned methods are shown based on the schedulability of task sets and efficiency.
When dealing with soft real-time tasks with highly variable execution times in open systems, an approach that is becoming popular is to use feedback scheduling techniques to dynamically adapt the bandwidth reserved to each task. According to this model, each task is assigned an adaptive reservation, with a variable budget and a constant period. The response times of the jobs of the task are monitored and if different from expected (i.e. much larger or much shorter than the task relative deadline), a feedback control law adjusts the reservation budget accordingly. However, when the feedback law algorithm demands an increase of the reservation budget, the system must run a schedulability test to check if there is enough spare bandwidth to accommodate such increase. The schedulability test must be very efficient, as it may be performed at each budget update, i.e. potentially at each instance of a task.
Solving a scheduling problem consists in finding an initial solution able to model all the complex constraints that relate the problem activities. Moreover, the solving process should be necessarily considered as propaedeutic for the next phase of any schedule's life: its execution in the real world. The inherent unpredictability of real working environments poses serious difficulties to which the scheduling community normally responds by (1) introducing methodologies that tend to increase schedule robustness (off-line phase, proactive approach), and by developing fast-reaction techniques to be employed during schedule execution (on-line phase, reactive approach).
We propose a model oriented scheduling methodology for highly coupled real time applications. We show that variations in the computation times of tasks may hazard the safeness of the controlled process. For the sake of reliability we take conditional instructions of tasks' code explicitly into account, in order to reduce the potential failures. We fisrt adapt the task's temporal model
2008 Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 2008
Task period adaptations are often used to alleviate temporal overload conditions in real-time systems. Existing frameworks assume that only task periods are adjustable and that task deadlines remain unchanged at all times. This paper formally introduces a more general real-time task model where task deadlines, which are less than or equal to task periods, are functions of task periods. This tight coupling between task deadlines and task periods has been discussed in a recent work in control systems and presents a novel real-time scheduling challenge. To solve the period and deadline selection problem, this article identifies a feasible period-deadline combination and proposes a heuristic, which iteratively adjusts task periods and deadlines in such a way that the task set becomes schedulable. Experimental results show that the heuristic finds a solution to the period and deadline selection problem over 73% of the time, using less than three search iterations. When it is unable to find a solution to the problem, the heuristic requires less than 0.02s to run in the worstcase (with at most 100 search iterations).
Proceedings. 2003 International Symposium on System-on-Chip (IEEE Cat. No.03EX748), 2003
Real-time systems are growing in complexity and realtime and soft real-time applications are becoming common in general-purpose computing environments. Thus, there is a growing need for scheduling solutions that simultaneously support processes with a variety of different timeliness constraints. Toward this goal we have developed the Resource Allocation/Dispatching (RAD) integrated scheduling model and the Rate-Based Earliest Deadline (RBED) integrated multi-class real-time scheduler based on this model. We present RAD and the RBED scheduler and formally prove the correctness of the operations that RBED employs. We then describe our implementation of RBED and present results demonstrating how RBED simultaneously and seamlessly supports hard real-time, soft real-time, and best-effort processes.
This report addresses the problem of scheduling for real-time systems that include both hard and soft tasks. In order to capture the relative importance of soft tasks and how the quality of results is affected when missing a soft deadline, we use utility functions associated to soft tasks. Thus the aim is to find the execution order of tasks that makes the total utility maximum and guarantees hard deadlines. We consider intervals rather than fixed execution times for tasks. Since a purely off-line solution is too pessimistic and a purely on-line approach incurs an unacceptable overhead due to the high complexity of the problem, we propose a quasi-static approach where a number of schedules are prepared at design-time and the decision of which of them to follow is taken at run-time based on the actual execution times. We propose an exact algorithm as well as different heuristics for the problem addressed in this report.
Asian Journal of Control, 2008
A scheduling technique is presented to minimize service delay of aperiodic tasks in hard real-time systems that employ dynamic-priority scheduling and do not allow task preemption. In a real-time scheduling process, the execution of periodic tasks can be deferred as long as this does not cause other tasks to violate their time constraints. However, aperiodic tasks that usually have urgent missions should complete execution as early as possible. In this paper, it is assumed that aperiodic tasks also have time constraints. Thus, the problem of deciding whether an aperiodic task with an unpredictable arrival time can be scheduled successfully or not is difficult to solve because delaying periodic tasks may cause them to fail to meet their time constraints. We present a dynamic scheduling technique to solve this problem which makes use of the symmetric property of a schedule. The maximum possible idle slot is always reserved at every scheduling point so that aperiodic tasks can be serviced immediately if the reserved idle slot is big enough to service them. The proposed technique also maximizes utilization of idle slots by reserving them for the longest possible time span.
Journal of Systems and Software
This paper presents the Clearing Fund Protocol, a three layered protocol designed to schedule soft real-time sets of precedence related tasks with shared resources. These sets are processed in an open dynamic environment. Open because new applications may enter the system ...
International …, 2011
Abstract: For real-time applications, task scheduling is a problem of paramount importance. Several scheduling algorithms were proposed in the literature, starting from static scheduling or cyclic executives which provide very deterministic yet inflexible behaviour, ...
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